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Ok I now know why I like Larxene so much now!!!

Marluxa is cool .... Only real men can look tough and have pink hair....

Ok I now know why I like Larxene so much now!!!

Marluxa is cool .... Only real men can look tough and have pink hair....

I like Larxene so much cause she's a super bitch!!!

I love her for that!!! If she had long hair i'd claim her.

Im getting it for chrismas but for now im watching a playthrough of it!!!

Im mad though cause I wanted more time to be with her though.

But I realized mostly everyone who went to castle Oblivion was an asshole!!!

You just noticed. >_>
Yea ...

I didnt realize that that till yesterday...

But sense when were you in canda, and why didnt you tell me!!!

What does living in Canada have to do with anything?
Because you use to live in America right?

So that means you get to se new sites and stuff

Look at the diffrent cultures

Exerience new things and all that stuff but thats only if you havent been living there...


I've lived in Canada my whole life. >_>
Oh sorry then...

I completely didnt notice that...

But im on the last 2 parts of the playthrough and the games pretty sad though...

(Cant believe Axel got mad :o)

But I wish I had layed this before Kingdom hearts 2 because it would have made it so epic

No it wouldn't have been. >_>

I've beaten the game already....

In my opoinon it would!!!

Are at least make Kingdom hearts 2 more wantable then this one to me.

Does it look that good though cause then I cant wait till chrismas then!

The graphics are pretty good for a DS game.

One thing I would complain about are the missions.

It would spoil the surprise if they had this first. >_>

Yea but do the cutsceens look like on the playstation are something.

They said it gets repetitive going to the smae place over and over again.

Have you witnessed the multiply player yourself.

Can you play 3 with 3 people without any lag?


Not really just go to different missions in different worlds.

Not yet but if you are close enough you won't have any lag.

okay thanks ... I cant wait to get it now...

Well anyway I cant wait for birth by sleep so I can see at the nobodies true selves!!!

I want to see Larxene Xigbars and the others

I want to see Lea too cause Axels one of my favorites

Good get it.

Birth By Sleep is for PSP, you do know that right?

And it's not going to come out for a while.

Each member has its pros and cons.

Yea, I know

Im not tha dumb you know

Yea but I still dont know what was so bad about letting them get there own hearts...

I dont even remeber what bad things they did...

Remeber I haven't played KH2 sense forever

Research go NOW!!! >_>;;;
Aww do I have to ... But I guess ill do sense you completely messed the time to completely nail me.


Wow Lol am done now...

The organization was a little evil but thats probable cause of the people who were in charge.

Some people arnt even close to evil though *cough Demxy Cough*

But they did do dark things though ... most

But doing whatever it takes to get something, no matter how many people you hurt with out caring can go under evil...
Yeah but I would love to have the power of a nobody


Ansem lus X


You want to be MANSEX? >_>
O_O no thats the leaders name Mansex

My name would be

Trex yeah I like that!!! My nickname

Tremaine plus x


Good for you.

I personally want to keep my heart.:mellow:

The N is silent...

I dont want one, theres no point once I lost it I will lose all the pains it comes with it!!!

Plus I dont understand the ending cause if KH realesed the hearts to thier owners doesnt that mean the nobodies should have got there hearts back...

Cause if yes the Mansex completely fooled them

You would not be able to feel anything then.:mellow:

When the Hearts are released they become more heartless.

Once separated from your body (Heartless and Nobody) the Heartless becomes random, and the Nobody becomes a slave to the human like Nobodies.:mellow:

So then I would kill everybody I didnt like and wouldnt care ... heh (evil sneeker)

But how is a heartless created... ( tremaine prophisses the Astra will say >_> reshearch)

Yes but the hearts go to there rightful owners right?

Cause when a person loses there hearts they become a nobody

So if the hearts returned to there owner they go to the nobody then they revert to thier somebody right?

Nevermind I just remember

Heartless are created from the hearts that are separated.

They become a Nobody yes.


@_@ Research some more.

Could you just tell me the parts I need to know that why I dont have to research random stuff to I finnialy luckly stumble apawn what I need ...

Right now im researching about ansem...

This will help your research skills

And I don't remember everything 100% anyway. =P

I just want answer for the things I asked.

I dont want you to go out of your way to tell me everything

I just don't remember everything that's all.
Okay but can you tell me what happens to the body after the heart is taken away?

Okay then answer this if the heart goes back to the original body but the nobody is made from the body that doesnt have the heart, then where does the heart go

It becomes an empty shell also known as a nobody.:mellow:

The heart goes to the worlds heart.

1.Okay just making sure

But when sura relished KH did the hearts go to the nobodies?

Nope when Kh went boom all the Hearts went back to Heartless form.

So hearts turn into heartless?

Jk well we'll finish this conversation tommorow after I study some more about heartless bye

Yup that's about it. Bye.


Edited by AstraLunaSol
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Eh. At least it was about Kingdom Hearts this time. That made it somewhat more tolerable. :/

But the grammar and lack of knowledge killed my brain. ._.

It's stupidity at it's finest. >_>

Don't tell me you expected otherwise.

Point taken.

Now to finish four pages of homework, and read till 450 of the FE4 Thread. :awesome:

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Eh. At least it was about Kingdom Hearts this time. That made it somewhat more tolerable. :/

But the grammar and lack of knowledge killed my brain. ._.

And obviously you only see the whole beings of the original 6 of Organization XIII. That much as been confirmed. >_>

Damned Axel fanboys. ._.

You only see:








Some research HE did. XD

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Eh. At least it was about Kingdom Hearts this time. That made it somewhat more tolerable. :/

I stopped at Super Bitch.

When he posted that I was thinking "This won't be good. >_>"

Eh. At least it was about Kingdom Hearts this time. That made it somewhat more tolerable. :/

But the grammar and lack of knowledge killed my brain. ._.

And obviously you only see the whole beings of the original 6 of Organization XIII. That much as been confirmed. >_>

Damned Axel fanboys. ._.

You only see:








Some research HE did. XD


That's why they were the original founding members.....

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Then again.. Big Bang has one too :|

Edited by Roxas
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