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HEY MUMU! Srs wants to play SF 3 online with you. You in?

That sounds fun, but I think I'll pass for now. I don't want to embarrass myself.

She's a kid with a grown woman's VA, what do you want out of her?

A decent voice. Though I guess she could be worse.

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This one is longer. And I do hate everything about Tohru. :awesome:

My biggest complain though is about Tohru Honda's character. Before anything else, I just want to make it clear that I do not hate Tohru Honda. I have been an anime lover for years and I've never hated a villain or any female anime character. I've never disliked Yanagi of Flame of Recca even when all she could do is cry and say Recca's name. I am the type who would defend Haruko of Slam Dunk with all my might because some didn't like her just because she likes Rukawa Kaede. I do not hate Rukawa's fangirls or Yuki's fangirls. I look at them like humans, with desires and longings and faults and all.

However, I am very disturbed by Tohru's character. She is so unreal. It is very obvious that she was plucked out of a girl's fantasy of being around beautiful men and being swooned over and yet very innocent about it. Now, even Yanagi and Haruko got to be surrounded by bishonens (beautiful men). What makes Tohru so different is that she is so perfect, so perfect that it makes me cringe. At 16, she is pretty, kind, goes to school and works as a cleaner aside from being a housekeeper at the Sohma house. At the Sohma house, she cleans, cooks, do laundry, wash dishes, etc, etc that you would wonder why she still has time to have friends. She smiles all the time and knows how to say the right words at the right time. EVERYBODY LIKES HER! Are you cringing yet? Almost every character in the anime would change their outlook just because they were touched by this kind and innocent looking girl. Take note that those characters are damaged in some way and yet they found some solace in her. Talk about ego.

Rules were bent just to accommodate her. Every outsider's memories were erased but she was spared. Why? Who knows? Even the heartless Akito was touched by her sentimentality. It is not clear if it was because she is pretty and kind. How would the Sohmas know that she won't betray them? Because she is perfect!

I just didn't like the portrayal of Tohru Honda's character. What kind of anime creator would make a girl take her dead mother's picture to the hot springs so that they could bathe together?

Not only Tohru Honda is a typical Mary Sue, she is also a typical big-eyed, short-skirted high school girl.

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Vampire Knight = Good

The main character (female lead) = Badbadbad

She is a doormat. She puts herself up as the damsel in distress. She's a Tohru Honda.

Vampire Knight is the manga version of Twilight.

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Vampire Knight = Good

The main character (female lead) = Badbadbad

She is a doormat. She puts herself up as the damsel in distress. She's a Tohru Honda.

Vampire Knight is the manga version of Twilight.

So you're saying Vampire Knight is one of the worst mangas ever made, then?

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Vampire Knight = Good

The main character (female lead) = Badbadbad

She is a doormat. She puts herself up as the damsel in distress. She's a Tohru Honda.

Vampire Knight is the manga version of Twilight.

So you're saying Vampire Knight is one of the worst mangas ever made, then?

Not really one of the worst. But it still provide pure lulz for me.

The art is just to sparkly for my taste.

Edited by Fia
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Oh dear. I hope there won't be any more comments.


Ignore those comments?

Anyway, the last comment from Tremaine in my profile is lol.

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Oh dear. I hope there won't be any more comments.

I think I just figured out the source of your "mysterious" annoyance: Tremaine.

Not only him, I think...

Anyway, the last comment from Tremaine in my profile is lol.

Mrs. Fia???

The guy thinks you're married???

: >

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Vampire Knight is the manga version of Twilight.

The main character can ruin a decent series.

Not really one of the worst. But it still provide pure lulz for me.

The art is just to sparkly for my taste.

The art turned me away for a good while.

I still won't touch Code Geass.

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Ignore those comments?

Anyway, the last comment from Tremaine in my profile is lol.

I have a hard time ignoring comments. :|

Mrs. Fia? Ahahaha

I think I just figured out the source of your "mysterious" annoyance: Tremaine.

Nah. He isn't annoying enough to cause the sort of irritation I felt earlier.

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Vampire Knight is the manga version of Twilight.

The main character can ruin a decent series.


But Kaname and Zero aren't that good either.


Ignore those comments?

Anyway, the last comment from Tremaine in my profile is lol.

I have a hard time ignoring comments. :|

Mrs. Fia? Ahahaha


Awesome no~?

I think I just figured out the source of your "mysterious" annoyance: Tremaine.

Nah. He isn't annoying enough to cause the sort of irritation I felt earlier.

Oujay and Fox too?

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This is the fairest rating I could find among the bashers and the fangirls.

I agree.


Some aspects of the setup I liked. A school divided by day class human students and night class vampires was interesting. I might have really liked the human heroine who patrols the grounds and night, making sure the vampires are keeping in line, except...Yuki was TOTALLY lame. Episode after episode was just her chasing after Zero, getting herself into danger, being protected, and then feeling guilty. The "story" was really weak, literally. The characters didn't grow, events didn't build up into a striking climax, and what resolution there was was contrived. In addition, it was very much one of those animes annoyingly full of meaningful, melodramatic gazes and characters saying each others' names in quiet, tortured voices.


The art was all right. Yuki, Kaname, and Zero were designed pretty well. The other vampires were pretty lame though, just a bunch of generic bishounen. There really wasn't a single image that jumped out at me as being special. Most shows at least have one really pretty sunset or something, but this one didn't. And I found Yuki's absolutely massive eyes irritating. I've seen a lot of anime by now so I'm used to the huge eyes, but hers actually distracted me at times. Maybe because the story had so little pull.


Good soundtrack. Lots of classical, which I enjoyed, and I like both the intro and ending songs.


Probably the characters are what I disliked the most. Yuki was an extremely boring protagonist. She carried around a cool-looking staff that seems to have magical properties, but never once used it well. Usually, she'd just bring it out only to drop it when someone said something upsetting or when she tripped. She was then promptly rescued by Kaname or Zero. Maybe the next season will explain why she is in the middle of all of this, but I think season one should give the heroine SOME value. Sure, she was very generous with Zero, but I hate shoujo heroines who only stand out because they're SO good at being martyrs. As for the other characters, they were equally tedious. Zero spent most of his time wanting to die. Kaname constantly rescued Yuki, yet never explained her importance to him. A little mystery is good, but too much "she's so precious to me but I won't say why" gets boring and annoying. The "villain" only appeared at the very end, and I found their behavior inconsistent and what happened to them way too abrupt and anticlimactic.


I might've adored this show, if Yuki hadn't been such a weakling. What I usually enjoy in anime shows is watching the protagonist learn and grow. It's okay if the protagonist starts out ordinary or weak, so long as they become stronger. Yuki really didn't, though. Kaname kept protecting her without explaining anything. Zero usually pushed her away and also refused to share things. She had a big heart, but I like heroines who're genuinely strong, not just good at sacrificing themselves. Sorry, but anyone can say, "Bite me."


Maybe this is a good show for teenage girls, but I think anyone who just finished Ouran Host Club or Hana Yori Dango or other such shows will be disappointed by the heroine. Most shoujo is so entertaining because the heroines are so intelligent, or plucky, or independent. Yuki was none of those things and that made for pretty dull watching. Of course, fangirls who just want to see a cute big-eyed girl get bitten by various bishounen will still love it.

I must read volumes 32++ now.

Edited by Chalis
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Oujay and Fox too?

Fox isn't annoying in the least. Oujay... maybe. It's kind of strange having random people on the internet telling me to get more sleep.

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