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At first, you (Katsuya) are in the middle of the park with a beer, ready to give up on your pathetic life. Suddenly, this strange gothic fellow (Mr. R) approaches you, and appears to know about how bad of a businessman you are. He says he has an item that can help you, and gives you a pair of glasses that are supposed to turn you into a victorious king. However, the glasses are only a loan, and you can only have them for three months.

Though you're skeptical, you take the glasses anyway. The moment you put them on, your head gets foggy, and the next thing you know, you wake up in bed with a typical bishie-boy teenager. After recollecting your thoughts, you recall fragmented memories of luring this boy from a bar, and taking him to a hotel where you then violate him. The boy gives you an odd look, then departs. Realizing you have work at Kikuchi Marketing, you shrug it off and head to the company with the glasses in your coat pocket. Once there, your friend Honda presents a poster of a new commodity that is to be released soon, a women's drink known as Protofiber (Purotofaiba). He had sort of stolen the poster in a way, so the drink is not being sold by any company yet. Honda then suggests that your company, Kikuchi Marketing, be the one to sell the item. Your section chief, Katagiri, then informs you that you must first settle the matter with director Midou of MGN, the company who handles that sort of thing.

Midou coldly invites you into his office, and after a long persuasive argument given by Honda as to why Kikuchi should sell Protofiber, he refuses the offer. (He's also puzzled as to how you know about Protofiber in the first place...) Before Midou calls security, you recall the glasses in your pocket and put them on in hopes that you will transform into what Mr. R promised. Normal!Katsuya then transforms into Megane!Katsuya and is able to forcibly persuade Midou to allow the selling of Protofiber.

With the help of the glasses, you, Katagiri, and Honda have been able to make the Protofiber project a definite hit among the market. The only problem so far is that Megane!Katsuya is incredibly annoyed with Honda's and Katagiri's lax personalities, and shows an obvious dislike towards them. Honda notices a little, but Katagiri, being as laid back as he is, is oblivious for the most part.

On your first playable weekend, Megane!Katsuya is strolling around the business district when he finds Katagiri is carrying around an unbearable amount of luggage. He's a mere spectator as Katagiri drops a golf bag, causing many golf balls to bounce out of the bag. M!K watches them stop at his feet, to which Katagiri responds with many thanks, thinking you stopped the balls on purpose. From what Katagiri says, it seems Gondou has forced all of this crap on poor Katagiri...After a short conversation, you decide to aid Katagiri in taking the vast amount of luggage back to his home, though you only see him to the subway.

The next day, Katagiri wishes to pay you back for yesterday's good deed by inviting you to dinner the next time you wish to see him. M!K is a little reluctant, but agrees as a means of humoring the man.

Work-wise...Just like Midou's story, Director Midou threatens to raise the sales target due to Kikuchi Marketing's unexpected capability. This time around, you decide that challenging the increased target is futile and a waste of time...Accompanied by Katagiri and Honda, you travel to your office in order to deliver the bad news to your coworkers. Honda makes it very clear that he is outraged, though Katagiri forces a smile and gives encouragement to his subordinates. This character trait of Katagiri sort of intrigues, yet irritates Megane!Katsuya...

The next weekend, M!K decides to take up Katagiri's offer on dinner. Katagiri's house is traditional and rather plain, indicating the man is alone. (And very lonely. Very. Very. Lonely.) As Katagiri serves delicious tea (probably one of the only sincere compliments I've seen M!K give so far), M!K spurs on conversation based on two things he's found while observing Katagiri's home: A birdcage containing two yellow cockatiels, and a picture of a younger Katagiri with a wife and child. (Katagiri is 41, by the way. Still adorable, however.) Katagiri goes on and on about the birds (Their names, what he feeds them, what they like...M!K honestly doesn't care at all.). When it comes to the portrait, he hesitates at first, but explains to M!K that he was once a married man with a lively son. The boy died in a car crash, which eventually led to a tragic divorce. His only company ever since has been his two birds.

Though M!K shows little sympathy, Katagiri doesn't seem to take much notice. Instead, he quickly turns the subject to work. He admires Katsuya's expertise, and asks for any assistance Katsuya can give. He's willing to oblige to anything that will help him.

As Katagiri speaks, M!K becomes more and more annoyed at how easily his friend is able to keep up that smile of his. Even while speaking of his child's death, Katagiri is unable to frown. In turn, he immediately takes advantage of the situation by closing in on Katagiri's birds. Katagiri, who doesn't exactly understand what's going on at first, allows M!K to inspect the cage.


And then, without any warning whatsoever, M!K grabs the cage and takes it outside. Though Katagiri isn't freaking out yet, he is greatly concerned by M!K's spontaneous action. M!K begins to open the door of the cage, which finally triggers the lonely man to panic.


After listening to a sad tale of how the bird's are Katagiri's only companions, M!K calmly explains that keeping the birds hostage is no way to love anyone. They are better off free to spread their wings. Before Katagiri can counter attack, M!K allows the birds to fly away, which seems to do the trick as Katagiri's smile as finally evaporated. Katagiri is very upset by the loss of his birds, but before he can become angry, (Katagiri? Angry? He's one of those people you'll probably see dead before you see them angry.) he's suddenly pinned to the wicker floor. M!K indirectly explains that he wanted to break Katagiri's smile before ripping off a great deal of his clothing.

Now, it's rather clear at this point Katagiri is as pushover as it gets. Though he begs M!K to stop these obscene acts, he doesn't actually fight back. He makes a half-hearted attempt to run away, but overall, he takes everything M!K dishes out. In the end, Katagiri becomes a sobbing heap on the floor. Believing his work to be done, M!K departs.

The next day, M!K is adequately to see how Katagiri is fairing after their little interaction. To his surprised, it seems Katagiri has returned to work as if nothing ever happened. He greets Katsuya as he always has, serves the usual tea/coffee (It always seems to change. ._.; ), and goes on with his work. M!K is left speechless for a moment...However, while Katagiri is casually handing M!K a batch of paperwork, the tip of his thumb touches M!K finger, causing Katagiri to become started for but a second due to the contact. M!K is satisfied once more, discovering he'd left some impact on Katagiri after all. (I feel so sorry for that man. ;-; )

As the week goes on, M!K continues to make little hints at what happened that day to get more of these little reactions out of Katagiri. (His little yelp is rather cute... >>; ) Although, Katagiri still continues being as smiley as ever, which really grinds M!K's gears.

One fine day, Katagiri seems to have disappeared into the file storage room. Wishing to corner the man, M!K follows him, as there is no one else in the room. M!K inquires as to why Katagiri is taking so long when he finds him in the back. Katagiri hastily responds he is having trouble finding a certain file, though M!K is already onto him. He points out several recently removed documents near Katagiri, instantly destroying Katagiri's cover. M!K concludes he was lying as a means of hiding from M!K, and decides it's time to punish the liar.

Katagiri is sodomized in an unlocked document closet. Someone briefly walks in, and exits without seeing the "action" going on in the back. Though this is a great startle to Katagiri, M!K is relatively unfazed and concludes this session.

The following weekend, as M!K is about to go out, there's a knock at his door. Much to his surprise, it turns out to be Katagiri, who was "just in the neighborhood," or some generic excuse like that. Katagiri in a very "beat around the bush" sort of way wishes to spend time with Katsuya, to which M!K obliges. (Though he's still a bit puzzled) The two go to a fancy bar, Katagiri acting unrealistically casual. While having drinks, Katagiri tries very hard to start an engaging conversation, though seems to fail according to M!K's uninterested remarks. After a time, Katagiri says it was good for Katsuya to release his birds, as it taught him a valuable lesson. At this point, M!K admits the lesson was complete knobcockery, and the only reason he let the birds out was to see Katagiri break.

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I would go back to RF2, but I'm not looking forward to grinding my cooking and accessory levels.

There's no need. I beat the game, and the only thing I had to grind, if only a little, was forging.

Except I need to in order to fulfill several requests.

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I would go back to RF2, but I'm not looking forward to grinding my cooking and accessory levels.

There's no need. I beat the game, and the only thing I had to grind, if only a little, was forging.

Except I need to in order to fulfill several requests.

You don't need to fill requests, either.

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A very disheartened Katagiri stutters a bit, then tries to end the conversion. This is exactly what M!K wanted to see; a very sad, pathetic Katagiri. He gradually makes his move, sliding his hand over Katagiri's legs until he comes to Katagiri's pants' zipper. Katagiri nervously tries to reason M!K away, but this just seems to egg M!K on. M!K realizes people are staring, and to solve the problem, he whisks Katagiri away into the bar's restroom. Here, Katagiri is put into another embarrassing situation in which people can walk in at any moment. Like before, M!K pays no mind to meaning of PUBLIC restroom, only concerned about his dirty work. Just before M!K completes his duty, people can be hear just outside the restroom door. Katagiri is once again put into a small panic, only for the people to steer clear of the bathroom. With that, M!K finishes the deed, and goes on with life, leaving Katagiri to dry.

Back at work, Katagiri is back to his chipper ol' happy self. (He makes me happy just looking at him) This does not seem to have a good effect on M!K..He's becoming more and more irritated with this man's incessant optimism (And as he gets more frustrated, his general interest with Katagiri starts to waver as well). This time, Katagiri is landed with an ungodly amount of paperwork, which will take him all weekend to complete by himself. Out of an awkward sympathy, M!K assists Katagiri in the task, to which Katagiri is immensely grateful. At the end of a very long day, Katagiri wishes to reward M!K in some way. Of course, M!K can't be a normal person by asking for a monetary bonus, but informs his superior that Katagiri is meant to serve him...On his knees.

Katagiri understands, and sheds all of his clothing but his shirt. Katagiri is forced to give oral, which doesn't seem to really arouse M!K much at all. Until M!K stamps on Katagiri's member is when M!K shows any sign of satisfaction. Immediately afterward, M!K simply leaves Katagiri hanging. Katagiri begs for him to come back, though M!K ignores him completely. Even though he's dominated Katagiri entirely, he's frustrated out of his mind, and doesn't exactly understand why.

Work as usual passes. M!K has now lost most interest in Katagiri, and has found the man's presence irks him more than anything else. The next weekend, he makes his way towards Katagiri's neighborhood, realizing that man only pisses him off as of now. M!K removes his glasses, hoping it'll make things any better, and temporarily returns to being Normal!Katsuya. (This is the last time you see N!M in this scenario...The M!K x ??? storylines sort of bother me, as N!K dies. Since the game makes various shots at M!K and N!K being two completely different people, this sort of bothers me... ._. I don't like the idea of one character's existence having to end for another's.)

Anyhow, Katsuya is still feeling that great irritation towards Katagiri. He reluctantly visits Katagiri, who is more than happy to see him. (Now, since I didn't replay this part, I can't remember if it's now that Katagiri informs Katsuya that one of his birds came back or if that's earlier...) Katsuya only wishes to apologize for the terrible things he did to him, as N!K feels incredibly guilty. Katagiri expresses that he's totally fine with Katsuya's sexual tendencies, though Katsuya relays that the relationship has to end. Although Katagiri calls after him, Katsuya leaves the house, returning the glasses to his face to relieve himself of these feelings.

As M!K advances down the road, it begins to rain. Behind him, Katagiri desperately pursues M!K, grabbing the ends of his jacket and falling to M!K's feet. Katagiri pleads for him to stay, saying nothing else matters but Saeki-kun at this point. Regardless, M!K dully responds that Katagiri was merely a toy to pass the time. With this knowledge, Katagiri only strengthens his plea, refusing the release M!K's jacket. Here, the good and bad ending choice is made.

This is the scene where Katagiri begs Megane!Katsuya not to leave him. I thought it was the saddest thing ever u_u and I really wish there was an option to stay instead of being a bastard and leaving. I'm a sucker for angst. But anyway. On to the good stuff.

Katsuya: (From the color of the sky, it looks like it's going to rain soon.)

Lifting his head up, he could see the storm clouds had grown even thicker since he'd arrived at Katagiri's home. He thought it might start raining before he got home, and quickened his pace.

At that moment, Katsuya heard someone running up behind him, out of breath.

Katsuya: (He pursued me here?)

He didn't look back, but continued on his way home.

Katagiri: Wait a moment, Saeki-kun!

Katagiri: Ha...ha...ha.

It must be around 500 meters from Katagiri's home to here.

Katsuya: What's the matter? Is there something else?

Katagiri: Ha...ha...ha.

Katagiri gasped as if he were in pain. He grabbed onto Katsuya's arm, trying to catch his breath, and collapsed weakly onto the ground.

Katsuya: (It's begun to rain.)

Katsuya: (This rain hasn't even started for very long, and in the blink of an eye it's grown this heavy already).

Katagiri: Sae-Saeki-kun. Why...

As exhausted as he was, Katagiri refused to let go of Katsuya. The hand that originally gripped Katsuya's wrist slipped, and Katagiri clutched the other's clothes like he would never let go. He lifted his head up to look at Katsuya.

Katagiri: You said you wouldn't return...why?

Katagiri: Is it because you've grown tired of me?

Katsuya: Ah.

Without hesitation, Katsuya answered coldly.

Katagiri: Is it because you hate me?

Katsuya: Ah.

Katagiri: Is it because I'm a dull, useless middle-aged man?

Katsuya: Ah.

Katagiri: Is it because I always rely on you?

Katsuya: Ah.

Katagiri: Is it because being with me is no longer fun?

Katsuya: Ah.

Because it was too troublesome to explain in detail, Katsuya simply replied to Katagiri. [Note: Not sure about this line, I think he just means he's noncommittal in his replies]

Katsuya: It's because there is nothing more I have to gain from you.

Katagiri: How could -

Katsuya: Don't misunderstand. I only played with you to pass the time.

Katsuya: There was no other reason.

Katagiri: Saeki-kun...

Tears filled Katagiri's eyes. At first, Katsuya thought it was the rain. They trickled from Katagiri's eyes to mix with the raindrops, sliding down his cheeks.

Katagiri: Saeki-kun. Please, I beg of you.

Katagiri: Don't abandon me!!

Katagiri: If even you abandon me, then I...

Katagiri: I really will have nothing left.

Katagiri clung to Katsuya's jacket, head hanging low.

Katsuya: (Exactly what is this person saying? Don't abandon me?)

Despite Katagiri's pleas, Katsuya's feelings toward him grew ever more flat. Katagiri hung his head, kneeling at the other's feet without moving an inch. The sound of rain pattering on the pavement grated on Katsuya's nerves.

Katsuya: Why?

Katsuya: Why do you say these things to me?

Katagiri shook all over, sobbing weakly at Katsuya's feet.

Katsuya: I used your body like that, purely to satisfy my desires.

Katsuya: Just return to your peaceful, tranquil life as if there had never been anything between us.

Katsuya: That's what you wished for, isn't it?

Katsuya: I already said I won't disrupt your life again. You should be very happy.

Katagiri: No.

Pulling on Katsuya, Katagiri gave a small shake of his head.

Katagiri: That's no longer what I wish for.

Katagiri: The only person I have left to me is Katsuya.

From Katagiri's bent head came a soft, whimpering sound. He grabbed Katsuya's jacket with all his might, and lifted his head again.

Katagiri: After my son passed away, my wife left...for a long time, no one paid any attention to me.

Katagiri: It's all my fault my son and wife are gone. I can't do anything about it now.

Katsuya: Why your son?

Katagiri: It was an accident. It was all because I couldn't put aside my work, and picked him up late.

Katsuya: Since it was an accident, it wasn't your fault.

Katagiri: I know that. But -

Katagiri: My wife, she grew weary of me placing the blame for everything on myself. Not long afterward, she left as well.

Katsuya: (Telling me these things isn't going to change events in the past.)

Katagiri: After my wife left my side, I truly became a lonely widower.

Katagiri: No matter if I was at home or at work, nobody needed me. I just lived this non-existence every day.

Katagiri: Many years passed like this.

Katagiri: Therefore, when Saeki-kun visited my home, I was so happy.

Katsuya: Even though I treated you that way, you were still happy?

Katagiri nodded his head slightly. He gripped Katsuya's clothes with even more force, so that the other could feel him shivering through his hands.

Katagiri: Of course, in the beginning, I was shocked and repelled.

Katagiri: I felt inadequate, and I didn't know how to reciprocate, so I wanted very badly to run away.

Katagiri: I know you didn't do those things to me because you liked me.

Katagiri: But nevertheless, you held me. That was enough.

Katsuya: Even though I never expressed any affection?

Katagiri let his head drop in a nod. His was a weak, pitiful sound.

Katagiri: Because you noticed me, this man whom no one else paid attention to, no matter whether he lived or died, who could only get in other people's way.

Katagiri: Even though there were no feelings between us, the times you held me, you would look at me in that way.

Katagiri: And with just that, I felt like I existed again.

Katagiri: Of course, these sorts of thoughts didn't arise immediately.

The only sound in Katsuya's ears was the rain. The noisy, discordant rain. But Katagiri's words were not obscured by the rain, they echoed clearly in Katsuya's ears.

Katsuya: (Is it because he is so close to my body? Or because Katagiri's sorrow lends his words strength?)

Katsuya: Our relationship was nothing special to me. Therefore, even though you confess these things, I cannot give you the answer you hope for.

Katsuya: I've already grown weary of our games.

Katsuya: No matter how fun a toy can be, there will always come a day when you grow tired of it. You are only that toy.

Katsuya: There are many who can replace you. Your price is nothing special.

Katagiri: This...I also know. But...I beg you...

Katagiri: If even you leave, then I -

In this downpour, not another soul passed on the street. In this torrential rain, kneeling on the sidewalk, Katagiri clutched the man before him, refusing to let go as he trembled with tears.

Katagiri: So I beg of you! Don't abandon me!!

Katagiri: There will never be another, so please don't say such things.

Katagiri: I beg you...

Katagiri: I no longer want to return to the me of the past who had nothing.

Katagiri: With no one who needed me, as if I were merely empty air.

Although Katagiri held onto his clothes, a man like him, Katsuya could easily shrug off if he wanted to. But he couldn't do it. He couldn't even tear his gaze from the face of this weeping man who looked up at him in desperation. This must be the first time he saw such an expression on Katagiri. At work, no matter how much the internal management or customers belittled Katagiri, he never once exposed his emotions like this, in these kinds of words. This man, who always hid his thoughts behind a smile, who simply sighed and let things pass.

Katsuya: (Damn...This sort of confession, you shouldn't be saying to me.)

Katsuya: Don't look for those sorts of things from me.

Katsuya: I'm not a replacement for your family!

The rain fell even harder. Rain slid from his hair down to his jaw, and into his collar. Although his entire body was dripping wet, he stood there silently.

Katsuya: (Katagiri is still clinging to me for dear life.)

[Note: Here is where you get the option to be more or less of a bastard. Obviously, I took the less of a bastard route because I felt so damn sorry for Katagiri. Don't ask me to be cruel to him >_> I won't do it]

In the end, he couldn't listen to anymore of Katagiri's confession. He really didn't know what to say to this man who clung to him for dear life. He could feel nothing but emptiness, expressing no other emotion.

Katsuya: Let go.

He slowly peeled Katagiri's fingers from his jacket and stepped away, leaving him there on the ground.

Katagiri: Saeki-kun!!

Without acknowledging Katagiri's cry, Katsuya departed.

Katagiri was left behind. Lacking even the energy to stand up, he sat in the road alone. Katsuya walked away with level strides, not sparing a glance back at the Katagiri behind him.

Katagiri's First Ending

Katagiri continues to cling to M!K's jacket ends, but after one final rejection, Katagiri releases M!K. (Seriously, I was so tired of Megane!Katsuya at this point. He's such a jerk. D: ) Regardless of Katagiri's begging and sobbing, he is abandoned.

At work, Katagiri acts as unfazed as usual. For M!K, he is offered a job at MGN by this hideous man in a hideous yellow suit with a hideous mole. I had no idea Spray could make something so hideous. Of course, accepts the offer. He has no reason to stay at Kikuchi Marketing...The gain is higher at MGN, and there isn't anyone at Kikuchi worth working with. (Douche.)

Unfortunately, he doesn't start his new job right away. As he returns to his office at Kikuchi, he finds a note describing a worthwhile business related proposition. (I forgot exactly what it was...) the note also asks him to meet at a usually uninhabited area around the office lounge. Mainly out of curiosity, M!K decides to pursue the anonymous sender of the note. (Anonymous senders WILL ALMOST ALWAYS MEAN YOU BODILY HARM)

Later that day, M!K arrives at the meeting place. To his dismay, there is no one there...However...

STAB, *****. You just got your ass SHANKED.

M!K feels a seeing pain in his back. As he is caught up in his own bewilderment, he hears someone repeatedly apologizing behind him. (If that doesn't give it away, I don't know what will) As he falls to floor, the knife is yanked out of him, giving M!K the chance to see who it was that stabbed him. To Katsuya's surprise (and mine, because the last person I'd ever expect to even be able to look at a knife would be Katagiri), Katagiri is the assailant. He must have stabbed Katsuya in a pretty nice place, as he and the knife are drenched in Katsuya's blood.


Katagiri is apologizing through tears as Katsuya's bleeding all over the floor. He then goes on to explain his uncharacteristic actions; Katagiri was so afraid that Katsuya would find someone else to satisfy his needs in his new workplace, that he couldn't allow Katsuya to leave...I suppose Katagiri was in such a panic, killing Katsuya was the only viable solution he could of at the time. Even though Katsuya's dying in such a place, he does not feel any anger towards Katagiri; he remembers how cruel he was to Katagiri. He violated Katagiri several times over, and once he'd earned Katagiri's love, he rejected it and expected no consequence.

With a hand covered in blood, Katsuya holds Katagiri's cheek, saying it is he that should be sorry. He apologizes to Katagiri for all that he's done as life flows out of him. With a fatally damaged aorta, Katsuya is dying fairly quickly. His hand falls back to his side as he attempts to conclude his apology.

As his sight fades, Katsuya desperately tries to tell Katagiri that he loves him, or at least something along those lines. However, all that comes out are fragmented gasps, and it is unclear if the message ever made it to Katagiri at all.

Katsuya hears Katagiri screaming for him, but Katsuya is unable to say anything more. Though he can't see anything, he feels Katagiri lift him off of the floor to hold him as he dies, begging Katsuya to live. (Perhaps stabbing him was a bad alternative) Sadly, Katsuya cannot return the favor. As breath finally leaves Katsuya, he promises himself that as soon as he awakes from the dark sleep he is about to enter, he will embrace "that person" at last. (Referring to Katagiri, of course)

Be careful when you dump your next companion. SHEESH.

Katagiri's Second Ending

At work, Katagiri acts as unfazed as usual. For M!K, he is offered a job at MGN by this hideous man in a hideous yellow suit with a hideous mole. I had no idea Spray could make something so hideous. Anyway, M!K is flattered by the man's offer, but ultimately turns him down. He comments that he wouldn't be where he is without Katagiri and the rest of the team at his company. Mr. Hideous goes on to praise M!K's modesty and leaves. Katagiri, who had been listening to the conversation, thanks M!K for his kind words. However, M!K confesses he only said such things because it's what Mr. Hideous wanted to hear. Still, Katagiri thanks M!K anyway.

(Now, the order of events may be little screwed up here. With the new hard drive, I lost many of my previous saves, and I haven't gotten around to redoing this section of M!K x Katagiri's scenario. This part is all taken from memory.)

Later, M!K finds a letter of resignation on Katagiri's desk. Out of curiosity, he picks up the letter, and finds that Katagiri is indeed meaning to quit his job soon. He shows little signs of consideration, and returns the letter to where he found it.

Even later, M!K takes the subway home. He soon finds that he's on the same train as Katagiri, though he does his best to ignore it. In time, he realizes that someone is sexual disturbing Katagiri on the train and that Katagiri is acting like nothing's happening. Angered by this, M!K nearly breaks this man's arm, ridding Katagiri of pest. He stays with Katagiri throughout the remainder of the ride and takes Katagiri to the park to cool down.

Katagiri is grateful to Katsuya, but Katsuya really makes it clear that he doesn't exactly want to be there. Katsuya mentions the letter of resignation and Katagiri explains that it isn't because of him; he'd been meaning to resign for some time. After a brief talk, Katagiri starts to cry. Katsuya becomes angry, and demands that he stop crying. As soon as Katagiri calms himself down, Katsuya ditches Katagiri as quickly as possible.

On his way home, we are greeted by the fantastic Mr. R once more. (Dear god, this man gets creepier every time I meet him in the game. He has weirder kinks than AnimaMundi's Count Sandwich) Mr. R remarks that you're discontented and unfulfilled, even though your life has improved considerably. Before you can ask him what the hell that is supposed to mean, Mr. R saunters off into the shadows like he usually does, leaving you puzzled.

The next morning, Katsuya opens his window for some fresh air. To his astonishment, a yellow cockatiel flies in through the window flying around the room a couple times before peacefully landing on Katsuya's shoulder. Katsuya's like, "WTF" before stuffing the cockatiel in a paper bag. To his dismay, he remembers what Mr. R said the night before, and leaves for Katagiri's house in order to give the bird back.

Katsuya is lucky enough to catch Katagiri while he's outside of his house. Katagiri is very happy to see Katsuya, but he's confused as to why he's there. Katsuya gives the bird back, sending Katagiri into worlds of glee. He says something along the lines of, "But I thought you hated me?" to which Katsuya is silent for a moment before confessing that the bird was just an excuse to see Katagiri. Katagiri asks why Katsuya wants to see him, when Katsuya replies that he's come to detain Katagiri.

Katsuya's life as a jerk ends as he pins Katagiri to the wall and kisses him. Tears fall down Katagiri's cheeks, because he doesn't entirely understand that Katsuya really loves him. I don't have much to say about this little scene, as it's just one of those sweet kissing scenes. (Somewhere in there, Katagiri admits that the resignation WAS because of Katsuya, but he'll withdraw the resignation now)

There's not much to say about the next part either, as it's just make-up sex between the two of them. However, it's much less abusive towards Katagiri as usual. Sorry I can't be more descriptive, but all it is really is sex.

Nowadays, Katsuya and Katagiri go to work together every day. (And it is adorable) As they leave for work one morning, it starts to rain. Katagiri tries to cope under the bad weather, but is scolded by Katsuya, who's brought an umbrella. Katsuya shields his companion from the rain as they amble towards their workplace. Cutesy moment to make up for M!K's cruel actions!

From that day onward, Katsuya would frequently visit Katagiri's home. And just as often, Katagiri would come by Katsuya's home.

After Protofiber's sales target was met, MGN summoned me with an offer, but I had already decided to stay at Kikuchi. This decision was because of the 8th Division. More specifically, it was because that person still needed my strength.

Katagiri: Then, I'll be leaving first.

Katsuya: *sigh*

Katsuya: (And all for this.)

Today, both of us are leaving for work from Katagiri's home. After work yesterday, I went out drinking with some employees from the 8th Division, but turned down a second invitation in order to see Katagiri home. Like this, I stayed on until morning.

But why does that person not want us to go to work together?

Katagiri always leaves first, taking the same early train to work. According to him, he is worried that if someone at the company were to see us go to work together, things would become difficult for me.

Katsuya: (Really, that person thinks too much.)

Today is the same. Before I woke up, he had already gotten out of bed, finished preparing breakfast and left for the office.

Out the window, raindrops began pitter-pattering against the glass.

Katsuya: It's started to rain.

Glancing at the entrance, he saw that Katagiri's umbrella lay there. Usually, Katagiri had another pair, but recently Katsuya borrowed it and hadn't returned it, so he most likely didn't bring an umbrella with him out the door.

Katsuya: (If I leave now, can I catch up to him?)

As he stepped out the door, the rain began to fall down harder. He hadn't gone very far when, beneath the roof of a fragrant-smelling shop, he found a troubled-faced Katagiri looking up at the sky.

Katsuya: Come under here.

Katagiri: Ah!

Katagiri had just been considering ducking out from under the shop roof when Katsuya arrived. The way he looked, as the rain grew heavier and heavier, he had probably made up his mind to brave the storm in order to go to work. No doubt, with a decision like that, he'd thought about returning home to pick up his umbrella and take the same train with me to work.

Katagiri: Saeki-kun...did you come out all the way here for me? [link]

Katsuya: You left your umbrella at home, didn't you?

Katsuya: It's alright, let's go.

Katagiri: Ah, but -

Katsuya: Are you worried what other people might think?

Katagiri: But if someone sees us like this, you -

Katsuya: I could care less about that.

Katagiri: However, at the company, you are a person under a lot of scrutiny. Accompanying a middle-aged man like me -

Katsuya: Why are you still saying such things? You're too self-conscious.

Katsuya: To most people, we simply look like a superior and his subordinate, not two lovers.

Katagiri: But -

Katsuya: If you're so concerned about concealment, next time, why don't we just candidly reveal our relationship to everyone?

Katsuya: Let everyone know, Katagiri is mine.

Katsuya: I don't mind revealing our relationship.

Katagiri: Saeki-kun...

For a moment, Katagiri flushed, such an honest, startled expression.

Katsuya: Let's go.

They hurried on, side by side. The small umbrella could not cover them both.

Katsuya: Here. Come closer to me. You'll get wet.

Katagiri: Alright.


Katagiri only inched a little closer, so Katsuya looped an arm around his shoulders and pulled him near.

Katsuya: You usually don't care about other people's judgments.

Katsuya: But under today's circumstances, you didn't bring an umbrella, and therefore we must share this one. It must be a very fulfilling feeling.

Katagiri: Yes.

In order to avoid getting their suits wet, the two men walked close together.

Seeing the look of happiness on Katagiri's face, his warm smile, Katsuya felt there was nothing else important in the world. As the rain continued to fall, he gave a contented sigh. [Note: Not sure about that last line, there may have been more to it, but I didn't quite understand]

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Goddammit. Why is Daily Motion sending me emails informing me about some Lady Gaga bullshit?

Wait a minute! Chalis! Your avatar changed! I could swear those eyes weren't red before!


Edited by Musashi
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Tremaine got past the first gen. >_>

But I think He'll be screwed with No sword twins, and No Sety.

He let Fury die....The idiot.

He brought back Dew instead of Fury with the Valkyrie staff.....

It seems as if Tremaine found out why he was banned....being accused of being an already banned member.

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Tremaine got past the first gen. >_>

But I think He'll be screwed with No sword twins, and No Sety.

He let Fury die....The idiot.

He brought back Dew instead of Fury with the Valkyrie staff.....

It seems as if Tremaine found out why he was banned....being accused of being an already banned member.

So wait, it was never confirmed?

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Tremaine got past the first gen. >_>

But I think He'll be screwed with No sword twins, and No Sety.

He let Fury die....The idiot.

He brought back Dew instead of Fury with the Valkyrie staff.....

It seems as if Tremaine found out why he was banned....being accused of being an already banned member.

So wait, it was never confirmed?

I dunno.


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The Shroud of Torrent isn't real. It dates back to somewhere in the Middle Ages, no further.

Turin, Lux. You mean Turin.

*belches loudly*

I'm bored.

So am I.

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