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@Roxxy-you're welcome~

Hey, it had to be said at one point. ;3;

And I haven't gotten around to it. I'm not in the mood to be pissed off. D:


<3 :D

We'll never beat them, but we always have each other~:wub:

Well... crap. =o

Weren't you supposed to learn piano first? tsk tsk. :]

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Really, Soul? you might want to before time runs out. Dropping Bridgets are hilarious.

@Roxxy-you're welcome~

Hey, it had to be said at one point. ;3;

And I haven't gotten around to it. I'm not in the mood to be pissed off. D:

@Astra- Well, you can dream that you will.

Someone make me stop listening to this.

I keep looping the beginning of the song. ;__;


@Soul- Don't be rude, or I'll lose all my faith in you.

Well, that depends if I ever had any in the first place.

I was not being rude ._.

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...really, Soul, did you have to quote the entire thing? ;___;

And it sounded rude. :c *pats*

@Roxxy- And that's all that matters. >3< *hugs*~<3

I promise I'll see that ending sometime, k?~ (NOT via YouTube. P: I'd rather see an ending to a game MYSELF for once...)

And... yes... but I'm not even sure my mom wants to buy one anymore. She said I'd never learn how to play anyway. >^>

Edited by soluna
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@Roxxy- And that's all that matters. :D *hugs*~<3

I promise I'll see that ending sometime, k?~ (NOT via YouTube. P: I'd rather see an ending to a game MYSELF for once...)

And... yes... but I'm not even sure my mom wants to buy one anymore. She said I'd never learn how to play anyway. >^>

*hug* <3

Actually, you just have to see the cutscene after you beat Xion, THAT'S the part that hits you in the heart. ;~;

The actual ending of the game isn't too special, albeit a bit moody and saddening.

Herp derp. I'll just take the musical side of the couple for myself then. 8D

Edited by Roxas
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All I remember is the 'Who am I going to eat ice-cream with now?!' thing that upset so many. (Axel, stupid~ >w>)

IF THAT'S ALL HE REALLY SAYS THAT THEN DAMMIT. I wanted him to say he loved her or something

But wasn't the true ending

Roxas decided to leave while him and Axel were at the clock tower and he disappeared right after they ate ice-cream and Axle shed a tear? No, wait, I think that was something in COM... You know what? Hell if I know. :awesome:

I can take the singing part, though, right? I can sing, at least... Or can you sing, too? ;3;

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All I remember is the 'Who am I going to eat ice-cream with now?!' thing that upset so many. (Axel, stupid~ >w>)

IF THAT'S ALL HE REALLY SAYS THAT THEN DAMMIT. I wanted him to say he loved her or something

But wasn't the true ending

Roxas decided to leave while him and Axel were at the clock tower and he disappeared right after they ate ice-cream and Axle shed a tear? No, wait, I think that was something in COM... You know what? Hell if I know. :awesome:

I can take the singing part, though, right? I can sing, at least... Or can you sing, too? ;3;

... You spoiled yourself... sort of. Parts are wrong, but mostly you go parts right. ;~;

And that's not the true ending. Think back to the flashbacks in the beginning of KH2...

And I can kind of sing... Korean Pop... Okay, not really. You win. =o

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@Roxas- I just watched that earlier. Are you stalking me?

Obviously the best one.

I don't really mind. Actually, I'm a person who claws people's faces off for a spoiler, usually~ Unless it's something really important, then...

Oh, the flashbacks, huh? Hmm, I have a hunch I know what it is, then.

Also, if I ever see Sora's face with Xion's voice I will cry.

Yayyy, I finally won something~ :'3

I'm never singing in a Pep Rally again, though. NEVER. AGAIN.

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@Roxas- I just watched that earlier. Are you stalking me?

Obviously the best one.

I don't really mind. Actually, I'm a person who claws people's faces off for a spoiler, usually~ Unless it's something really important, then...

Oh, the flashbacks, huh? Hmm, I have a hunch I know what it is, then.

Also, if I ever see Sora's face with Xion's voice I will cry.

Yayyy, I finally won something~ :'3

I'm never singing in a Pep Rally again, though. NEVER. AGAIN.

Oh, no. Not at all~! ^^'|l

And you wouldn’t claw my face off… Would you~? <3

Yeah, I guessed the final battle/ending by myself too. It was kind of obvious, actually...

*patpat* :[

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