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I meant weapon setups and such.

Well, what I know is...

SR8 Sniper Rifle:

Strongest weapon in the game. Difficult to use because getting hit will throw off your aim and it shoots like the many shotguns you see in older FPS games. It will often kill in 1 hit though.

The other Sniper Rifle that I forgot its name:

Usually requires 2 shots to kill an enemy, fires much faster than the other and overall a lot easier to use. I don't think it has that problem where getting hit will throw off your aim.

IMI Negev:

Machine gun, use this if you like those.

Assault Rifles:

ಠ_ಠ Kefka: if you want a good assault rifle for beginners

ಠ_ಠ Kefka: i'd recommend the m4a1

ಠ_ಠ Kefka: once you feel like it, go up to the lr300

ಠ_ಠ Kefka: the ak103 is tough to master but it's worth it too

ಠ_ಠ Kefka: on average it takes 1 less bullet to kill someone

Assault Rifiles fire either like a machinegun or 1 bullet per click. They hold less bullets than the IMI Negev (IMI holds 90, most if not all assault rifles hold 30).

Then there's secondary weapons depending on what you're using. Sniper rifle secondary weapons are submachine guns of 30 bullets and a shotgun of 6. 2 Pistols, the Beretta and the Desert Eagle, Dio says Beretta is better.

Edited by Speedwagon
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*weapon stuff*

Ok there I'll make it general and talk about the whole equipment here:

Sniper Rifles:

Two choices, the SR8 and the PSG1. Kinda like the Red and Green Cavaliers, really. The SR8 can kill even if you hit an armored chest and does 50% to arms and legs, but it's long to reload and if you get hit you lose your aim. Really good in sniper based maps if you know you won't get hit much, otherwise I wouldn't bring this if there's a lot of people. 5 ammo, +3 clips

Then there's the PSG1. Easier to use and is semi-auto instead of bolt action. However unless you do headshots you will usually require two bullets to kill (limb and chest works well, chest only if there's no armor is almost a kill, though with people bleeding if often turns out to be one). You don't lose your aim if you get it, and even if someone discovers you, you could finish them with your pistol. 8 ammo, +3 clips

Assault Rifles and Machineguns:

5 choices here. The G36 is commonly referred as the noob gun of the game, but I personally dislike it. While it does the same amount of damage as the M4 and the LR, on top of having a scope, I find the accuracy pretty poor. Granted, it's just me, and I don't use it often. 30 ammo, +2 clips

Then you have the LR300 and the M4A1, who do the exact same damage and are basically the same weapon. Some say the LR is faster while the M4 is more accurate, but then again it's debateable. The LR is taken more often, and therefore drops most often as well as ammo pickup, so you might prefer that one. 30 ammo, +2 clips

There's the AK103 for more experienced players. It usually takes 1 round less on average to kill since it's about 10% stronger, but it's also a bit tougher to use due to the knockback. Few people also choose this weapon, so don't expect as much ammo dropped as the LR, the G36 or even the M4. 30 ammo, +2 clips

Finally, if you feel more like the Heavy Weapons Guy, there's the IMI Negev. It fires very fast and it makes bleeding easy, but there's quite a few drawbacks. The damage is lower, the reload is atrociously slow and you can't have a secondary. I think you also run less fast, but I'm not 100% sure. 90 ammo, +1 belt

There's also a grenade launcher, but this thing is only recommended in teams. It fires a huge grenade shaped like an egg that knocks people on impact for 20% of damage, and stepping on it DOES damage (hothothot) and then explodes and takes out anything close to it. Great in maps with no friendly fire, especially if the density is high. You can expect to get 2-3 kills per round with this in those situations. 1 grenade loaded, +3 more


3 choices here, 2 being submachineguns and the other is a combat shotgun. The UMP is the stronger SMG, but it's also quite a slow weapon as well. Still, it's pretty accurate, and it complements a sniper rifle well enough. 30 ammo, 2 clips

Then there's the MP5k, which is weaker but faster. I do find it very innacurate though, but it's not a bad idea after something someone with a PSG round. 30 ammo, 2 clips

Finally, the SPAS Shotgun. Awful, awful gun. It can do 80% maximum if you're really close...and still alive to pull it off. Be at 15 feet away from the victim and you'll fire 4% shots everytime. Do yourself a favor and don't pick this unless the map is only small corridors. 6 shells, 20 more, must reload by HOLDING too...


2 choices, the Beretta and the Desert Eagle. The former carries 15 ammo clips and is extremely spammable and can even work as a modest sniper rifle if you're talented enough (I know I am). If your opponents wear no armor and especially no helmet, pick this one. The Desert Eagle, on the other hand, carries only 7 rounds per clip, but they're the strongest ammo after the sniper rifles (it's in fact just a little under the PSG1 in power). Better against armored foes, but it is so cool to make the other guy's head explode with this gun.


You have your knife that you can throw, up to 5 of them. Very fun to use, and it can really make people panic when they reload. You can also kick by running and jumping at other people at the same time. The best part is that you can even do a combo of both. Note that you can only kick if you have a knife or a pistol equipped.


Comes in two varieties : explosive and smoke. Explosive do pretty much what you think they would. They OHKO anyone standing over it, and are the perfect surprise gift you can leave to teabaggers. Smoke grenades are for tactical use mostly. They do explode over time, but it's only to notify that the smokescreen is wearing out, not to do damage. Not bad in close areas, but pretty abysmal in open spaces.

Other tools:

A good bunch of those, so I'll just make this quick.

Kevlar Vest : protects the chest at the cost of speed, jump height and stamina. Some pros don't wear it and are actually very hard to catch, but until you catch the mechanics of the game I strongly suggest you to wear one.

Kevlar Helmet : no more boom headshots for enemies and that's pretty much it. Instead they roughly do from 30 to 70%. Snipers bypass this, though.

Laser : basically makes your shots spread less, but it gives your position somewhat. Works with SR8, LR300, M4A1, AK103, UMP, MP5k, DE, Beretta.

Silencer : does what it says on the tin can. Also lowers the spread, but less than the laser. Both can be combined. Works with PSG1, G36, LR300, M4A1, AK103, Negev, UMP, MP5k, Beretta.

Medkit : definitely good in teams since it helps you heal up to about 90% of your teammates' (and oddly enough, also opponents') wounds. Otherwise it's at about 50%. The healing is also done faster. Still, some are too dumb to realize they have this on and don't heal you when you call for them. They deserve that you carve their eyes up.

Ammo pack : only really useful if you don't die a lot and play somewhere no one can reach you. Which means it's pretty good if you're a camping sniper, but otherwise it's pretty useless.

Tac goggles : infravision that makes you spot your enemies. Very useful in dark maps and, in general, when you fight in free for all. Nearly useless in teams, especially if friendly fire is allowed. Also sees through smoke bombs.

For more info, contact me.

Edited by BsTrD
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