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They're tough. Like, really tough. I met a few cosplayers dressed up as Silver and Giovanni (totally awesome when they did the 'fusion' dance from DBZ), and had a great time.

I gained Shiny Eevee and a Japanese event!Arceus from a new friend we made (he ended up being in the top 4). 8D

Also, I can't stand loooong car rides. My god.

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They're tough. Like, really tough. I met a few cosplayers dressed up as Silver and Giovanni (totally awesome when they did the 'fusion' dance from DBZ), and had a great time.

I gained Shiny Eevee and a Japanese event!Arceus from a new friend we made (he ended up being in the top 4). 8D

Also, I can't stand loooong car rides. My god.

How far did you get?

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How far did you get?

First round. Single elimination does that. Especially in double battles. (I seriously wish they would ban all legendaries kind of how like Smogon does for these kinds of things. EVERYONE HAD A MEWTWO/DIALGA/SADDSADFSSA.)

Holy fuck, everyone used legendaries. Everyone.

Then I overhear how this one guy lost to a Leech Seed stall (ahhh) because Protect activated three times in a row.

I fought a Mewtwo, shiny Giratina, shiny Metacross, and a shiny Tyranitar. I hadn't gotten Froslass to learn Destiny Bond just yet and she was taken down right off the bat by Mewtwo.

The ending of that battle was my Tyranitar against his, and well... Choice Scarf did me in (it did a great job outspeeding Mewtwo and wrecking it's shit though). :<

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First round. Single elimination does that. Especially in double battles. (I seriously wish they would ban all legendaries kind of how like Smogon does for these kinds of things. EVERYONE HAD A MEWTWO/DIALGA/SADDSADFSSA.)

Holy fuck, everyone used legendaries. Everyone.

Then I overhear how this one guy lost to a Leech Seed stall (ahhh) because Protect activated three times in a row.

I fought a Mewtwo, shiny Giratina, shiny Metacross, and a shiny Tyranitar. I hadn't gotten Froslass to learn Destiny Bond just yet and she was taken down right off the bat by Mewtwo.

The ending of that battle was my Tyranitar against his, and well... Choice Scarf did me in (it did a great job outspeeding Mewtwo and wrecking it's shit though). :<




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I'm debating on if I should make this first Book 2 PT of mine interesting and not use the orbs if they're really that broken.

If I recall the game has some hard parts even with orb usage. (Mostly the dragons and some late game enemies.)

Probably the thing you should use are the constellation pieces.

Edited by Generic Officer
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Yeah but did you have them equipped on units anyways?

80% of the orbs were in storage, really the only ones that were equipped were the ones where I just got them. =\

I tend to de-equip-equip my units to sort everything out.

I'm assuming by orbs you mean orb shards and not the actual orbs.

Edited by AstraLunaSol
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That's awesome! xD

Could use more top hat and cane though. :c

He's RBY/FRLG Giovanni, not HGSS Giovanni. It's probably much easier to make, and more recognizable.


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He's RBY/FRLG Giovanni, not HGSS Giovanni. It's probably much easier to make, and more recognizable.


Psh. Fine. Be that way. :c

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