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How many games do you think they'll make?

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I dunno, they'll probably branch to spin-offs once it gets uber-popular.

Look at Final Fantasy and Pokemon. XD

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imo, they're definitely going to keep making them for a while since everyone KNOWS that they MUST re-release those games FE4 - 6 mirite?

Edited by A2ZOMG
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imo, they're definitely going to keep making them for a while since everyone KNOWS that they MUST re-release those games FE4 - 6 mirite?

No. They don't have to do so.

They'd only do so if they saw an opportunity for sales.

Also, you forgot FE2 and FE3 Book 2.

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Have they stopped making movies of a certain style?

Even if the franchise dies or drastically changes, it's highly unlikely its gameplay will just end too. So technically I don't see Fire Emblem ending. Most likely it will, sadly, be when a bunch of influential members being to die or be replaced by younger generations, where hopefully it will receive a jumpstart rather than redirection.

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No. They don't have to do so.

They'd only do so if they saw an opportunity for sales.

Also, you forgot FE2 and FE3 Book 2.

Oh right, that.

Mentioning sales, I guess I can see them not having a reason to remake those two you mentioned. Since they suck. =P

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I can see them making lots of new games, but with some years between each release and/or alternating platforms.

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Intelligent Systems doesn't strike me as the kind of developers that makes a ton of spinoffs.

...Didn't they make Pokemon Channel for Gamecube...?


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There hasn't been a reason too.

For a while, Square's arms stretched to give fun subcharacters extra points in their own games, like Chocobo. Fire Emblem doesn't really have anything like this to work with--not even constant cameos, unless you count Anna. But really, she ain't no Chocobo, that's for sure.

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As long as it can.

Fire Emblem is really, really good. I just say, if it would have been out since the NES in the whole world, it's popularity would be higher, a lot higher. I don't want to compare it to Final Fantasy though.

As of spinoffs, the only thing that could make a spinoff out of the Fire Emblem series is the idea that was mentioned in an interview: Fire Emblem All-Cast. FE1 to FE1* (lolDissidialol).

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Fire Emblem is really, really good. I just say, if it would have been out since the NES in the whole world, it's popularity would be higher, a lot higher. I don't want to compare it to Final Fantasy though.

I'm not so sure about that. I know that a lot of people first heard about EarthBound as a result of Ness' appearance in Smash Bros., and EarthBound was released in the United States long before then. (In other words, EarthBound was incredibly unpopular when it was first released in the U.S.)

Now, Fire Emblem is rather different gameplay-wise than EarthBound, but I'd say that both games fall within the "JRPG" genre. So even if the first six FE games were released here, they may have flopped as badly as EarthBound.

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Mother 2 had one release in America--the original was planned but never executed for release.

Fire Emblem would have had six additional games, especially so in an era where anything RPG was championed.


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Mother 2 had one release in America--the original was planned but never executed for release.

Fire Emblem would have had six additional games, especially so in an era where anything RPG was championed.


Another thing to keep in mind was that Mother 3 was only released in Japan, and I'm pretty sure it was because of EarthBound's lackluster sales in the U.S. If any of the earlier Fire Emblem games had been released and flopped in the U.S, we might never have gotten the later games; kind of the reverse of what actually happened.

Then again, it's all hypothetical. Hindsight is like a maxed-out, promoted Fire Emblem character...

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Then again, it's all hypothetical. Hindsight is like a maxed-out, promoted Fire Emblem character...

Which is why marketing tends to use the highest growths or good bases to make decisions, with quality games that sell poorly being like those pre-promotes that are actually very, but don't have impressive stats compared to others.

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