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The official Claim a Character thread


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That's it, I'm claiming Pirate!Dorcas but making him lust after Anna, causing him to be in a permanent brawl with Pirate Jake.

You don't screw with the RNG Goddess ._.

She will screw YOU over when the time comes for her revenge ._.

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I'm played Sacred Stones ATM, she can't do a thing to me. I have about five viable characters warming the bench.

She still can. Want me to tell you how Ephraim got killed by a 1% crit?

Also, I'm claiming Will of the Abyss before Soul does :newyears:

Edited by Lloyd Irving
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Claiming CATS's "All your base are belong to us." Also claiming Dark Valkyria (Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG), and Spirita/Tia and Freudia from RosenKreuzStilette.

Anyone willing to share Sylvia, Sheeda, Leen, Haruhi Suzumiya, and Vegeta's "IT'S OVER 9000!" quote? And are Homer, Asvel, and Shinon claimed?

Edited by Black Soldier
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I claim ... Janaff. Is he taken? Or Legault? Or Leila?

I'll also try and get Fiora and Farina, but I'm almost certain someone will have the,\m

Edited by Furetchen
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I'll be needing some Kalashnikov Girls for the brigade.

My Elite Spetsnaz brigade will be claiming the following women, and WE WILL KILL all who try to stop us:

Alisa Bosconovitch(Tekken 6) our data analyst and buzz saw girl

Emilie Rochefort(Tekken 6) she'll be our lead runway model and official drop kick girl

Florina(Fire Emblem 7) every brigade needs a girl on a pegasus

Karla(Fire Emblem 7) I just like Karla(she can be the right hand that just stands there all the time)

By the way, if Bartre comes around here trying to take Karla back, tell him to wait for me while standing on the landmine ahem... small lump of dirt on the ground. I'll be over shortly with a firing squad ahem... escort.

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Ether claimed Florina in this topic, but I recall yo doing it long before...

Oh yeah, Karla has been claimed BTW : P

There will be blood. We're not letting Karla go without a violent blood bath.

We will kill so many that you will not be able to count the corpses! -_-

(And yes, I was the first to claim Florina... very long time ago... so she's definitely still ours regardless)

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