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The official Claim a Character thread


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I claim North Sakhalin Island.

You can keep that. But take your paws off the South Kuriles, you know that that treaty never went into effect and if you keep bringing it up I'll use my influence to get you on a flight to the Hague.

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This seems interesting.

From The World Ends With You, I claim Neku Sakuraba, Sho Minamimoto (both Reaper & Taboo), Sanae Hanekoma, WildKat cafe, everything associated with the Another Day chapter, all of Sho Minamimoto's quotes, Joshua's JESUS BEAM, the My Phones accessory, and the Six Dark Planets pin set.

I also claim Noctis Lucis Caelum and his hair from Final Fantasy Versus XIII.

Any disputes?

Totally already claimed, but I'm bored with him like I was with the ending of TWEWY so...

To the curve he goes.

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Lucius has been claimed by Ayanami, she has also claimed Innes, apparently. Are you sure you checked through SIXTY EIGHT pages?

I used the nifty little "search topic" bar to the bottom left. I searched "Lucius" and only found my post. Same with Saul.

Edit: unless it was on the old topic.

Edited by core34510
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Lucius has been claimed by Ayanami, she has also claimed Innes, apparently. Are you sure you checked through SIXTY EIGHT pages?

When I made the claim on Innes it wasn't challenged, and unlike you, I'm not demented enough to look through 34 pages of this thread. Maybe you have the patience and the time, I don't.

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I claim Shigi (Tenchu Z), Ephraim, Ross, Seth, Rikimaru (Tenchu series), Tatsumaru (Tenchu series), Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII), Cain, Stefan, Zihark, and Guy.

Sephiroth has been claimed already.

Don't know about the rest.

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Only if I get his Miracle form as well. Like I said, we can share Giygas if you want.

OK, we'll share Gyigas and Porky.

you can take Miracle Fassad and you can have all the Magypsies.

So Mao and the Prinnies are free ?

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You know, that is very ironic considering this is coming from someone who makes much, MUCH more grammar mistakes than me.

Edited by Alan Rainsworth
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