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Also, iirc, the only boss that got recolored aside from Bern's generals was that one insignificant boss that was a general (I forgot his name) that Douglas pitied for running away from a fight.

Damas, Rude, Slaydar, Erik, Dory, Devias, Aine, Arcard, Roatz (That general), and Jahn would humbly object. ;)

Don't forget Sigurn, Kel, and Flaer.

Though I'm not entirely sure with the last one.

I don't think Damas was colored, but damn. I missed that many bosses? 0_0 I think that's pretty much counting the whole game.

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No. Those are the ones who weren't recolored.

Yeah, that's what I meant. Also, I could've sworn that Rude was not recolored and no way Jahn has itself recolored. Ah, now I see. You guys misread my posts.

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Well, your post mentions 'only boss that got recolored aside from Bern's generals'. As in, Bern's Generals and that boss are the ones with recolors. So, the misread was that we thought you thought only that one wasn't, then.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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