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North Korea?

Fei Mao

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North Korea is clearly trying to evoke foreshadowing of the events to come. In short, fuck you, (North) Korea.

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Does North Korea think before they act, or are they really that far gone?


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As I've explained multiple times, NK's survival is predicated on seeming too dangerous and crazy to invade. They can't go and screw the pooch by attacking someone, but their violent temper tantrums keep would-be meddlers out, allow Krazy Kim's wacky funtime to continue, and get moron diplomats to give NK things they want in exchange for halting their nuke program, which they never do.

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What else do you expect from a country who's main exports are drugs and counterfeit money.

NK's survival is predicated on seeming too dangerous and crazy to invade.

It's also contingent on the fact that the US would never invade North Korea short of nuclear war, as the Chinese would never tolerate US troops on their borders. NK is in a pretty cozy position right now, politically and geographically.

Edited by California Mountain Snake
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It would make sense for North Korean government to have organized the attack, but you have to remember that the Far East doesn't exactly have a clean record for cyber attacks either way - China and Russia are the originators of lots of attacks. It may well have been one of their governments who had the attack done from North Korea (or possibly it was non-governmental) - it's not as if North Korea is renowned for having tight security on its northern border or control over its internet activity.

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Does North Korea think before they act, or are they really that far gone?

Moronic country leaders obviously don't exist.

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I wouldn't call Kimmy boy a total moron. Deluded, yes. A monster, sure. A little old asian woman...well, he DOES look like one. Being a dangerous wildcard like he is will probably guarantee that he gets to die an old man in a country where he is next to god. You could do a lot worse than that as a dictator.

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  • 4 weeks later...

We should send Al Gore to North Korea, and have him talk about global warming until they abandon their nuclear program.

That won't work. They'll just beat him senseless. Then they'll do what they do with all prisoners from other countries. They'll use him as a bargaining chip for more rice or something. Since we're not giving up perfectly good rice for Al... lol just kidding but you get my point. Oh and after they can't get any food for the Gore hostage, they'll launch another missile and anyone who has only heard about North Korea for the first time will flinch while everyone else just shakes there heads... or facepalms :facepalm:
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