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Why is it that people are born....only to die so swiftly?

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WELL GUESS WHAT!? MICAIAH HAS BEEN BENCHED FOR THE POSITION OF THE STAR SUCKER IN THE GROUP! Now, LEONARDO has been sucking quite impressively over the past few missions! I HAVE SEEN HIS DEATH QUOTE SO MANY TIMES..............TIPS! How do i make him stop sucking!?

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I just bench Leo. I gave him a shot the first few playthroughs, but after discovering that Aran and Laura were actually pretty good, leo died in my heart.

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be patient with Leo. He gets Lughnasadh which raises his speed. With that bow, he will do great things

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be patient with Leo. He gets Lughnasadh which raises his speed. With that bow, he will do great things

Yeah, but what happens when the bow breaks? And then it's annoying to have to rely on a weapon for a character to be good. Shinnon is a much better choice in my opinon. I'd bench Leo. The only reason why I'd keep him is for the ballista in Micaiah's last chapter in Part 3.

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Well, don't use it ALL the time. It comes with 50 shots, so it lasts long. Then just Hammerne it when it gets low

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If you have the time, patience, and possibly BEXP to get Leo to Marksmen, then he will kill EVERYTHING in his path. The Double Bow hidden in 3-6 will help a lot too.

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If you have the time, patience, and possibly BEXP to get Leo to Marksmen, then he will kill EVERYTHING in his path. The Double Bow hidden in 3-6 will help a lot too.

You mean the Brave Bow?

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Hmm kay. Although i was focusing my BEXP on laura. I dont fully level her up but before every chapter i get her up to 90 exp so she gets a FULL level up at the beginning of the chapter by healing once rather than a fixed only 3 stat level up.

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My Leo has capped skill, res, and attack at lvl 18. A weird combination of stats might be the reason people underestimate him. Also, his speed is lower than Aran's. :o

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be patient with Leo. He gets Lughnasadh which raises his speed. With that bow, he will do great things

My Leo had 16 Speed at Sniper when he got that bow, and I could only hit twice on untransformed Tiger Laguz....

Leo just fails, don't use him.

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So im told. Majority ppl just say "Bench the bitch for rolf and shinon"

Yeah. He's the only one of the dawn brigade that just can't cut it. He's the kind of unit that is always one step away from being good. But then you realize "Oh shit, he can't cut it." The fact that he's in Micaiah's team, which lacks for exp and powerful units, gives him a disadvantage over Rolf and Shinon. Why kill yourself to make a unit good when there are two who have better potential and availability for the level they are at. Use Leo when necessary, then ditch the bitch.

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My Leo had 16 Speed at Sniper when he got that bow, and I could only hit twice on untransformed Tiger Laguz....

Leo just fails, don't use him.

yeah that's true. I had to rig his speed a lot to get him good

So im told. Majority ppl just say "Bench the bitch for rolf and shinon"

it's true. they both end up better than Leo

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