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The Universal Matchup Thread


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Awesome now that Mac started to get the community here going I might as well do it too.

Lets start by explaining what match ups are and how their ratio system works

Q: What is a Matchup?

A: A matchup is how well certain characters do against other characters, in smash there is one more variable with a matchup the stage. Certain characters do great in certain stages so a matchup can really change based on that. A matchup is under the circumstanced that charctaers are both on a neutral stage and both players are equal in skill

So little by little we will debate and talk about every characters matchup and then make a SF matchup chart. Feel free to drag frame data, videos, other posts from other fourms in here to defend your claim.

Q: Whats a ratio?

A: its the matchup ratio out of 100, so for eg: Roy in melee has a 0 to 100 match up agaist IC, so in theory if both players play perfect, IC SHOULD win 100 times out of 100

Now Should we get started?


Below on everyones picture you will have a link to their smashboards matchup thread

Since this is a FE fourm, I thought I would start with a FE character and so....



Matchup 1


Ratio -

Edited by Shawn_Jonhson_Fanboy
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I have heard this one put anywhere from bad but winnable for Ike to as bad as Dedede for Ike, but haven't heard much specifics either way. I have played very little of this match, so I'll keep it to questions:

Just how boned is Ike when he gets offstage? Is he trying to keep MK out with the tip of fair and jab, or is MK too fast for that to be much other than a losing crapshoot? How safe/effective are ftilt and utilt? I imagine Ike has trouble stuffing MK with midair spacing since he's short and has crappy air speed so won't be there much anyway. If MK decides to be the one zoning, what does Ike have? Would it be near correct to say MK loves all the stages Ike does but more?

Basically is this just unfun or shit?

Edited by Rehab
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Pretty much a bit more than unfun, and less than shit.

Like 60:40 I guess

MK kills you off stage, if the MK is smart you kinda die off stage

MK is one of the only people who can screw with Ike off the stage, if MK goes at you off the stage with a fair and you try to Ather him down, he lives on most occasions so your kinda screwed.

On the stage its a bit better sime you can Nair him to death. People say Fair but at low % (for MK) it doesn't have enough knockback and he can bumrush you after. I I like Nair better sine it autocancels and I can jab him into higher %'s so them I can fair and try to kill it.

When you think about it,

Ikes f

air kills (it depends on how diminished it is)




upsmash (at really high %'s and undiminished) can any know test what % it can kill MK without DI? Not near a wii now

dtilt :o (MK doesn't auto grab onto the ledge since he was multiple jumps, so you can dtilt off the tage for a spike, though it doesn't stop shuttle loop, don't know about tornado though

Space and Fthrow

Fthrow spaces for you imo Ikes best trow and grab alot, it breaks their momentum. Other that there isn't much Ike can do

Don't trow out aerials, MK is like a bullet hes fast as balls so if you start trowing out random aerials don't. Make sure they will hit, one wrong fair by you is a : (fair fair nair dtrow **mind game BAM you die) not like that but you get the idea

Matchup is a soild 60:40 MK favor

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On what stage? It would be low on a place like Frigate but horrendously high at New Pork.

I'll just test it on Final Destination.

EDIT: IIRC, MK dies at 55% when fully charged and 89% when barely charged. Anything higher than *(% gets owned.

Also, you have 595 matchups to do.

Edited by Joshybear25
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On what stage? It would be low on a place like Frigate but horrendously high at New Pork.

I'll just test it on Final Destination.

EDIT: IIRC, MK dies at 55% when fully charged and 89% when barely charged. Anything higher than *(% gets owned.

Also, you have 595 matchups to do.

and thats without smash DI and momentum canceling -_- oh well

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