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Mist haters/Rhys fans thread


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Rhys is hot, so that comes as a bonus to his awesomeness.

Seriously, Mist is a piece of shit. She can't even double, and once I trained Rhys and brought him to the tower. He solo'ed Rebirth (2) with a staff. Mist can't do that.

Can I say personal experience means nothing? Because that's what I'm seeing here. And it has been proven Mist >>>> Rhysy boy. Rhys, is really the one who is getting doubled, not Mist. The only reason I would see why she would even get doubled is, for some dumb reason, she's underleveled. (And why anyone wouldn't train her is beyond me.)

Edited by Little Al
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I trained Rhys and brought him to the tower. He solo'ed Rebirth (2) with a staff. Mist can't do that.

Yeah, either it's EM or it's a lie. Actually, it probably still is a lie. Anyway, PEMN, and Mist is more likely to be able to do that anyway due to better caps in everything except Res as well as higher growths in all the important areas unless it was Matrona that somehow allowed him to do it.

I could do more, but this if FftF. I want to save it for the real thing.

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Rhys is hot, so that comes as a bonus to his awesomeness.

Seriously, Mist is a piece of shit. She can't even double, and once I trained Rhys and brought him to the tower. He solo'ed Rebirth (2) with a staff. Mist can't do that.

lol what

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It was normal mode, actually, with a Matrona staff. Rhys also had a blessed elixir (was playing with hacks)

My Rhys does quite well with a data transfer and 3-4 levels in BEXP. My Mist ends up as fail after falling behind a bit. She hardly does any damage, anyway, and she can't double until she's up quite a few levels, which I could be working on training Rhys with.

I seriously need to kill Mist off on every playthrough from now on.

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It doesn't really change the fact that Rhysy boy pretty much always manages to get doubled by generals. Seriously. When he gets some points in speed, I don't think "Yay! More doubling!" or "Yay! Rhysy boy's dodging pretty well." I think "*monotone* Yay! Rhysy boy is getting doubled less often. I wonder how long he can keep himself from getting doubled." He is even overshadowed by Mist in PoR.

Edited by Little Al
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