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Damon Feath Settrock 2


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we..... have failed........

the evil has escaped, and now it must be ravaging villages, and killing innocent townsfolk......

Who says I'd do that?


Well, if you got somethin to say, say it now before I change my mind and leave.

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apparently Fox is having a crisis.

All of this goddess talk. FUCK! When does it fucking end! God F***ING DAMMIT!

lol! i'll stop if you don't like it!

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*comes back one year later (I went to the training room, where time passes much slower than normal)*

Fuck, I gained a shitload of abilities. My Knifing is better than usual and I can master non-offensive magic spells, like one that increases my speed and attack.

My Goddess, I am ready to return.

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I'm pulling out my hair right now! 2 fucking pages of unread topics? Wars upon wars upon wars? What the fuck happened to this place? Why can't everyone be peaceful and in agreement? God F***ING DAMMIT!


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I'm pulling out my hair right now! 2 fucking pages of unread topics? Wars upon wars upon wars? What the fuck happened to this place? Why can't everyone be peaceful and in agreement? God F***ING DAMMIT!



Boy she wasn't even intending to do anything and caused me more damage than you guys did. What's up with that?

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I'm pulling out my hair right now! 2 fucking pages of unread topics? Wars upon wars upon wars? What the fuck happened to this place? Why can't everyone be peaceful and in agreement? God F***ING DAMMIT!


There's nothing much in most of those topics. Arc went a bit power drunk and people started spamming like crazy to get back at him.

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I'm pulling out my hair right now! 2 fucking pages of unread topics? Wars upon wars upon wars? What the fuck happened to this place? Why can't everyone be peaceful and in agreement? God F***ING DAMMIT!


*rubs fox's back*

there there! we know that we have spammed TOO much.....

but sometimes its too hard to not do it, cause its fun! (well maybe not to you....)

i guess i'm one of the people responsible so i apologize!

i won't go on my spamming spree for a while, how's that?

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fox, you REALLY need to calm down! i bet its frustrating, but don't go all uber-psycho on us just because of it.

i'll won't go screaming that i'm a goddess anymore, if you feel so strongly about it.

sheesh! smile, being angry is not healthy!

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