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It really bothers me when I battle hackers in Wi Fi in this game, they are nearly impossible to beat. Although I did beat one of them once! :)

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I usually beat the ones that don't have real imhullus (although I beat one of 'em once).

Then again, hackers generally have no skill whatsoever. They'll just run up to you and attack, thinking that they're all high and mighty.

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Most hackers just suck at strategy and give everyone Falchions and Imhullus, thinking that it's enough to make them win. However, there are occasional hackers smart enough to use good classes and have forged swarms and braves plus max stats.

Edited by Royal
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I fought a hacker yesterday and something happened that I don't know what it is.

During his phase there were random lines on the screen like in FE7 when Eliwood kills


and then it made the noise it makes when a unit runs into someone in the fog. He then attacked me with an infinate range Imhullu. I hate cheaters!!!

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I normally beat hackers who have Imhullu or impossible stats (as long as Imhullu people don't take the fort). It's the ones that control my moves and drop my weapons/attack infinite times that are annoying. I mean, they are playing against themselves 1/2 the time, the never even give the opponent a turn.

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