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*Spoilers* Strongest One Piece Crew Members/Warrlords


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Luffy's Crew and the Warrlords in order how would you rate them? I have not watched EVERY episode but friends told me what happened now I am watching it so I could be a bit off for some people...

Straw hat Pirates:















Boa Hancock



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XD There are a lot of these kinds of topics nowadays..

Crew members:

1. Luffy, well he is Luffy... he beat all of their strongest enemies and he gets the usual main character power and he always improves A LOT. Unlike most who just improve a bit in the midst of a battle or just show off their best attack when they're about to lose.

2. Zoro, it's always implied that Zoro is stronger than Sanji but it looks as if they're about equal but I'll go with the "facts". He usually defeats the second strongest person on the enemy side and he doesn't avoid battle so you could see that you could see his strength.

3. Sanji, like I said above, they should be about roughly equal in strength but since the author doesn't show Sanji in very important battles we could just wait.

4. Chopper, with his whole triple Rumble ball thing he just destroys everything but even just with one he seems more superior than the rest.

5. Franky, this is where it starts getting harder. I'll just go with Franky since everyone else under him hasn't showed any superior fighting capability than him (except maybe Nami's fight against that woman with the bubbles and that other woman with claws).

6. Brook, I'm not sure but he seems pretty good with a sword so I'll leave him here.

7. Robin is obviously strong but she doesn't fight much so we could only assume it's because she is either rather weak or just doesn't like to fight. By the looks of it, she isn't much of the one on one battle kind of person and more like a supportive fighter. She usually only kills people who aren't strong since the main thing she does is break their back with her numerous arms (which honestly freak me out sometimes).

8. Nami is only better than Ussop since she got the weather staff (forgot the name of it, it's been a while since it was mentioned) and beats a lot of strong fighters later on.

9. Ussop is a sniper and uses cheap attacks. Like when he was against Luffy, he only had a chance because he knew him very well. If not, he would've been destroyed in a few seconds.

Well they haven't shown/ I don't remember most of their strength so I won't list them.

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I'll just say that this list is a bit wrong, that's all don't feel like arguing about if its wrong or not.

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Chopper over Sanji? Hancock over Jimbei?

The hell?

just stay out of it, its his opinion there will just be more arguments

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1 luffy Not realy a suprise

2 zorro duh

3 sanji

4 robin she is he only one who kils people and she end most her fighst rather quick

5 frankey

6 brook

7 chopper

8 nami

9 ussop oda said he was the weakest


1 Mihawk he is likely stronger then shanks now he lost a arm.

2 blackbeard he wounded shanks without his devil fruit

3 kuma defeated the straw hats twice

4 Doflamingo havent realy seen him fight but his bounty says that he is strong

5 jimbei

6 crocodile

7 Hancock

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I'll just say that this list is a bit wrong, that's all don't feel like arguing about if its wrong or not.

That's nice...I asked what do YOU think. You don't want to argue then just don't post here till you "feel like" arguing...

Plus I never said anyone had to argue.

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get permission from a mod because of the dumb old rule saying you can not post in a topic that hasn't had any activity for over a month.

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I'm surprised how underestimated Nami is. I'd probably put her right under Sanji as the 4th strongest member. So I'd probably do something like this:









As for the Shichibukai, we really haven't seen enough of them, or anything relevant, with the exceptions of Kuma and Moria. Though we do, at least, have evidence pointing to Mihawk being fairly strong.

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even though nami is strong, that doesn't mean she's that strong like you put it. I would say franky and brook are stronger then her since they have a much bigger arsenal then she does. Plus Robin can end her life within a second

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