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ZXValaRevan (Brom) versus Rage Fox (Calill), FE9

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So, Brom versus Calill. Brom is fat and has a family and farms and is happy. Calill is thin and teaches magic and shit like that. Brom wins, because everyone knows fat people are better.

The end.

Well, I guess there are other factors.

Brom joins in Chapter 11. Calill joins in Chapter 20. All I have to do is prove that Brom is a benefit before Calill joins, and equal to her, or better (or marginally worse) after she joins. So let's start this baby up.

When Brom joins he has the following statistics (level 8):

Iron Lance: 17.0 atk, 7 AS, 102 hit, 4.3 crit, 18.0 avo, 28 hp, 13 def, 2 res

Steel Lance: 20.0 atk, 4.0 AS, 92.0 hit, 4.3 crit - - 12.0 avo, 28.0 hp, 13.0 def, 2.0 res, 4.0 critavo

Not amazing, but not particularly disgusting either. Importantly, he comes in on a chapter right after you got a load of BEXP, and assuming you are distributing BEXP fairly evenly between units you use, he should be getting at least some of that. He also uses it pretty well. He may well gain a level or two right there. But let's ignore that for now. Let's pretend he's still Level 8.

The two fighters here (not that important, but meh), are getting ORKO'd by him, but everyone is going to kill these guys, unless they somehow manage to have under 15 MT, or under 4 AS. They hit him for 1 damage. Again, not the most impressive of enemies. Then there are the Zihark Myrmidon's who he could easily kill without taking any damage, but you may want to conserve those for the BEXP.

Now to get onto more interesting enemies. The Lance Knights are all hitting him for ~6-7 damage, at 79% True Hit. The strongest ones 4RKO him. Considering the fact that a level 14 Boyd is as well, I think that's alright. So is a level 14 Oscar. You get the picture. He responds with ~5-6 damage at 96% True Hit, or ~8-9 damage with 89% True Hit. Not incredibly impressive, but meh. He does better against the Steel Sword Knights, taking ~4 damage and dealing ~6 damage with an IronLance. The Bow Knight deals a laughable 3 damage to him.

The enemy Armor Knights are fairly different. Brom does not particularly want to meet them, although he does double them.

The loldiers can be pretty easily dispatched by him. The level 9 Myrmidon's as well deal like 2 damage to him, and he can take them easily enough. He can also take the rest of the easy shit like Thieves and Priests.

So really, Brom only ever has any trouble with the tougher dudes anyway.

Next level there are a bunch of dudes that double Brom for 3-5 per hit, and the boss who doubles for 9 per hit. Now, this is assuming Brom didn't level up once. Even 2 levels is reducing that damage. He's responding with 6-9 damage on most of them, including the boss.

On this chapter Brom is not shining quite so much, but almost everybody is having SOME trouble with the massive AS of the Ravens. Fun fact: most of your awesome characters like Boyd and Oscar and Kieran probably aren't getting the 13 AS required to avoid being doubled by many of the Ravens until level 17-20. Boyd in particular, at level 19 (Yeah, 19, if he managed that :D ), can be hit by non boss Ravens for 9 damage per hit. Doubled. And he's not one rounding them in response either. And just to restate that. Durability wise, BASE level Brom is comparable to many of your best characters at up to level 19. And his offense isn't lagging that far behind. He lags level 20 Boyd by 8 Mt, which is pretty bad, but level 20 Ike is only winning by 2, Oscar at level 20 leads by 3. It's pretty insane that base level Brom is doing almost as well as them on this chapter (probably better durability wise). I'm not trying to say Brom is better than them by any means, but that is pretty damn impressive that he's comparable to them when he's at base level and they're at levels far beyond what they should be at.

Anyway, NEXT CHAPTER time. Now, as much as I would love to keep doing this "Hey let's see what Base Level Brom does at this level!" thing, I'm going to have to go ahead a bit and say he probably gained some Experience. To be simple, I'll say he gained 3 levels through combined Combat and Bonus EXP (not unreasonable at all).

Level 11 Brom:

Iron Lance: 18.4 atk, 7.8 AS, 105.6 hit, 5.0 crit, 20.2 avo, 30.2 hp, 14.7 def, 2.8 res

Steel Lance: 21.4 atk, 6.2 AS, 95.6 hit, 5.0 crit, 17.0 avo, 30.2 hp, 14.7 def, 2.8 res

First let's start with the Soldiers/Halberdiers. They pose no threat to Brom. They're all dealing 0-5 damage. The Halberdiers can double him though, for 4+4. He deals 7-11 damage with his Iron Lance, although he is dealing 9 to most of them. Steel can boost that damage by three in exchange for losing a bit of AS.

The archers range from dealing 0 (actually -2 :P )-3 damage, none of them can double him, no matter what. He deals 9-11 with Iron Lance, and can easily switch to Steel to gain the extra damage, as the AS loss still will not really hurt.

The Myrmidons range from dealing almost no damage (or no damage) and doubling, or dealing like 4 damage and not doubling. The most "dangerous" one is the Killing Edge Myrm, who doubles for 3 damage with an existent crit rate. Brom deals 13 damage to each of them with an Iron Lance, but he may as well use Steel because it doesn't change anyone's doubling status on these guys, which means he deals 16 damage per smack.

Other than that there's a Hammer Fighter that will hurt if he hits, but has no AS to speak of and likely will be whiped out by any of your units. It doesn't even one hit Brom either. The Steel Axe Fighter deals like 9 damage and can't double. Then there's the mages, which basically get Brom pretty good, but in return get gotten even better. Yeah, and Ravens too. These ones double him for 4 damage.

Anyway, we save the people here, yadda yadda, ohmygodwhatthefuckisthatthingAstridiscarrying? Is that a KNIGHT WARD? Yes it is!! Alright. So. Knight Ward discussion time. Everyone who CAN get Knight Ward is going to be getting Knight Ward on BEXP level ups, it just makes sense. However, who gets to wear it into battle? Let's look at the contenders for it (the ones that are more likely to be played and are around right now anyway). They are Oscar, Kieran, Astrid, and Nephenee. Now, the thing you'll notice about these people is that most of them have pretty decent Speed. In fact, good speed. For the most part, they'll be doubling almost everything, except for the things that no one is doubling. I'm going to take a risk now and say that using the Knight Ward on units with already good Speed is not as useful as using it on another unit. Now, before you say that Brom doesn't "deserve" anything more than any other unit, let me say, that is true. However the fact is that it is MORE EFFECTIVE on Brom than most of the other units. Astrid however is at a low enough level that the extra Speed growth will be helping her get into doubling sooner, and the Defensive boosts are pretty neat to. So I'll say that in battle Astrid is getting the Ward half the time, Brom the other half. Either way, it's not hard to tweak things a bit so the chapter ends right before Brom levels up.

I don't really want to go Chapter by Chapter until Calill joins, so I'll just stop here with an assumption that Brom improves from here. I will however back that up. His MT will only increase from here out, at a fair rate. More importantly however, his Strength will allow him to wield heavier weapons without AS loss. His Speed will also be boosted fairly significantly by the availability of the Knight Ward (.3 per Knight Ward level is nothing to sneeze at, especially since he'll be getting it for the majority of his level ups). As soon as he hits a respectable speed his offense essentially doubles. His Defense continues to keep him happy.

And before I forget, Brom's supports. Brom has Boyd, Nephenee and Zihark. Boyd may well want Brom if Brom is in play, partly because Brom gives the same bonuses as Mist and Ulki, while being earlier than Ulki and wanting him in return, unlike Mist. Mist has her hands full with people like Titania and Mordecai and even Jill. Zihark also wants Brom, if Brom is being played, since his other Supports are Ilyana and Muarim. Brom is much faster than Muarim (since he's earlier), and also gives better bonuses than Ilyana (trades 2.5 Accuracy per level for Brom's .5 Mt, and Zihark wants Mt), and arguably better bonuses than Muarim (Avoid for Mt). If Nephenee is in play, she has no reason not to take him, as his only competition is Devdanved and Calill. Not only does he come way before them, his bonuses are better than Devdanved's (unless somehow you thought that Nephenee needed Accuracy more then Def), and trade Avoid for Defense in the Calill support. Whatever floats your boat.

Anyway, Brom will most likely get a combination of them. The best is probably A Boyd, B Zihark, which results in +4 Mt, +2 Defense, +7 Accuracy, and +10 Avoid. This can be accomplished by Chapter 22. If you jumped for Zihark A, you could get it by Chapter 20.

But finally, the moment of truth, when Calill joins! CHAPTER 20!

I feel it's safe to assume that Brom gained about 1.5 levels per chapter. There are 12 Chapters (well, maps) between the one he starts in (11), and Chapter 20. That's 18 Levels. We'll assume about 75% (Half combat, all BEXP) levelups are with Knight Ward. That means that he ends up at 20/4.

So, without further ado, let's see Brom:

Steel Lance: 32.7 atk, 16.8 AS, 119.0 hit, 9.0 crit, 50.6 avo, 42.2 hp, 23.8 def, 10.8 res

He doubles everyone on this map except for Shihiram and a couple of Sword Knights. The most damage any non magic, non Shihiram unit can do to him on a hit is 5 damage, and that's a Steel Axe Fighter. Even magic users aren't doing much more than 7 damage. Half these enemies are facing nasty miss chances as well. He can also switch to a Sword if he really wants to take advantage of WT, although that really seems unnecessary. But let's take Shiharam, the strongest unit on the map, who also has WTA.

He deals 11 damage per hit on Brom with 68% True Hit. He has to hit 4 times to kill Brom. Brom deals 10 damage per hit with 92% True Hit. He has to hit 5 times to kill Shiharam. If you run the numbers, Shiharam is much more likely to lost out on this thing. Take into account the fact that Brom can switch to Killer or something, and it's not even funny. But anyway, anyone can toe to toe a boss, it really doesn't mean too much. But the fact that no enemy is even a real threat to Brom, and the fact that he deals significant damage to the others makes him pretty awesome here.

Now let's see what Calill does here.

Elthunder: 26.0 atk, 18.0 AS, 127.0 hit, 18.8 crit, 52.0 avo, 32.0 hp, 8.0 def, 17.0 res

Offensively she's doing pretty well, although not enough to give her that much of an edge on Brom. The people with the biggest Def-Res gap on this map are the Wyverns, who typically have a gap of 10, although one had 11. This means that in the end she only leads Brom by about 4-5 Mt. At most. Wait, I lied, there are a pair of Armor Knights with a gap of 13, so she wins those two by 7.

Defensively however, she is slaughtered. She wins Avo by a laughable 2, and lolRes by 7. Brom has 10 HP, and 15 Defense over her. She is 2HKO'd by all except for one of the Wyverns. She is 3HKOd by almost everyone else except for the Magic users. And before you start on 1-2 Range, not only does Brom have access to that to (not that it matters), but that is only really likely to be useful on Player's phase, and even then, not on every enemy. Either she has no enemy phase, or she faces almost certain doom on it. BUT WAIT SHE CAN USE HER AMAZING KNIVES TO KILL EVERYTHING, SO DISREGARD THAT I SUCK COCK AND YOU AUTO WIN THE DEBATE. I can't believe I forgot her awesome Knife skillz.

I was going to write some more, but really, I don't want this to be too long. I'll finish up by saying that it looks like Brom not only wins before Calill joins (what with taking care of himself and contributing fair damage), but he also wins after she joins, due to comparable damage output, but not dying from everything. Of course, I highly suspect you are not going to be looking at my numbers to try to win. :P

Edited by ZXValaRevan
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So, Brom versus Calill. Brom is fat and has a family and farms and is happy. Calill is thin and teaches magic and shit like that. Brom wins, because everyone knows fat people are better.

Sex appeal. Need I say more?

When Brom joins he has the following statistics (level 8):

Iron Lance: 17.0 atk, 7 AS, 102 hit, 4.3 crit, 18.0 avo, 28 hp, 13 def, 2 res

Steel Lance: 20.0 atk, 4.0 AS, 92.0 hit, 4.3 crit - - 12.0 avo, 28.0 hp, 13.0 def, 2.0 res, 4.0 critavo

Wait...how does he have an extra .3 crit? It should be just 4.

Now to get onto more interesting enemies. The Lance Knights are all hitting him for ~6-7 damage, at 79% True Hit. The strongest ones 4RKO him. Considering the fact that a level 14 Boyd is as well, I think that's alright. So is a level 14 Oscar. You get the picture. He responds with ~5-6 damage at 96% True Hit, or ~8-9 damage with 89% True Hit. Not incredibly impressive, but meh. He does better against the Steel Sword Knights, taking ~4 damage and dealing ~6 damage with an IronLance. The Bow Knight deals a laughable 3 damage to him.

The enemy Armor Knights are fairly different. Brom does not particularly want to meet them, although he does double them.

The loldiers can be pretty easily dispatched by him. The level 9 Myrmidon's as well deal like 2 damage to him, and he can take them easily enough. He can also take the rest of the easy shit like Thieves and Priests.

So really, Brom only ever has any trouble with the tougher dudes anyway.

This is cool and all, but then Brom's mobility becomes a problem. He joins on a fairly big map with enemies coming from all directions, with the worst movement of any combat unit on the team (tied with Soren/Ilyana, but they're ranged fighters anyway). Brom might have a difficult time getting to some of these enemies, and even if he does, his pitiful damage output means it probably would've been better to put someone like Ike/Titania/Oscar/Boyd/etc. there instead, since that 8-9 with the Steel Lance is borderline 4 rounding, which is pretty bad.

For the record, it takes a level 14-15 Ike w/Regal Sword to ORKO all the Cavalry knights, except the one Bow Knight he might not double. A level 3-5 (depending on Spd and Str growths) Titania w/Steel Axe can do the same. A level 12 Boyd misses the double but still 2RKOs all. Oscar is a bit worse, 2RKOing the weaker ones and more like 3RKOing the stronger, but that's still superior to Brom. Marcia doubles like everything and 1-2 rounds. Lethe and Mordecai laugh in their faces. Base level Kieran can even 1-2 round most of them. Soren and Ilyana can do good chunks of damage due to the sizable Def-Res gap. The only ones doing offensively worse are Volke and Nephenee, but Volke isn't meant to fight and Nephenee just hasn't gotten her Spd up yet. So yeah, Brom's not actually very good here.

Oh, and if you think those were some inflated levels, note that they were for the strongest enemies. The required levels will be lower for weaker enemies. Also note that even if you gave Brom 2 levels of BEXP, his performance overall wouldn't really change, since he'd only get +1 Str and his move still sucks.

Fun fact: most of your awesome characters like Boyd and Oscar and Kieran probably aren't getting the 13 AS required to avoid being doubled by many of the Ravens until level 17-20.

Kieran only needs to have gained 2-3 levels to get 13 AS. But the other two I'll give you. Although they're the only ones. Others like Ike, Titania, Marcia, and Nephenee hit it much faster.

Boyd in particular, at level 19 (Yeah, 19, if he managed that :D ), can be hit by non boss Ravens for 9 damage per hit. Doubled.

Huh? Level 19 Boyd has 14 Spd (13.65, but it doesn't matter). That's doubled by exactly nothing, since the max AS for a Raven here is 16, and you can't even pull out the weighed down argument because 17 Str isn't weighed down by anything he'll reasonably use here. So Boyd needs to reach 15-16 to not be doubled by anything. Then he's still getting like 5HKOd in return because of his awesome HP, and 2 rounds (borderline 3) most of the Ravens.

And his offense isn't lagging that far behind. He lags level 20 Boyd by 8 Mt, which is pretty bad, but level 20 Ike is only winning by 2, Oscar at level 20 leads by 3. It's pretty insane that base level Brom is doing almost as well as them on this chapter (probably better durability wise).

Brom might pull a lead defensively here (might, because he gets doubled by everything), and he can even pull off comparable offense here. But that's here. When you look at any chapter outside of this one, his mobility and offense start to become a problem again because everyone else doubles. So, Brom gets this one chapter to be cool because you don't need a lot of move and his offense isn't completely terrible. Way to go, Chap.

I'm going to take a risk now and say that using the Knight Ward on units with already good Speed is not as useful as using it on another unit. Now, before you say that Brom doesn't "deserve" anything more than any other unit, let me say, that is true. However the fact is that it is MORE EFFECTIVE on Brom than most of the other units. Astrid however is at a low enough level that the extra Speed growth will be helping her get into doubling sooner, and the Defensive boosts are pretty neat to. So I'll say that in battle Astrid is getting the Ward half the time, Brom the other half. Either way, it's not hard to tweak things a bit so the chapter ends right before Brom levels up.

Well, there's a bit of an issue there. I agree that the Knight Ward should go to whomever it is most effective on, but that's a controversial issue. Other than the ones you listed, Titania and Gatrie can equip it, and Makalov, Geoffrey, and Devdan will come, and they can use it. Not saying they will (yet), just listing them, so the judges know how many people there are.

Now, what exactly does +30% Spd growth and +2 Def/Res do? It helps Spd go up faster of course, and also means units take less damage. This thing was acquired in Chapter 13. I'll assume Oscar has hit level 16 for this, so he has 12.85 Spd. I'll assume he reaches level 20 by Chapter 17 (since he can't do anything in the desert). Without the Knight Ward, he'll have 14.65 Spd, 16.65 on promotion. On 17-1, 15 AS doubles 8/21 enemies, and 17 only doubles a couple more. With the Knight Ward, he'd have 15.85, 17.85 at promotion. Not only does this give him less chance of getting Spd screwed, but 18 AS (and eventually 19) doubles almost everything in all of Chapter 17, while before he was pretty borderline. It also gives him a bit more avoid.

What about Titania? At Chapter 13, I'll say she's hit level 4, and can be level 7 by chapter 17. 3 levels with Knight Ward only grants her +1 Spd to her average, but 17-1 alone has 4 enemies with 14 AS, and her level 7 average w/Knight Ward is 17.9. This isn't a huge help, but it's something.

How about Kieran? At chapter 13, I'd say he's 15, and can hit 19-20 by Chapter 17. W/out Knight Ward, he has 15.2 Spd. With it, he has 16.7, which actually allows him to borderline double most Myrmidons.

And I won't go into Nephenee, Astrid, and Makalov because I think you get the point. This is also leaving out the defensive bonuses it gives, which helps everyone more than Brom, because Def isn't his issue.

And of course, Brom. Your chapter 13 level was 11. I'll say he makes it to 16 by Chapter 17. Without it, he has 9.25 Spd. With it, 10.75. 11 Spd vs. 9 doubles, like, a Fighter or two, and that's assuming he's at 11 Spd and not 10, and this is him with the Ward for every single map, not even just half of them, and against guys he faces WTD to, so he shouldn't be fighting them anyway. If he gets it for half the chapters like you suggested, he'll have like 10 Spd flat, which doesn't help him at all because it doesn't double any more and it doesn't prevent doubling either. So giving it to Brom is like wasting it. Yeah, he can use it at the base, no sweat, but he will always have doubling problems, and his Str isn't good enough to compensate.

This isn't to say he'll never get it on the map. That would be sandbagging. But, half the maps is probably too much. It should also be noted that the Cavalry units with their high move and Canto have a much easier trading it around amongst each other, which allows them to use it quite often on level ups, but Brom can't really take advantage of that. So instead of Brom getting it on a map, it's almost like I can have 3-4 units using it whenever needed, depending on how many are in a group.

If Nephenee is in play, she has no reason not to take him, as his only competition is Devdanved and Calill. Not only does he come way before them, his bonuses are better than Devdanved's (unless somehow you thought that Nephenee needed Accuracy more then Def), and trade Avoid for Defense in the Calill support. Whatever floats your boat.

And then these two fight over Nephenee. Remember that .5 support bonuses don't round up in this game, so at A (and assuming Neph goes A/B Brom/Calill), it's Calill's 5 avoid vs. Brom's...nothing. Seriously. Nephenee with A Brom/B Calill gets +2 atk, +1 Def, +17 avoid, +12 hit. With A Calill/B Brom she gets +2 atk, +1 Def, +22 avoid, +12 Hit. So there is literally no reason Nephenee would take A Brom over A Calill.

It's kind of tough to argue out Brom's other supports, but it should be noted he'll most likely be getting double B's. As stated, Nephenee only wants B with him. The .5's don't round up, so Zihark only wants B, and can take his A in Muarim for more avoid, or in Ilyana who makes better use of the avoid boost than Brom. Boyd might take an A with him, but Mist wants offense as well, and since she actually doubles she makes much better use of the +3 atk than Brom does.

I feel it's safe to assume that Brom gained about 1.5 levels per chapter. There are 12 Chapters (well, maps) between the one he starts in (11), and Chapter 20. That's 18 Levels. We'll assume about 75% (Half combat, all BEXP) levelups are with Knight Ward. That means that he ends up at 20/4.

What? 1.5 is too much. He has awful mobility (which hurts even more in terrain) and doesn't double a thing on top of having fairly mediocre Str for a while, which means he has trouble getting kill experience, and then there's the desert where he does the equivalent of base level Lyre in RD's Endgame because he has lol1 move. He'll probably be freshly promoted by now, maybe 20/2.

So, without further ado, let's see Brom:

Steel Lance: 32.7 atk, 16.8 AS, 119.0 hit, 9.0 crit, 50.6 avo, 42.2 hp, 23.8 def, 10.8 res

He doubles everyone on this map except for Shihiram and a couple of Sword Knights. The most damage any non magic, non Shihiram unit can do to him on a hit is 5 damage, and that's a Steel Axe Fighter. Even magic users aren't doing much more than 7 damage. Half these enemies are facing nasty miss chances as well. He can also switch to a Sword if he really wants to take advantage of WT, although that really seems unnecessary. But let's take Shiharam, the strongest unit on the map, who also has WTA.

How much he doubles obviously depends on how many levels he got with the Knight Ward. If he got less than you assumed, he'd be closer to 16, or possibly even 15 Spd. Also, if he's even a level lower and we assume that last level was BEXP or something and so Knight Ward was applied, that means he loses another .55. At 16, he misses the double on 6 enemies, and at 15 he misses 5 more.

Offensively, both pretty much kill anything they double. Well, almost anything:

1x Wyvern lv 17 (knight killer)
34 hp, 21 atk (28 eff), 7 AS, 95 hit, 17 avo, 17 def, 6 res, 5 crit, 3 cev
2x Wyvern lv 18 (steel lance)
35 hp, 26 atk, 10 AS, 100 hit, 24 avo, 17 def, 7 res, 6 crit, 4 cev
1x Wyvern lv 18 (short spear)
33 hp, 24 atk, 10 AS, 98 hit, 24 avo, 18 def, 7 res, 6 crit, 4 cev
2x Wyvern lv 19 (steel lance)
35 hp, 26 atk, 9 AS, 98 hit, 22 avo, 18 def, 8 res, 6 crit, 4 cev

Even with doubling, Brom misses the ORKO on these guys. However, Calill with Elwind has 27 atk against them, which ORKOs all of them.

2x Knight lv 18 (steel lance, vulnerary)
32 hp, 23 atk, 5 AS, 94 hit, 14 avo, 20 def, 7 res, 5 crit, 4 cev

Despite doubling, Brom cannot kill. Calill with Elthunder fries both.

And everyone else they're practically equal against, except those few guys Calill doubles that Brom doesn't. But this is enough to show that Calill is doing better offensively here than Brom.

Defensively however, she is slaughtered. She wins Avo by a laughable 2, and lolRes by 7. Brom has 10 HP, and 15 Defense over her. She is 2HKO'd by all except for one of the Wyverns. She is 3HKOd by almost everyone else except for the Magic users. And before you start on 1-2 Range, not only does Brom have access to that to (not that it matters), but that is only really likely to be useful on Player's phase, and even then, not on every enemy.

She has 32/8 Def/HP. This means enemies need 24 atk to 2HKO her. 10/32 enemies on the map reach that. That's roughly 31% of the enemies, and only 3 of them can even counter her on the player phase, one being Shiharam himself, who she can 2RKO back anyway while facing ~46% true hit (Brom is like a 4-5RKO on this guy). Oh, and those other guys that can 2RKO her? All have the same or less hit, so she's not even being hit too often.

Now, I know that isn't spectacular. There's no denying Brom is more durable than her. But Calill's durability isn't as bad as you think, and it only gets better. She has a nice Def growth (40%) and she'll be getting avoid from supports. Like, let's check out chapter 24. Calill will have B Nephenee and possibly B Tormod. I'll assume just one level per chapter (I could say it's low, since even I gave Brom more than that earlier) and use of a +Def band (most likely Soldier), and she has 34.2 HP, 10 Def, and 72 avoid. Enemies need 27 atk to 2HKO her, which only Fighters and some Wyverns reach, and the average Hit she faces is ~15% true from them. Everyone else is 3HKO or higher, and enemy Hit only rarely goes past 32 true, and that's on guys that like 4HKO her. Oh, and after this map, she'll have A Nephenee, which gives her 5 more avoid.

All the while she still does better offensively. She still has AS and power leads on him, and more viable 1-2 range (Brom has range, but then he kills his already borderline offense). Oh, and I shouldn't forget effective damage on Laguz and fliers.

Before I end this, I have a feeling you'll attack me for hyping Brom's bad mobility when, both promoted, they have the same 6 move. But that doesn't mean their mobility is equal. For example, Calill loses less move from terrain than Brom. Also, she's a lighter build, so characters have a much easier time Shoving/Smiting/Rescuing her than they do Brom. And then there's the fact that her range is much more reliable, so she can reach an enemy 8 spaces away and be just as effective on it as ever, while Brom can only do the same from 7 spaces away, 6 before promotion.

So, in the end, Brom has trouble really doing a lot because his mobility sucks, his range sucks, and his offense is shaky due to never doubling. A clear offense lead > a short-term durability lead.

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