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Do you have what it takes to be "The Guy!?"


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I Wanna Be The Guy, is a ridiculously hard, unfair, and cheap game. Of course, that doesn't sound very nice. And it isn't. But I'll be damned if it isn't crazy addicting. It's a full scale game, with 8 bosses, and riddled with traps you couldn't possibly predict until AFTER they've killed you once, and even then you'll probably spend a lot of time trying to consistently evade them. There's usually more than one direction you can go, some taking you screen after painfully difficult screen until you discover you've encountered a dead end. But don't let that discourage you or anything.

So try it out. If you're the persistent type, you'll probably enjoy it. It'll be frustrating. But it's also fun. It's hard to describe. Oh, and if you make it to (and beat) the first boss, then I commend you. I'm still trying to get past him. =/

PS: Maybe it's bad advertising to tell you how mindnumbingly difficult a game is, but seriously, give it a shot. I dare you.

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If it's too difficult for some people who want to see the entire game there's some hilarious Impossible mode difficulty (no saves) runs on youtube that get impressively far.

Getting the jump timing correct is usually the hardest part, and doesn't help that playing on a keyboard isn't as intuitive as a controller, though thankfully you can change the control options around.

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Vids of those type with commentary usually contain lots of swearing. Which is very funny. I beat the first boss on the Upper Path but the Shifting Cliff area with the zombies is giving me major headaches... On the off chance I make it there, I always overshoot the jump back to the cliff, or my finger twitches and sends me off the edge. Not fun.

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