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Mekkah told me it was an infinite move glitch, and that's not really what I was aiming for. I'm still not sure if I want to do this since exp farming just isn't my style, even with elite helping out.

I'm open to whatever video content you have on the game.

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Most of the RNG abuse should be in the arena. I've All-A ranked this game multiple times, and certainly under 380 turns(maybe even one with 365).

The pairings by Norton Sez What? are the ones I too consider the best, although I've ranked this game with other pairings as well.

Obviously, this dude went overkill with RNG abuse as those numbers are outrageous when omitting RNG abuse

Edited by Cephas
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Mekkah told me it was an infinite move glitch, and that's not really what I was aiming for. I'm still not sure if I want to do this since exp farming just isn't my style, even with elite helping out.

I'm open to whatever video content you have on the game.

Sorry for the delay. I made sure to get the .smv set from Nitrodon, because I remember him noticing (and fixing) some desync issues in the stuff I made. I don't know if this set contains the fixed versions or not, but I think you can get the general idea regardless.

Keep in mind four things though:

1. This was done at 100% speed, as far as I remember. As a result, the cursor work isn't always hot.

2. Lots of savestates were used, but that's not really a problem since this was just meant as a "how low can it go" thing.

3. The Rescue glitch is abused heavily, for obvious reasons.

4. The planning could use work. Claude/Eden is not used in this playthrough, which costs a huge amount of time.

Hopefully somebody finds this entertaining, because I can assure you that I had no fun during Chapters 2 and 7 (at least). Also, don't mind the filename. That was just my way of numbering the revisions (so this would obviously be version 5).

Link here: Use SNES9x 1.43 to play the videos.

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I’ve watched all of Gen 1 so far. All I’ve got to say is: thank god for emulators having turbo buttons. This game clearly isn’t meant to be speedruned with its huge maps, long animations and slow moving enemies, so turbo’ing through the boring crap makes the run much more enjoyable to watch. Anyway, I recorded some of my observations.

General notes:

-The planning of the run was actually quite impressive. Some highlights for me would be luring enemies away with Ethlin and Dew, using a love pairing critical to take out Eltoshan and the antics used to distract Eltoshan’s cronies (prayer!Sylvia ftw).

-Seems to me Sigurd was switching weapons too often. If he focused more kills onto the silver sword he probably would’ve gotten a crit rate with it, which is helpful against armors and bosses.

-Light sword on Sigurd might’ve been a better idea than the javelin. If you have time to put 50+ kills on it, you can basically annihilate anything at 1-2 range. If that costs time in gen 1, it will probably be made back in gen 2 through Celice.

-Some of the exp farming was costly in places. For example, Sigurd held out on attacking a throne boss for 2 turns in chapter 2. However, with how often Cuan and Lex fall to single digit hp, I suppose it’s understandable.

-You put some units back in the main castle for no apparent reason.

-There were specific moves that probably could’ve been refined. For example, if you try and steer a unit clear of a pack of enemies for 1 turn, they only need to move just outside the nearest enemy’s attack range, not as far away as possible.

Chapter specific notes:

Chapter 3

-Levin paid 20K for a ring, I believe it was the skill ring. Why was that? Does he really need +crit that badly?

-It might be faster to have someone solo Eltoshan’s men than it is to distract them for multiple turns. Levin would probably work, though you’d need to designate someone else to take out the bandits.

-You wasted so much time at the end. Are you sure this is the best chapter to end turn spam for love pair raising? What’s so special about Azel x Aideen anyway? Do you need an uber Lana or something?

Chapter 4

-1RKOing the first throne boss would’ve saved a ton of time. If none of your weapons have crit rates, you could always try the armor cutter.

-Same complaint about the third throne. I saw a light sword crit followed by an attack that was blocked by great shield, so you obviously could’ve saved a round there.

Chapter 5

-I like how Cuan disappears even though he was still alive after the second throne was seized :P

Edit: After reading this thread a bit, I was reminded that Ayra nets you the hero sword. That could very well be worth the effort since Sigurd fails to ORKO a lot (mainly armors) in chapters 3-5.

Edited by Vykan12
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-The planning of the run was actually quite impressive. Some highlights for me would be luring enemies away with Ethlin and Dew, using a love pairing critical to take out Eltoshan and the antics used to distract Eltoshan’s cronies (prayer!Sylvia ftw).

Thanks. This run is so old that I remember very little about it, other than the fact that my Barharra strategy (in this version) is horrifically bad. >_<

-Seems to me Sigurd was switching weapons too often. If he focused more kills onto the silver sword he probably would’ve gotten a crit rate with it, which is helpful against armors and bosses.

Yeah, that was a very dumb mistake. I'm fairly sure I was trying to get 50+ Steel Sword kills (or save money, whichever), but the idea of switching weapons was stupid.

-Light sword on Sigurd might’ve been a better idea than the javelin. If you have time to put 50+ kills on it, you can basically annihilate anything at 1-2 range. If that costs time in gen 1, it will probably be made back in gen 2 through Celice.

Probably a good idea, but keep in mind that the Light Sword has an extremely slow animation. Also costs more. :/

-Some of the exp farming was costly in places. For example, Sigurd held out on attacking a throne boss for 2 turns in chapter 2. However, with how often Cuan and Lex fall to single digit hp, I suppose it’s understandable.

Chapter 2 was one of the chapters that I definitely settled on. There is just an insane amount of risk going on when you charge to each castle like that, so more experience obviously helps.

-You put some units back in the main castle for no apparent reason.

If it wasn't through the Warp staff, it was probably just more stupidity at work. :P

-Levin paid 20K for a ring, I believe it was the skill ring. Why was that? Does he really need +crit that badly?

I don't remember this, but keep in mind that it helps Arthur later too. Probably just for extra critical though, like you said.

-You wasted so much time at the end. Are you sure this is the best chapter to end turn spam for love pair raising? What’s so special about Azel x Aideen anyway? Do you need an uber Lana or something?

The reason is because Azel/Eden produces the Rescue staff, as long as they are paired before Chapter 4 begins.

-Same complaint about the third throne. I saw a light sword crit followed by an attack that was blocked by great shield, so you obviously could’ve saved a round there.

Considering the awful RNG system in this game, it would probably be a bit tedious to do that. I get what you mean though (the concept).

Edit: After reading this thread a bit, I was reminded that Ayra nets you the hero sword. That could very well be worth the effort since Sigurd fails to ORKO a lot (mainly armors) in chapters 3-5.

I didn't use the Hero Lance on said armors? I just figure that's a better idea, because you get it in Chapter 2 with far less effort (compared to recruiting Ayra). The kill count thing hurts Celice, but he can just abuse the one he gets from Patty instead (or the Silver Sword, which probably has 50+ already).

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About Levin and the ring and all, iirc he had Bargain Ring from the village so he must've been buying a 40k worth ring. Probably Elite (to get to promotion) or Pursuit Ring (to double...the guy has no Pursuit). Both of these are no mistakes.

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Chapter 6

-Consider putting the leg ring on Celice instead of Artur.

Chapter 7

-If Leaf inherits the armor cutter, he can take care of those armors a lot quicker. That’s probably faster than just having him stall, though if that was your intent, you could’ve sold his weapon.

-Why did Shanan go out of his way so that Celice could talk to him? You could’ve sent Celice all the way to the first throne, talking to Shanan a turn before he gets there.

-Fee should’ve inherited a half decent weapon to kill off the bandits. Same idea for Fin, possibly.

-You missed Laylea. Not sure what you were thinking there.

Chapter 10

-About half the chapter was essentially spent either killing Alvis or farming exp. This part definitely could be sped up, especially with the use of saving each turn.


-Why were Celice and Artur fighting Ishtar and the Pegasus sisters? Why wasn’t the rescue glitch performed on Julia? I’m also pretty sure all that Julia levelling is unnecessary for beating Julius reasonably efficiently.

I realize half these questions don't even matter if Aideen x Claude gives you a rescue staff user in chapter 6, but meh. My main point would be to use turn based saves in conjunction with RN manipulation to kill bosses ASAP, as that's where you easily lost most of your gen 2 time.

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-If Leaf inherits the armor cutter, he can take care of those armors a lot quicker. That’s probably faster than just having him stall, though if that was your intent, you could’ve sold his weapon.

I'm not sure if the green Lenster castle allows you to deposit or sell weapons.

-You missed Laylea. Not sure what you were thinking there.

You would have to bring Celice and Aless all the way to Darna castle, kill the boss, and let Aless recruit her by visiting, when you could have ended the chapter much sooner. Laylea probably wouldn't save enough time to make up for it. At least, I remember asking if it would be worth it and he said "probably not".

Why wasn’t the rescue glitch performed on Julia?

Probably because only one person can be Rescue glitch'd at the same time (since the game has to think they're defending the base castle). He'd have to retreat Artur/Celice (not sure which one of them was in uber glitch mode at that point).

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