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The Passione Mafia

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Hey Jason, look around. You're outnumbered and outgunned. Your commie friends don't seem to be anywhere either. You should consider the...benefits, of being on the right side...

Ah yes, the great benefits such as massive division of wealth, essential slavery, and others of your so called freedoms.

Yeeeaaaah... Ever notice that most of the poorest people in the country are also the laziest? You know, the ones who try to avoid working at all costs? Capitalism is designed to weed out these people, because their laziness itself is harmful to society. Who do you think gets the most help from Socialism? That's right, the lazy and the incompetent. Socialism is actually the MOST harmful to society.

As for the slavery, that's bullshit. Anyone can quit their job any time they want and find another one.

Nice job.

Or why not we take down the church of Vincent?

Because the Church of Vincent is practically dead?

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Hey Jason, look around. You're outnumbered and outgunned. Your commie friends don't seem to be anywhere either. You should consider the...benefits, of being on the left side...

Ah yes, the great benefits such as massive division of wealth, essential slavery, and others of your so called freedoms.

There. Is that any better?

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Nice job.

Or why not we take down the church of Vincent?

Because the Church of Vincent is practically dead?

It isn't dead, it's merely hibernating.

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Hey Jason, look around. You're outnumbered and outgunned. Your commie friends don't seem to be anywhere either. You should consider the...benefits, of being on the right side...

Ah yes, the great benefits such as massive division of wealth, essential slavery, and others of your so called freedoms.

Yeeeaaaah... Ever notice that most of the poorest people in the country are also the laziest? You know, the ones who try to avoid working at all costs? Capitalism is designed to weed out these people, because their laziness itself is harmful to society. Who do you think gets the most help from Socialism? That's right, the lazy and the incompetent. Socialism is actually the MOST harmful to society.

As for the slavery, that's bullshit. Anyone can quit their job any time they want and find another one.

Pffff. You fool, you fail to realize the might of the communist spirit! All our people will work together, as one, to make sure that no individual is left behind the pack, or strays to far ahead! The poor are merely oppressed by the villainy of the upper class! They have control of your mind and are poisoning it, turning us against ourselves while they control us from on high! It is time for the oppressed to rise up and throw off the chains of their oppressors, to tell the rich and powerful, who benefit from the fruit of OUR labours, that we will no longer stand for this tyranny! All people shall be equal in our new world, a world where everyone is truly free to do as they wish!

It is time brothers, time for the weak to rise up! To rise up and defeat the mighty!

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You are few, but we are many! We are the powerless majority, but we have thrown off our shackles! Now we have power, and we shall make the mighty quake within their boots! Boots made from the sweat and blood of our brethren!

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Hey Jason, look around. You're outnumbered and outgunned. Your commie friends don't seem to be anywhere either. You should consider the...benefits, of being on the right side...

Ah yes, the great benefits such as massive division of wealth, essential slavery, and others of your so called freedoms.

Yeeeaaaah... Ever notice that most of the poorest people in the country are also the laziest? You know, the ones who try to avoid working at all costs? Capitalism is designed to weed out these people, because their laziness itself is harmful to society. Who do you think gets the most help from Socialism? That's right, the lazy and the incompetent. Socialism is actually the MOST harmful to society.

As for the slavery, that's bullshit. Anyone can quit their job any time they want and find another one.

Pffff. You fool, you fail to realize the might of the communist spirit! All our people will work together, as one, to make sure that no individual is left behind the pack, or strays to far ahead! The poor are merely oppressed by the villainy of the upper class! They have control of your mind and are poisoning it, turning us against ourselves while they control us from on high! It is time for the oppressed to rise up and throw off the chains of their oppressors, to tell the rich and powerful, who benefit from the fruit of OUR labours, that we will no longer stand for this tyranny! All people shall be equal in our new world, a world where everyone is truly free to do as they wish!

It is time brothers, time for the weak to rise up! To rise up and defeat the mighty!

*Sniff sniff*

What's this? I smell communist propaganda! And poorly disguised propaganda at that!

*Shoots Revan in the face, then empties the rest of the clip into Revan's torso.*

We'll be having none of your lies here, you bleeding pinko commie!

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Hey Jason, look around. You're outnumbered and outgunned. Your commie friends don't seem to be anywhere either. You should consider the...benefits, of being on the right side...

Ah yes, the great benefits such as massive division of wealth, essential slavery, and others of your so called freedoms.

Yeeeaaaah... Ever notice that most of the poorest people in the country are also the laziest? You know, the ones who try to avoid working at all costs? Capitalism is designed to weed out these people, because their laziness itself is harmful to society. Who do you think gets the most help from Socialism? That's right, the lazy and the incompetent. Socialism is actually the MOST harmful to society.

As for the slavery, that's bullshit. Anyone can quit their job any time they want and find another one.

Pffff. You fool, you fail to realize the might of the communist spirit! All our people will work together, as one, to make sure that no individual is left behind the pack, or strays to far ahead! The poor are merely oppressed by the villainy of the upper class! They have control of your mind and are poisoning it, turning us against ourselves while they control us from on high! It is time for the oppressed to rise up and throw off the chains of their oppressors, to tell the rich and powerful, who benefit from the fruit of OUR labours, that we will no longer stand for this tyranny! All people shall be equal in our new world, a world where everyone is truly free to do as they wish!

It is time brothers, time for the weak to rise up! To rise up and defeat the mighty!

*Sniff sniff*

What's this? I smell communist propaganda! And poorly disguised propaganda at that!

*Shoots Revan in the face, then empties the rest of the clip into Revan's torso.*

We'll be having none of your lies here, you bleeding pinko commie!

My death is meaningless! For every one of us you kill there will be a thousand, nay, a million to replace us! We are different, but we are the same! We are united by our drive, our drive to be free! Free from the oppression of society. You cannot kill us, because we are not just people. We're symbols, symbols of what we can accomplish when we throw aside our quarrels to unite against a common enemy! Symbols to show that the weak can destroy the powerful! Symbols to show that the enslaved may become free!

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Hey Jason, look around. You're outnumbered and outgunned. Your commie friends don't seem to be anywhere either. You should consider the...benefits, of being on the right side...

Ah yes, the great benefits such as massive division of wealth, essential slavery, and others of your so called freedoms.

Yeeeaaaah... Ever notice that most of the poorest people in the country are also the laziest? You know, the ones who try to avoid working at all costs? Capitalism is designed to weed out these people, because their laziness itself is harmful to society. Who do you think gets the most help from Socialism? That's right, the lazy and the incompetent. Socialism is actually the MOST harmful to society.

As for the slavery, that's bullshit. Anyone can quit their job any time they want and find another one.

Pffff. You fool, you fail to realize the might of the communist spirit! All our people will work together, as one, to make sure that no individual is left behind the pack, or strays to far ahead! The poor are merely oppressed by the villainy of the upper class! They have control of your mind and are poisoning it, turning us against ourselves while they control us from on high! It is time for the oppressed to rise up and throw off the chains of their oppressors, to tell the rich and powerful, who benefit from the fruit of OUR labours, that we will no longer stand for this tyranny! All people shall be equal in our new world, a world where everyone is truly free to do as they wish!

It is time brothers, time for the weak to rise up! To rise up and defeat the mighty!

*Sniff sniff*

What's this? I smell communist propaganda! And poorly disguised propaganda at that!

*Shoots Revan in the face, then empties the rest of the clip into Revan's torso.*

We'll be having none of your lies here, you bleeding pinko commie!

My death is meaningless! For every one of us you kill there will be a thousand, nay, a million to replace us! We are different, but we are the same! We are united by our drive, our drive to be free! Free from the oppression of society. You cannot kill us, because we are not just people. We're symbols, symbols of what we can accomplish when we throw aside our quarrels to unite against a common enemy! Symbols to show that the weak can destroy the powerful! Symbols to show that the enslaved may become free!


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Ugh...I leave for a small time,and this happens?

Very well,I guess this has become necessary...

*climbs into a mounted machine gun*

Hahahahahaha!Fools!Scream in agony as I rain death upon you!Know that your ideals have failed you,and your revolution is gone,and cry in fear on your inevitable fate!

*begins shooting into the crowd*

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*Morphs Formortiis with Nightmare and Ravager, gives Ether a Restore staff*

*Uses Nightmare, then proceeds to kill everyone with teh Falcon Pawnch of Doom*


*Recalls Sigurd, Marcus and Fin*

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*Morphs Formortiis with Nightmare and Ravager, gives Ether a Restore staff*

*Uses Nightmare, then proceeds to kill everyone with teh Falcon Pawnch of Doom*


*Recalls Sigurd, Marcus and Fin*

Why would I need a restore staff?

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Nightmare puts everyone to sleep.

EDIT: Screw that, I just realised it's enemies only. My mistake.

Though it would be handy in case someone got berserked.

Edited by Joshybear25
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