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Unsolved mysteries of FE


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I think magic tomes are made by soaking a book in some kind of liquid that contains magic essence, and they wear out when all that said essence is used up.

Hey...that sounds reasonable enough...

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Why do Magic Tomes wear out? It appears they wear out simply from getting read!

Every spell rips a page.

That doesn't explain things...how can a huge and heavy book like Fenrir(FE7, 8) has 20 uses, the same goes for many other sacred tomes...

The way I see it, the "heavier" tomes have larger pages, taking more effort and time to read. The book's weight isn't actually a factor. (This is just a guess)

My question, how is it that animals weigh SO MUCH MORE than humans?

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Well I'd say it's natural for Laguz to become heavier when they're in their animal form. You think Laguz have the same weight in both forms?

On a side note:

You seriously don't think Idun would be the same weight in her dragon form as she is in her human form, right?

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why do characters have colored hair?

where are the gems made?

Anime-esque game, it's bound to have this kind of hair. Also I'm surprise that they still respect gravity "at least most of the times"

Maybe the gems are like jewels and stuff.

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i got some!

how can one bandit destroy all the buildings in one village?

how does spinning an arrow before firing it off make it stronger?

Bandits carry TNT.

And obviously because it's more stylish, and so the enemy is awed by the archer's style and fails to defend themselves properly.

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why do you start off with a lord who uses swords in every game?

*coughcoughMICAIAHcoughcough* <_<



Yeah, but he said "Start off", Hector and Ephraim come in later, whereas Micaiah is the first Lord of Radiant Dawn.

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why do you start off with a lord who uses swords in every game?

*coughcoughMICAIAHcoughcough* <_<



Yeah, but he said "Start off", Hector and Ephraim come in later, whereas Micaiah is the first Lord of Radiant Dawn.

Bolded being true if you either play Lyn's story first, or skip her story and move on to Eliwood's.
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i got some!

how does spinning an arrow before firing it off make it stronger?

well almost none of the criticals make sense. swinging your weapon around doesn't make it stronger

and why do units with weapons with different ranges not switch when attacked.

like why archers don't hit people with bows when the do do that in convos (shinon rolf convo)

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why do you start off with a lord who uses swords in every game?

*coughcoughMICAIAHcoughcough* <_<



Yeah, but he said "Start off", Hector and Ephraim come in later, whereas Micaiah is the first Lord of Radiant Dawn.

Bolded being true if you either play Lyn's story first, or skip her story and move on to Eliwood's.

whoops! i totally forgot about micaiah! :blink: but what i meant to say was why do you start off with a lord who uses swords in every series? i.e. Magvel, Akaneia, Valencia, Tellius, Elibe, Judgral

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How come IS love screwing over units?

How can allies just magically reget their javelins after throwing them?

In FE10, if the stormsword/Wind edge/Tempest Blade isn't created through magic, how are teh shcokwaves created?

Why can people only have so many support conversations?

How do affinities give different support bonuses?

Why is Fiona < Est?

Where do Pegasii come from?

Why aren't crossbows better than they are?

Why does having a horse let you canto?

Why do lightly armoured mages have less mov than heavily armoured Soldiers/Vanguards?

How come fliers can't wait on impassable terrain in FE10?

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how does spinning an arrow before firing it off make it stronger?

I tried that once when I was shooting my bow...it's pretty much impossible to spin the arrow then put it on the string that fast.

Where do Pegasi come from?

Same place wyverns/dragons/laguz/manaketes come from...they're just a creature that exists in that world.

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How come IS love screwing over units?

How can allies just magically reget their javelins after throwing them?

Why can people only have so many support conversations?

Why does having a horse let you canto?

-Maybe a unit's awesomeness depends on their mood

-Maybe they have a javelin pack, wasting one by one.

-Well, they usually have a lover ending. Imagine more than five, poligamy would spread like the plague.

-When you are on foot, you consume energy by walking and attacking. When on horse, you mount does the walking, and you do the attacking.

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because their impassable???

I'm talking about mountains, mostly. Fliers could wait on them in FE9, but not in FE10.

-Maybe they have a javelin pack, wasting one by one.

-Well, they usually have a lover ending. Imagine more than five, poligamy would spread like the plague.

-When you are on foot, you consume energy by walking and attacking. When on horse, you mount does the walking, and you do the attacking.

1) Then why would the javelins break? Heck, they'd last a long time as you could just keep getting the javelins back from the enemy corpses. It's durabiltiy would have to be higher for this to make sense.

2) Not really. Elincia can support anyone in FE10, but her only lover ending is with geoffrey. So why can't she support 5 people at the same time? Heck, Shinon doesn't even have a lover ending.

3) The horse would consume energy though.

Edited by kirsche
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-Maybe they have a javelin pack, wasting one by one.

-Well, they usually have a lover ending. Imagine more than five, poligamy would spread like the plague.

-When you are on foot, you consume energy by walking and attacking. When on horse, you mount does the walking, and you do the attacking.

1) Then why would the javelins break? Heck, they'd last a long time as you could just keep getting the javelins back from the enemy corpses. It's durabiltiy would have to be higher for this to make sense.

2) Not really. Elincia can support anyone in FE10, but her only lover ending is with geoffrey. So why can't she support 5 people at the same time? Heck, Shinon doesn't even have a lover ending.

3) The horse would consume energy though.

1.)maybe the javelins are tied to a string that the user pulls back like what the generals do with their lances in the GBA FEs but that's just me and my imagination


3.)i thought horses could run for miles without being tired. the fact that the ones in FE are carrying knights in heavy armor might cause them to bring down their movement

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because their impassable???

I'm talking about mountains, mostly. Fliers could wait on them in FE9, but not in FE10.

-Maybe they have a javelin pack, wasting one by one.

-Well, they usually have a lover ending. Imagine more than five, poligamy would spread like the plague.

-When you are on foot, you consume energy by walking and attacking. When on horse, you mount does the walking, and you do the attacking.

1) Then why would the javelins break? Heck, they'd last a long time as you could just keep getting the javelins back from the enemy corpses. It's durabiltiy would have to be higher for this to make sense.

2) Not really. Elincia can support anyone in FE10, but her only lover ending is with geoffrey. So why can't she support 5 people at the same time? Heck, Shinon doesn't even have a lover ending.

3) The horse would consume energy though.

-That's the problem. If they hit every single use of the javelin, it would make sense. I guess they just pick it up from the ground, those that missed.

-Then I dunno, maybe too much support overkill

-But a horse has way more energy than a human, to walk and such.

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2) Not really. Elincia can support anyone in FE10, but her only lover ending is with geoffrey. So why can't she support 5 people at the same time? Heck, Shinon doesn't even have a lover ending.
The minimum support level for supporting five people is C for FEs 6-9, but with FE10, the same thing you're saying about Elincia can be pretty much be said about anyone, sans the "lover ending" for most of the cast. Why supporting five people can't go past C level, I would imagine what RoN said, too much support overkill. But it's not like anyone in FE10 can support up to five people like the characters in FEs 6-9 can. (Even though the majority of FE10's cast of playable characters appeared in FE9.) Edited by Little Al
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