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enraged by taunts

Metal Rabbit

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My taunts depend on who im fighting. I have a friendly set with taunts like:

Nice Fight!

I LOVE FAILING!(used whenever i die)

Try again

RAGE(when im getting owned or something gay happens to me)

Then i have my ass hole set when i fight ppl who are jerks and i hate them:





When ppl make me angry i tend to get pretty mean.

geez that last 4 seem pretty harsh. Not even I'm that mean

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  • 2 weeks later...

The only taunt tht ever bothered me was when someone put "Penus :)" as one of them, and my Mom walked in. o_O THAT was not good.

I taunt like hell. It's really fun. Do it with Falcon. People get so ticked.

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I hate when people taunt and you hit them and then they get pissed at you for hitting them while they were taunting. It's fine to taunt, just do it when you're out of range.

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I hate when people taunt and you hit them and then they get pissed at you for hitting them while they were taunting. It's fine to taunt, just do it when you're out of range.

Well, it's quite annoying when you are out of range, and people go after you for taunting.

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Well, it's quite annoying when you are out of range, and people go after you for taunting.

There's only two reasons to taunt: you just kicked someone's ass or something really awesome happened like a two in one KO or actually hit someone with the Homerun Bat.

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