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Does it blaze your balls whenever a game is made less difficult for the American release?


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  1. 1. Does it blaze your balls whenever the American Version of a game is made less difficult than the original?

    • Yes, my balls are blazed
    • Nah, my balls are still chill

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Not really... to us this game is easy but to new people its not I had my friend tried FE7 and he said it was hard for him and he gave up.

Edited by Jason W.
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..."Blaze your balls?"

Like Old Snake said, oddly worded. :mellow:

Anyways, it doesn't bother me that much at all, if there's anything that bugs me about American releases, it would be the increasing amount of errors that made themselves apparent from 7 to 10. -_-

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Didn't Path of Radiance lose Maniac mode and gain Easy mode?

I'm not really bothered by it, since I usually play on Normal anyways.

You actually change your font type?

I tend to play mutliplayer games where there is no computer AI so I don't notice any change in difficulty. But really. have you ever encountered a video game that was too hard to beat eventually, even on the hardest mode? All video games are easy, otherwise the companies which produce them would never make any money.

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Yes, some Fire Emblems were harder in Japan than they were here. Also, yes, I have played one video game that was so hard that I couldn't beat it, and that game was Halo 2 on Legendary mode. But it wasn't because it was too hard for me, it was because I wasn't even interested in it in the first place, and I wasn't even willing to put in the amount of time needed to beat it.

I've played and beaten 7th Saga without even having to grind (unless you count fighting the apprentices at every opportunity as "grinding"), so for me, there really is no game that I can't find a way to beat if I put in enough time. No RPG at least. I don't know, it's just really unfair to me that I don't even get a chance to try and beat a harder version of a game I actually like. I can understand if they make games easier for us because they're worried about making money, but they could at least put in another mode that had the original difficulty, that way I at least have the option to try it!

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This topic feels like it would be better in the General FE board...unless that was somehow your odd way of saying you're mad that the localized FE7 is harder. :huh:


That would be a definite 'yes' for Path of Radiance.

Edited by Fireman
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The only change made in FE7 HHM in the J release was that the doors in Endgame open two at a time, which is fairly trivial especially considering wow, ONE chapter. It's not even a tenth of a point in difference.

It blazed my balls harder when Catria got nerfed and Est got buffed. I don't care that it was a two level difference: It was blasphemy AND madness at the same time.

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Eh, sorry FireMan, I wasn't thinking about that. I just sorta chose a random Fire Emblem forum. Also, are you sure that's all they did Norton? I thought I heard that they also lowered a few enemy stats in this game?

Moving this to General FE, then. ^^

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I'd imagine FE5 getting less reinforcements/cheaper item price/some minor buffed growths for a US release as well, and FE4 being actually harder, a bit more like binary.

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Also, are you sure that's all they did Norton? I thought I heard that they also lowered a few enemy stats in this game?

It's my first time hearing of this if it's true, the doors thing was the only one ever discussed: Although HHM enemies could certiantly do with less suckage, so I really want to think it's true.

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Eh. They should just make the difficulties more defined and please everyone, so they don't need to add anything. I can't play Easy or sometimes even Normal. Not that I demand challenging gameplay, but if things don't require my full attention then I lose interest.

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FE8? Yes. Lower growths, lower caps, etc.

A few people did get buffed actually. Rennac is the perfect example.

Also stat boosters aren't buyable in the main story, which was possible with secret shops in chapter 14 and 19 in the JP version.

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I tend to play mutliplayer games where there is no computer AI so I don't notice any change in difficulty. But really. have you ever encountered a video game that was too hard to beat eventually, even on the hardest mode? All video games are easy, otherwise the companies which produce them would never make any money.

I'm linking to TVTropes, am I cool now?

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Fake difficulty kills me the most. Anything chance-based hates me.

I'm sure you can tell I prefer preset stat growth systems over random ones. I don't care what the average is supposed to be. I won't get it.

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I've also heard that they made the U.S. version of FE 10 more challenging. If so, how? I thought it was odd that Mordecai and Lethe were so useless, so this actually makes sense to me.

Their hard mode is equivalent to our normal mode, or something like that.

Which means that FE 10's EM for Japan is equivalent to NoA's FE 8 or FE: SD NM. XD

EDIT: Which means their Maniac Mode is our hard mode.

Edited by Old Snake
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