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FE5 question

luigi bros

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If Berdo Stones a unit in the Final Chapter do they count as survived till the end? Because they basically can't move so how do they continue fighting with Celice?

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I would risk saying yes, because if Leaf is stoned, it's not an auto Game Over, so I guess that should apply...

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It's apparently treated as just a status effect. I'm not sure how they're going to save everybody if the Kia staff is missing or Sara is dead, but that's why I'm not Leaf I guess.

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Another question in the support bonus page on FE5 http://serenesforest.net/fe5/support.html it says Reinhardt supports Olwen does she gain support from him being on that one map? or did they wanted to include Reinhardt as a playable character before everything got finalized?

Supports work regardless of what side the unit is on, so Olwen gets a bonus from being near her brother. It's possible he was planned as a playable character, as the entire implementation of his existence in ch22 is fairly halfassed. He has no special dialogue or after-battle scenes whatsoever if he's left alive, and he has no substantive capture -> release line either. You would think he would at least say hello to Olwen after the battle if he's not dead.

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Another question in the support bonus page on FE5 http://serenesforest.net/fe5/support.html it says Reinhardt supports Olwen does she gain support from him being on that one map? or did they wanted to include Reinhardt as a playable character before everything got finalized?

A few things like this occured in other FEs. Sanaki X Sephiran in FE 10 is an example and there might be a few others out there.

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Olwen just makes Rinehardt harder to kill.

Supports are one-way; Reinhardt supports Olwen, but Olwen only supports Fred. She shouldn't be giving her brother any bonuses.

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