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I wanna fake Redead! =D My little brothers get scared when fighting against them in the game so maybe a fake could possibly pull it off too!

lol a redead would make a cute plushy toy =3

Edited by Freohr Datia
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I wanna fake Redead! =D My little brothers get scared when fighting against them in the game so maybe a fake could possibly pull it off too!

lol a redead would make a cute plushy toy =3

and when it stops it screams :)

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i... i want to buy a new childhood. i want new parents who care about me and not about getting drunk. and i want a sister who will stay awake with me until the early hours of the morning listening to me cry about my life and school and all the people who just dont accept me but she'll put her hand under my chin and push it up so i can look up at her and she'll tell me that there's always a dawn after a dusk and i stare at her through my tear-strewn eyes and i realize i've been going about my life so wrong until now i dont need anyone who doesnt know me but i need the one person who does and i tell her that i realized i cant live without her and i cant just be her brother i cant just be someone who gets to see the enormity of the prize but never gets to have it i have to have it i have to have her and i tell her that i need her so bad that i dont need anyone but her she is the other half of me she is the key to my lock and that she is too unique and i curse the day we were born that we came from the same womb because i have to have her and i wont let society stand in my way and i tell her that night i tell her jenna i need you let's not worry about deformed children you are the air that i breathe and without you i am nothing you are the foundation to my building and let's just live from moment to moment and i ask her i ask her jenna do you need me too and she doesnt answer why doesn't she answer she's just so silent so i'm confused and i lean in and whisper it again but i stop mid-sentence and just go for a kiss and we kiss and it's like the union of two long lost lovers lovers who had seen each other through a mist but had never been able to hold each other but she breaks off she breaks off crying and runs out the room saying no this can't be thomas stop this isn't how it should be and i run after but she slams the door on my face and i realize she's using me she doesn't want me she just wants to use me she waited until i was finally vulnerable than she attacked all this time she was just breaking down my defences all she wanted was for me to fall for her that's all i meant and now that i've given myself to her she doesn't want me anymore the self-righteous bitch and i know then what i have to do i take a knife from the kitchen i stare at its polished steel is beautiful steel blade and i know what i must do with it i find her and she tells me to stop and she looks at me with that face but it's not that face i remember its the scream the scream that wouldn't leave me alone it's everywhere it's inside my mind i hear it still in reverberating clarity i can feel it in the coldness of my bones i know it as i have known life it is everywhere and i try to erase it with each stab but the blood just amplifies it makes it grow louder and i cant take it anymore it piereces my mind my thoughts i am lost i can't take it it's everywhere why wont it go away why won't it go away why won't it go away...

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Close this place down, man. I once opened up a place called WolfyMart in the Pointlesschitchat section of Absolute Anime's forum, and I was robbed within the first ten posts at eGun point. Worst part, it was one of my friends who did it.

However I will buy some ePeach rings :)

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