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If They Were Trying to Escape the Yeti

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High up in the mountains of Grandbell (Or is it Daein? Bern? Whatever, it's mountains.) rests a savage, mythical creature known as the Yeti. This yeti lives at the top of the largest mountain in the range in a quaint little cave where it sleeps most of the day. However, when intruders enter it's abode, the yeti awakes. And when the Yeti awakes, there will be blood.

As such, a nearby "Legitimate business" decided to make a game out of the Yeti's blind rage. The rules are simple:

1: Each poster may only send one character to the cave per post via teleporter, and only three from any one poster may be in the cave at any given point in time. Once enough characters have been sent, the yeti will wake and the "Legitimate Business" will begin streaming live feed directly to the forum in an "Update".

2: The poster may only send characters who are from the Fire Emblem series, as this is a Fire Emblem forum. Furthermore, if a character has already been sent since the latest update, that character cannot be sent in by anyone else until the next update.

3: Each character may be sent into the Yeti's cave with exactly one item. The item can be absolutely anything, as long as it is the same size as the character or smaller. That means no vehicles.

5: Mounted unis must dismount before entering the cave. Mounts still count as vehicles.

6: Rule 4 does not exist, because Mista hates the number 4. Get over it.

7: The point of the game is to escape the Yeti. Posters are welcome to try to kill it, but then they're just sending their characters on a suicide mission.

8: Trolling the topic will reult in not only the destruction of the poster's teleporter, but also a reporting. The "Legitimate Business" does NOT want another Robert starting trouble in here.

9: If a poster breaks the rules, their teleporter will be shut down for two updates. If they make an attempt to still participate durring that time, their teleporter will explode, and they will be unable to participate in the topic any longer.

Now that the teleporters are set, let the games commence!

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Robin enters the cave with a Silver Bow.

Sends Marty.

Lachesis enters the cave.

Sounds fun, are OC's allowed?

Read Rule 2.

And the items?

She doesn't have any. I figure it'll be more entertaining this way, and we don't NEED the character to have an item.

Edited by Miror B.
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Robin enters the cave with a Silver Bow.

Sends Marty.

Lachesis enters the cave.

Sounds fun, are OC's allowed?

Read Rule 2.

And the items?

She doesn't have any. I figure it'll be more entertaining this way, and we don't NEED the character to have an item.

Well, that's cold...

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*The Yeti wakes, VERY VERY PISSED OFF.*

*After taking a swig of the booze, Alec offers some to the Yeti.*

*Only to have the bottle shoved clear through his head.*

*Marty tries attacking the Yeti with the Devil Axe.*

*And winds up criticalling on himself.*

*Lachesis is mauled on the spot due to lack of preperation.*

*Mist drops the slim sword and runs.*

*Right off a ledge and into a very deep chasm.*

*She doesn't survuive the landing.*

*The yeti looks at Boyd and his string.*

*Boyd grins and hands the string over to the Yeti.*

*The latter uses said string to strangle the former.*

*Ogma attempts to attack the Yeti, but his forged Alondite breaks in half.*

*Turns out the forged Alondite didn't have any holy blessing.*

*Ogma is quickly torn apart as a result.*

*Robin opens fire on the Yeti with the silver bow.*

*He misses, and the arrow proceeds to bounce around the cave.*

*Until it catches Robin in the arm.*

*The Yeti sees Gonzales in his costume and mistakes him for a mate.*

*He drags Gonzales into a nearby bedroom and closes the door.*

*Gonzales can be heard screaming in pain and horror from behind the door.*












Next wave, go! And please, be a bit more creative than just a bunch of weapons...

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Are the not dead people still in the cave, and counting towards our total three people?

Lowen enters the cave carrying a case of 12 cans of canned laughter.

No, they arn't. The dead are cloned and the wounded... Well, they've climbed down after the update.

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