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Ok I'm back


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Been busy with other things--mostly my Wii, DSi, World of Warcraft, My Stories (not fanfiction) and Vesperia.

Over the last 16 months I've prettymuch walked away from all of my favorite video game news/fan sites.


Because I've grown sick AND tired of hearing about games that end up not being released stateside. I'll spare you guys the story of how I felt when I realized the first US Fire Emblem wasn't the first-ever Fire Emblem (mostly because of how long it is) and I don't think I'll even mention the Tale of Series (which IMO will aways be better than the Final Fantasy games). I will say this, though--I haven't let the economy stop me from buying video games. I'm way more cautious about the games I buy, though. I try to buy for 100% keeps. I only buy a game I know I want for life.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: If I had the money I would pay for the localization of all the Tales of and Fire Emblem games MYSELF but I just don't so...yeah. I've got my own ideas for an RPG series but for the time being I'm keeping them to myself. They're nothing special to the world but they mean everything to me.

Some of you may remember my wild claims of taking on a large number of chars for the FE Story Section. I did two and disappeared from the site while working on a third last year. For that, I want to apologize. I had problems with my computer that I had no control over and was too ashamed of my claims to return when I got it back 3 months later. I won't do something like that again. For the time being, This Story is what I've been working on as of late. Support from Serenes Forest would mean a lot to me, lol.

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Hey there, don't know who you are, but welcome back!

I have ideas for an RPG too, they're outdated and I haven't worked them out, but I've actually wanted to share them with people for ages. :/

Anyway, I hope you enjoy your return.

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