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I hate mist! >_<

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So im doing the first chapter after the prologue in part 3. I let ike,boyd,and shinon weaken enemies so soren rolf and mist can kill them to get exp. So mist levels up THREE times in this chapter. This is what she gets:

*level up music*



Im like ".....well we dont get the best level ups all the time."

*level up music*



"-_-.......is this meant to happen for mist? Meh i'll just keep trying"

*level up music*




*Resets game, repeats*

1st level up:LEVEL PLUS ONE

2nd level up:LEVEL PLUS ONE


What the heck? Is that supposed to happen for mist or am i cursed and the fire emblem god is taking a piss on my efforts?

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Mist is just bad like that. I usually don't even use her. I'm much more focused on Mia during the first few Ike chapters. She does very little damage and I've never been one to use healers. (Why would you when once you upgrade a mage they can use staves?) So I'm not entirely sure how to answer it. With babying I'm sure Mist could be a great unit, but I don't have enough patience for her.

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She doesn't have truly exceptional stats, but in Dawn, her Hit Points, Magic, Skill, Speed, Luck and Resistance are all at least 40%, her luck growth being 70%. You got unusually unlucky.

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FIVE TIMES. I reset after the first 3 and after the 2nd one the 2nd time through i went FUCK IT

Edited by MaSu
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What stats did she gain? You only said level plus one. She had to have gained something. Oh, and you just got unusually unluck. I like Mist, more for her healing ability than fighting.

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Thats all she got! Level plus one! It happened to jill on the chapter when you get her also in path of radiance. And jafar did this to me in blazing sword but none of them did it FIVE TIMES!

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No im not kidding! ( I know it doesn't help anything but) my little sister was there and she saw it! But then she went on about her boyd/ike and various FE yaoi fantasies which made boyd die. ( He literally died.....bet he couldn't take the lies and slander he was hearing)

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Wouldn't surprise me with my luck. I have gotten some bad games before. Like golden sun 2. I got a copy that wouldn't let me get past that tiki village with that stupid statue where u make those 2 lights go into it at the same time. But damn mist, branded blade got my hopes up about her. He said she kicks ass after being leveled up. Im just gonna BEXP level her up 3 times. Maybe i can escape it that way.

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That's impossible. In Radiant Dawn it's made so every level you always get at least one stat up unless everything is capped.

Actually you can get nothing in a level up. My Haar capped everything at 20/20/17 but luck and didn't get a stat up in luck after he got to level 18. So it is possible to get nothing.

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Actually you can get nothing in a level up. My Haar capped everything at 20/20/17 but luck and didn't get a stat up in luck after he got to level 18. So it is possible to get nothing.

You must be mistaken in some way, or remembering the wrong thing. My Zihark capped everything but magic at ??/20/13. He proceeded to get magic every level until 20. No Bexp. Similar thing happened with Edward, except with res added on to magic. He always got one.

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That's impossible. In Radiant Dawn it's made so every level you always get at least one stat up unless everything is capped.

Not true, I've had it happen to me twice I believe, if not twice then definitely once.

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I'm with FFoF. I've had Mia, Zihark, and Edward get only mag for multiple levels because that's all they had left. Maybe Vincent can shed some light on this situation

and for those who didn't get any stat ups, are you sure they weren't all capped?

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Oo I used Mist for fight, I forged a Silver sword with Max might/Crit and I got a Ashera Card.... my goddness she was a beast =)

I never got Zero Stats in RD but in PoR I got 3 in a row with Nephenee...

I RD my worst was Haar 3 level with just HP... yes... Jill is my only hope for Axe Users =\

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Did you guys just miss the stat ups 'cause you're blind or something? In RD it's impossible to get a no stat up unless everything's capped.

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I'm with FFoF. I've had Mia, Zihark, and Edward get only mag for multiple levels because that's all they had left. Maybe Vincent can shed some light on this situation

and for those who didn't get any stat ups, are you sure they weren't all capped?

I swear, I didn't gain a stat and I didn't cap everything. And no I'm not blind.

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I have always gotten at least 1 stat your luck just sucks.

Thats whay I gave Mist Blossom when I got the chance after that she became a one girl army after a few levels

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  • 2 weeks later...

Its possible (not likely) to no-up your stats. However the easiest way to undo that is (Normal Hard) Battle Save abuse and redoing a move without moving the exact same way. If you redo the same move the same way get the same result, but with a minor change (one square different path is all you need) you get a different result and a different level up.

This is how I got my 'meh' level ups to be good, my standard was +4 stats or +3 stats with at least 1 of them being a low raise (Defense on my Mages/Mia/Mist, Luck on a huge count of characters, things like that). Okay, so its non-repeatable with other games, but it worked for me. ^_^

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Its possible (not likely) to no-up your stats. However the easiest way to undo that is (Normal Hard) Battle Save abuse and redoing a move without moving the exact same way. If you redo the same move the same way get the same result, but with a minor change (one square different path is all you need) you get a different result and a different level up.

This is how I got my 'meh' level ups to be good, my standard was +4 stats or +3 stats with at least 1 of them being a low raise (Defense on my Mages/Mia/Mist, Luck on a huge count of characters, things like that). Okay, so its non-repeatable with other games, but it worked for me. ^_^

It's different in this. You can do the exact same thing and get a different level. I've done it plenty of times.

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Yah I don't really think It's possible to get Nothing leveld up. I've skipped through it at times fast enough to not notice what raised, but I always had a difference. The only thing I can think of is your disk is broke, your using some hacked copy (really I dunno, I don't ROM, I buy my things, so I can't tell you if hacked versions have those problems), or you need to lay off the weed..

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Yah I don't really think It's possible to get Nothing leveld up. I've skipped through it at times fast enough to not notice what raised, but I always had a difference. The only thing I can think of is your disk is broke, your using some hacked copy (really I dunno, I don't ROM, I buy my things, so I can't tell you if hacked versions have those problems), or you need to lay off the weed..

Yeah, its probably the weed.

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