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Simple Survey: Might you laugh at a joke made about any of these?


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Having a spur of the moment dead-end fantasy about being a comedian. Help me out?


- girls liking boys liking girls and vice versa

-those bitch characters who are all over the place in media children/youth watch who give stupid growing boys the impression that girls dont like boys below a certain caliber, or dont like guys in general and therefore boys should keep their filthy hands

-those dumbass guy characters who screw it up for everybody, and boys appearing retarded comparing to girls

-sex myths (girls in general dont want it compared to boys, theres not something for everybody)

-Crackpot illuminati theories? What if textbooks and geography are all shams? Is this the shittiest thing to make a joke about ever, or is that just what they want me to think?

-Fighting games in particular (more to come)*

-Taking games seriously, relating them to other media

-The idea of taking enjoyment from being indier/hardcorer than thou

-Being easily amused, and its benefits

-Damaged goods are funny

-Differing values between countries (read: Anime is weird)

*-related matter: succeeding competitively despite looking retarded doing it, looking good losing and which is better

-Malcolm X (breaching the matter respectfully and carefully is not optional, you racist piece of shit)

-Personal memories of retarded shit

-funny stuff/coincidences in the English language

-trying to learn a new language

-(thanks for the idea Chalis) people's reactions to suggestive things that put them off somehow

-The gays

Edit the millionth:

-Forums, and how hard one should try to get a response when responding on them (may be a broad area)

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rrrr thread was supposed to be semisrs but I guess we can't have our cake and eat it CAN WE :facepalm: (my bad, should've been more clear about what the point was, better luck next time)

-racial and gender equality (no not in the sense that the ideas are jokes)

-failing to get a point across

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While I'm flattered you give me so much credit, never watched more than a story about frat girls and a master class in the wonderful art of undulating onstage of his. If this spur-of-the-moment shitlist is in fact a list of cardinal sins against good standup, could you help me out with some specificity?

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