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FE8 forced only

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I swear, this is the hardest challenge I've done so far.

FE8, forced only.

Ch4 goes from lol to hard, C5 is hell, and I don't wanna try till the route split. I'm already having trouble trying to stop Eirika from killing Joshua.


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I've done this myself. Just use Seth as a meat shield until you kill the boss =D

Myrrh, Saleh and Duessel prettymuch replace Seth for that after the split. Lyon requires planning a good 5 steps ahead as he can OHKO several people if he gets lucky. The Demon King should not be fought by anyone who doesn't have one of the special weapons and you're definitely gonna have to sacrifice some people to win.

This is what I like about Fire Emblem in general: When you lose someone, they're gone forever. In Sacred Stones, when you lose people it can completely change the dynamic of the battle. My first runthrough I only had Eirika, Ephraim, Forde, Ross, Innes, Saleh and Duessel at the end (...yeah, I know XD).

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Forced only Seth isn't forced. It means only Eirika and Artur for C4, Eirika , Natasha and Joshua for C5 and Eirika soloes C6 and C7.

You don't need to sacrifice - Hit Formortiis with 3 Sacred Twins and he's done for.

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Stat boosters - Obviously allowed.

Abuse - No. Which means if I go Eph route he's soloing Gheb at level 8.

Lord solo is easy on RD or PoR since Sothe and Ike can solo early maps and Ike's there throughout.

Ephraim's the better char, but Eirika's route is easier...

I think I'll go Eirika so that Duessel can solo the desert.

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My point exactly. And Ch. 4 is more fun when you have to fight Joshua. Remember: He won't attack Natasha so keep her just outside he movement range so he doesn't accidentally clash with someone else.

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He does attack Natasha.

Also, Artur and Natasha are forced for 4 & 5 respectively.

I doubt I'll be able to even defeat Tirado...

Only person I won't be able to recruit is Rennac. And Syrene, but fuck them.

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He does attack Natasha.

Only if you're playing the japanese version for some weird reason. I'd know, since I always place Natasha in that forest square near Joshua and he never tried to attack her. The only time where I saw him do it was in a video of the japanese version.

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I doubt I'll be able to even defeat Tirado...

Ephraim is forced on the map, and at worst 3HKOs with Reginleif.

And Syrene, but fuck them.

If she survives the chapter as a NPC she joins as well.

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Tirado has 13 str + 14 mt Silver Lance, Ephraim has 23 hp/7 def, so he'd need at least 3 str from HM bonuses to OHKO base Ephraim, never mind him leveling up or standing on a pillar. And even if he does, just make him switch to Javelin.

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You can recruit Rennac if you talk to him with Ephraim (this costs a bit of gold though, 10K?). Tirado should be easy since you should have a high level Erika who should deal heavy damage with the rapier and Ephraim can also match up favourably with him as well.

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Ah, yes. Thanks.

I always recruit him with L'Arachel though.

I'm going Eirika route so that I don't get stuck with a fail Ephraim.

10000 is easy. I can get there by selling off axes.

Edited by Joshybear25
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There's a couple of chapters before the route split where you have Ephraim, so you could always give him as many kills as possible to help strengthen him. I dunno, I honestly think Ephraim would be a better unit, since I think Erika will have alot of trouble with stuff like lance cavaliers and Knights, esp if they attack in groups.

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I'm guessing he means that he won't be able to do much with a base level Ephraim.

You might have trouble with that Fog of War chapter since you only have Eirika.

Use mountains, rapier on armors if necessary, don't care about the family being the spider's OMNOMNOM.

Shouldn't be that hard.

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