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So who is Mia's archrival?

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From Mia's C-support with Rhys

Mia: ...Oh, this is so disappointing! I had my fortune read the other day, and the old crone told me that I'd soon come across my one true foe! "With white robes flowing in the breeze, your archrival rides toward you..." Oh, I was so looking forward to it!

Well, Lucia got something that resembles white robes and technically she did ride towards Mia's army in chapter 24 in PoR.

Dosn't really help her case that Mia and Lucia don't have support data in Radiant Dawn though.

Edited by BrightBow-User
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I believe he's the hawk that Naesala beats up when he "borrows" reyson in POR.

Actually, he's the hawk that the BK beats up when he "borrows" Leanne in POR.

I think his name is Lotz.

Correct. His name is Lotz and he thought yelling would make Leanne understand him, then the BK killed him.

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