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I'm finding that I like using Zidane, though I don't like him as a character. He reminds me too much of Goku for me to like him as a character.

Anyways, I'm still on the story mode. Though that should be done by noon tomorrow, hopefully.

Edited by Miror B.
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As it stands, I've completed each character's story, and beat all three chapters of that whatever-it-was mode. I unlocked Shantotto (who the hell is that?) and I'm on Gabranth's story now.

And I'm thinking of adding Dissidia to the Computer is a Cheating Bastard trope. Because it so fucking is. Why is it that in order for me to unlock all of a character's abilities, I have to get them up to like level fifty, but the computers know everything from level one?

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Double posting because I'm such a rebel.

Having logged over two full days on Dissidia, I've finally decided that this is a bad game. Gimmicky AI, extremely unreliable controls, and of course the aforementioned bullshit regarding souped-up opponents would be enough to kill any other game from a lesser-known developer, and it's unfortunate that most critics are singing it high praises despite these glaring, infuriating problems.

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its called a first challenging final fanasty game for once, Duh. Even though it was extremely easy to say the least except for sephiroth and Choas. They were the only 2 problems against me as well as squall.

Edited by Kiba
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I was wrong. I'm still on story mode...I've now used all of the "Heros" at least. Of them, I like the Onion Knight most.

its called a first challenging final fanasty game for once, Duh.

FF4DS? The ability to make FF1 or FFX challenging?

I had to play this game without the ability to flee from battle, ever, beacause my shoulder buttons were broke. On the plus side, I didn't need to grind <_<

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its called a first challenging final fanasty game for once, Duh. Even though it was extremely easy to say the least except for sephiroth and Choas. They were the only 2 problems against me as well as squall.

No, retard, it's called poorly designed garbage. Duh.

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What's with this "duh" shit? Differing opinions are stupid now? Especially from Kiba of all people.

I just got this, and I'm about to dive in. I'll post my thoughts once I have enough of a first impression.

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Double posting because I'm such a rebel.

Having logged over two full days on Dissidia, I've finally decided that this is a bad game. Gimmicky AI, extremely unreliable controls, and of course the aforementioned bullshit regarding souped-up opponents would be enough to kill any other game from a lesser-known developer, and it's unfortunate that most critics are singing it high praises despite these glaring, infuriating problems.

I guess it's a hit or miss...I find the controls extremely customizable and easy to use, and I would have stopped playing this game a long time ago if the opponents weren't at least a little challenging to beat. There's a certain feeling that this game evokes when you're in the BREAK status and your opponent's brave is something ridiculous like 9999 (lol stage bravery)...kind of gets the adrenaline pumping, m I rite?

I've finally bought the "Lunar Whale" version of the Duel Coliseum, and have also leveled Firion to 100 (Without the cheap Exdeath trick). If only PP wasn't so hard to procure...

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I've finally bought the "Lunar Whale" version of the Duel Coliseum, and have also leveled Firion to 100 (Without the cheap Exdeath trick). If only PP wasn't so hard to procure...

Cheap Exdeath trick? What's that?

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*Taken from the GameFAQS Dissidia Board*

Accessories like Chocobo Hair help. That and aligned the Calender with your favorite day. The thing that helps the most I believe is fighting higher level characters. Of course this serves as a problem, how can we defeat them if they're stronger? In truth, there is no way to overpower a higher level enemy. Which is why we manipulate their AI, specifically, Exdeath's.

What you'll need is to go under "System" in the PP Menu and buy "CPU LV" caps. These will allow you to fight stronger enemies. You may not be able to buy up to one-hundred, but buy as high as you can. Next, you're going to need Exdeath (500 PP) and enter Quick Play Mode.

You're going to want to pick a character with good HP Attacks (Terra's "Flood" attack is a good example.) Depending on which character you choose for this method depends on the ease you're going to have gaining experience. After setting Exdeath's level, CPU level, and behavior (I always set it to max) enter battle.

Because of the flaw in Exdeath's AI, it's extraordinarily easy to manipulate it so you remain unscathed. Because hit with an HP Attack means a OHKO. What we want to do use only HP Attacks to drain his health. Why? With most characters (maybe all) Exdeath counters with Teleport. Depending on how fast you're attack is, you can end up hitting him.

*One thing this guy failed to mention was that Exdeath's behavior has to be "Cautious", otherwise it'll be a lot harder 'cause he's trying to actually kill you.

Now, you can slowly chip away at his HP until dead or until you mess up and die (I've done this many times.) The alternative is using Magic Pot. There are two kinds of Magic Pots, one that activates after recovering Brave, and one you use manually. Should Exdeath's Teleport attack collide with you, it'll put you into "Break Status." This will give Exdeath 9999 Brave (or around there.) Using Magic Pot will copy that Brave onto yours, manual or automatic. Allowing us to OHKO Exdeath!

The flaw in this, is that Exdeath will also be looking to expel his Brave. In this case, it's best to get the hell out of his way. If you manage to unleash an HP Attack though, you'll be surprised to find you can go from one to one-hundred in a single battle.

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I think the fact that you have to grind in itself is the main problem, especially for multiplayer aspects. Look at something like Street Fighter, or Guilty Gear. Notice you don't have to grind them all, nor unlock anyone. Look how huge they are.

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I think the fact that you have to grind in itself is the main problem, especially for multiplayer aspects. Look at something like Street Fighter, or Guilty Gear. Notice you don't have to grind them all, nor unlock anyone. Look how huge they are.

The game is aimed primarily at FF fans, so they likely wanted to keep RPG aspects into the game.

Though I haven't played the game myself so I don't know how good or bad a job it does at it.

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Actually None of the characters are broken really, you just need to know how they play then its actually extremely easy to beat anyone.(unless your using a flat out slow character against someone such as squall or sephiroth)

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Actually None of the characters are broken really, you just need to know how they play then its actually extremely easy to beat anyone.(unless your using a flat out slow character against someone such as squall or sephiroth)

I'm Exdeath, and I can block any attack from any angle, then counter you instantly with Delta Attack for close, or Almagest from far away.

I'm Cloud

I'm Sephiroth

and we have infinites.

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