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The Official Topic of MANLINESS!

Altera the Hun

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The thought of liking her makes me uncomfortable tho.

LOL, that's not even reasonable!

I told you, she IS NOT a slut! I hate sluts (Not named Heather) too...do you think I'd like Lachesis if so?

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It does:


chuck norris can do that with out his arms or legs. thats right his manlyness is over 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kinniku Buster. Automatic Manly Points +9000.

Unless you're a woman, in which case it's Amazon points and it's worth double.

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Because SHE'S NOT a slut! <_<

That's not what the FE4 THREAD says, but the main thing, I'm just not used to the idea that Lachesis = Good, because I'm just so used to Lachesis = Slutty = BAD. <_>

This thread nees moar Othin.


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That's not what the FE4 THREAD says, but the main thing, I'm just not used to the idea that Lachesis = Good, because I'm just so used to Lachesis = Slutty = BAD. <_>


...Like you ever hang out there... <_<

The FE4 Thread is now officially a chat room where random things appear, nuff' said about it.

You already posted that picture, man.

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