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Fuck yeah man, drugs, sex and rock and roll.

But really, I don't care if people want to do that, they can go ahead. On the other hand, drugs and alcohol (lol) can have an effect on people who are still developing, so I think it should still be illegal to sell these things to people who are underage.


I don't think ANY of them are bad, they can all just lead to undesirable consequences, but usually when enjoyed properly and safely, they likely won't.

Edited by Fia 
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I don't think ANY of them are bad, they can all just lead to undesirable consequences, but usually when enjoyed properly and safely, they likely won't.

It's not enjoyable...most underages just do it they can feel better between their buddies, i.e:

A guy tell another guy he is a wuss for not drinking certain alcoholic drink.

Edited by soul1112
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Basically, do those things in a non-retarded manner if you want to (although I'm amazed by how hard this is for most people including most of the ones who claim they can handle it fine) as long as your parents are cool with it. It's not really any of my business. If your parents aren't cool with it, just wait until you're 18 and home free.

There are some limits beyond your parents, although they really shouldn't need much mentioning.

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I don't think ANY of them are bad, they can all just lead to undesirable consequences, but usually when enjoyed properly and safely, they likely won't.

It's not enjoyable...most underages just do it they can feel better between their buddies, i.e:

A guy tell another guy he is a wuss for not drinking certain alcoholic drink.

Naw, some use it to party.

Morally, I consider all three to be a little bad. Premarital sex has an exception: partners stay safe.

Realistically, I can't consider these to be life threatening. Unless, of course you drink or smoke before driving, or something else along those lines. As almost everyone else here summed up nicely: moderation will make it safer.

The brain will eventually heal itself once you stop (if you ever became addicted in the first place) doing it, anyway. I can't remember if permanent damage is done from either drug.

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I don't think ANY of them are bad, they can all just lead to undesirable consequences, but usually when enjoyed properly and safely, they likely won't.

It's not enjoyable...most underages just do it they can feel better between their buddies, i.e:

A guy tell another guy he is a wuss for not drinking certain alcoholic drink.

Regardless, drunkenness has been shown to provide a sense of euphoria in a large number of individuals at varying levels. Saying that drinking is not enjoyable is akin to saying that masturbating isn't enjoyable; some may not find it fun, but to say that it's altogether not entertaining is simply ridiculous.

As for my opinion on the three, I don't find any of them especially objectionable, excepting underage sex --to an extent. I would not encourage a thirteen-year-old having sex, however I would not see anything entirely wrong with some sixteen or seventeen-year-olds doing so.

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I don't think ANY of them are bad, they can all just lead to undesirable consequences, but usually when enjoyed properly and safely, they likely won't.

It's not enjoyable...most underages just do it they can feel better between their buddies, i.e:

A guy tell another guy he is a wuss for not drinking certain alcoholic drink.

Uh, proof? Most of the people I know anyway do it because it's fun.

1.) Non-issue, unless you're talking unprotected underage sex (not the same thing). Unwanted pregnancies are pretty high for this age group (lol, like they're low for any fertile age group), as are STIs last I heard, but that could be solved with proper sex education. Sure, some people would still screw up, but oh well. There is the problem that sex tends to make people (females especially, most likely due to gender stereotypes) more attached to people due to endorphins being released (which can be mistaken for feelings and create more feelings), which can be a problem especially in high school where relationships change every week, but considering sex is already high in that age group and you can't be with your kid 100% of the time, I really doubt you can do much about it. We can only really teach our kids to act responsibly and hope they aren't morons.

2.) Meh. I grew up in Europe most of my life, where even if there is an age limit it's not generally followed. When enjoyed in moderation, it's not an issue.

3.) What about it? I personally don't use, as it's illegal and I hate smoke anyway, but I don't have an issue with it, as stated in the drug legalization topic. The government could make serious money by legalizing and regulating it, and you could still put in laws against driving/working/operating machinery under the influence to protect the people and punish those who use it irresponsibly and end up hurting others.

Edited by Crystal Shards
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1- Don't care, so long as we're talkin' high school kids.

2. No problem at all. Drinking's only a bad thing in excess, or if you can't hold your liquor.

3. I personally don't care for it, can't stand the smoke. Passable, when done proper and in moderation.

People just need to be responsible with this stuff, is all.

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1. Underage sex doesn't exist here. As long as you're within 2 years of age of the person you do it with, it's legal. On top of that, I have no problem with it, unless people are pressured into doing it in relationships.

2. Underage drinking isn't so bad. Of course, it's one of those in-moderation things and like anything else overdoing it can lead to a lot of health problems. Binge drinking is completely unnecessary, but sometimes it's fun to have alcohol around at parties.

3. Smoking pot isn't so bad either. It's probably on the lower end of concerns anyone would have.

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Well, it's up to parents to beat it into kids' heads that it's the right way to go, and the partners to enforce it. Basically, it's up to the parents to tell their kids if you're mature enough to have sex, you're mature enough to handle consequences.

Parents don't do that. They'd rather play the hear no evil, see no evil monkey bit. "Don't have sex, m'kay? 'Cuz it's bad. Don't do drugs, m'kay? 'Cuz it's bad". That wasn't enough for me as a kid, and it's not enough now that I'm an adult.

My mother not only taught me about condoms, but when I left to go to a party, she made sure I had one on me "just in case". She didn't forget what it was like to be a teenager, and thankfully, we don't have a religion that outlaws birth control like some other people who are not smart enough to think for themselves.

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Just a neat story:

A guy I know who is graduating from high school this year visited his non supervised "Grad Sleepover". He had never thought of drinking or smoking pot before. 11 beers, a quarter of a micky, a couple shots of vodka and a joint later he was having the time of his life, and was incredibly ecstatic the next morning. He smashed a window and had to pay $450 dollars for it, but was still glad it had happened.

Moral of this story: this shit is pretty cool.

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  • 5 months later...

I'm against none of these.

Underage sex is fine, just make sure to wear a sock and realize that things could get complicated(emotions run high, expectations are made, etc etc.).

Underage drinking is fine, in moderation. I usually don't drink except on New Years, and I'll never drink to the point where I'm actually drunk. I just drink for the nice warm fuzzies. My parents actually got me my own bottle of champange for new Years last year, and just let me drink it whenever I wanted. It lasted me like 4 nights, cuz I have control.

Also, I don't think you should drink just to look cool. Try it maybe, but if you don't like it, don't do it.

Smoking... Eh. It's illegal. Not against it, as I know a few people who do it, but I'm not gonna be doin' it. Did it once, had fun, got caught, stopped. It's not too great. If you want to get high, you can always get a temporary high from being choked...(which I actually prefer).

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All of these are the sort of thing that make me think, "What could possibly go wrong?"

Underage sex... Personally I'm waiting for marriage, but I understand that most other people don't believe in the need to do so. Aside from my religious beliefs, though, I still think it's a bad idea because of the emotional implications and risks involved. Teens aren't going to remember to always use protection. Things happen.

Underage drinking... I don't think it's wrong per se, I just think it's a bad idea. While nobody I know has gotten hurt, it happens. Unsupervised teenagers and mind-altering substances are just stupid shit waiting to happen.

Pot and other drugs... You're hurting yourself, and eventually others. I think this is probably the worst idea of the three.

In summary: I've got a problem with all three, maybe a little less with the drinking, even though I abhor it. Speaking as a teenager I know we're prone to doing stupid things, even without the sex and mind-altering substances. Teens are in the process of learning to be properly responsible about things. Most of us, when we're seventeen or eighteen, still aren't that responsible or smart about what we get ourselves into.

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