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wifi team match up list


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i think we should start with definitions and stats. also due to RNG we can make any chaacter good but please let us assume it is fairly minimal RNG (as in i didn't RNG more then cheeze does).

for teams we will need to create set definitions for team types

SM team- a team with 3 swordsmasters on it. I personaly think a team like this is a very good counter against fylers since they will be doubling them to pieces. probably a 7-30 match up against flier (as in 3 flyers a team) SM can also do well against double zerker teams since they don't get doubled and have the advantedge in the weapon triangle. the can definetly keep up with them. making a team with double zerkers a 60-40 match up in SM teams favor. SM teams are bad against heavy projectile teams and teams with high defense.

against a horsemen team SM are also very bad, they cannot double horsemen and lack a weapon that does increased damage against mounted units. Horsemen can also deal chip damage with bows and follow up very well,

horsmen 70-30 against SM team

the worst possible team for SM to face though would probaly have to be a team with a sniper on it with no projectile (unless its clock abuse or merric with levin) they can use there brave bows without any kind of counter making a swarm brave combo possible for a 1 hit kill,

Horsemen teams anyteam that uses 2 horsemen. this is probably one of the better team types. they only have issues against forged poleaxes however this can aliviated by aprotrope.

There are many strengths to a team like this and that is its very easy to get your other 2 units in good shape (since almost everyone has a mage). they are great offense units and support units, They can deal chip damage with bows, and can get kills with swords, they can keep up with a palidin who you are poke scouting with as well as make good pokers them selves.

Horsemen have only one problem (which meteor fixed with RNG) is that bows and swords get caught on weapons and are punished by a short range and long range attack,

i will post experience with ratios for SM and horsemen more in depth later

Edited by BlacknightSoren
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It's a really arguable topic. Even one unit changed on a team changes a matchup greatly.

Imagine 3 swordmasters vs 3 horsemen.

Normally, horsemen have the advantage. Higher movement and range weapons.

Yet if the 3 swordmaster team has 2 berserkers, then the battle shifts back, because horsemen can be 1 hit KO'ed. While swordmasters can't. Then again, you'd want a sage, so the odds shift again.

You'd basically be limited to unit vs unit comparisons. (which is what I made my chart and stuff on). 3 horsemen vs 3 swordmasters is interchangeable with 1 swordmaster vs 1 horseman.

It would be possible to construct a list of common teams, and compare them. But you'd have to decide on all 5 units before comparing one team to another.

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