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ITT I rank the characters... in manliness


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Miccy Sue

Miccy Sue is one of the unmanliest characters in the game. For one, being a girl, two, being a Mary Sue, three, for being ORKO'd by everything forever. She also got surprise buttsecks'd by the soldiers in the opening movie and required Ike's wife to save her.

There's pretty much no way to redeem her. Even a couple of good lines aren't enough.


Edited by Andrew W.K.
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Tanith is the man.

Titania's more built that most guys.

Nailah's a ruler with bitches and riches, even getting Tibarn in her grasp (sure, it's ALL about you Tibarn, keep thinking that).




In fact...



Keiran only seems bigger because his picture is more close up. So not only is she taller, she's probably just as built.

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tibarn. ITS OVER 9000000000

Nolan=chuck norris so he is the most manly character of the game

Edward. 1/10 dont realy look likes a guy but he gets 1 point because he blocks axes with his face.

Rolf 0/10 he is a cying wimpy kid who is afraid to hit people.

Ike 10/10 he uses drugs

meg 10/10 just look at her/him.

Tormod 3/10 he has a lot of growing to do.

Sothe 9/10 he uses drugs like ike.

I'l stop here.

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Renji Edward the jobber

Edward's manliness is heavily overrated.

See, blocking axes with his face would be manly... if he could survive it, and then laugh at the enemy as he rapes him. The fact that Edward dies after 2 axes to the face, nor does he rape the enemy back, is proof that he's not actually manly, but rather either stupid for taking the axes to his face, or too much of a nub to dodge them.

Either way, he's not manly.


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Sothe 9/10 he uses drugs like ike.

Sothe is not manly whether he takes drugs or not, he spends his days chasing after Micaiah, unlike Nolan who spends his time 1RKOing everyone and stroking his beard.(he also doesn't need drugs)

Meg should be rated next I'm pretty sure she is a man.

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Looking like Chuck Norris isn't enough to hang around with the bad boys. You see, from the developer's notes, it's revealed the Nolan used to be a merchant, but he got pwned by his associates being backstabbers. The real Chuck Norris wouldn't have taken that crap, so he's clearly a phony.

Although you don't ever hear from those merchants again, and he has uber stats, with a beard too.


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Looking like Chuck Norris isn't enough to hang around with the bad boys. You see, from the developer's notes, it's revealed the Nolan used to be a merchant, but he got pwned by his associates being backstabbers. The real Chuck Norris wouldn't have taken that crap, so he's clearly a phony.

Still, at least he looks manly, beard and all. But looks only get you so far.


You never hear from those merchants again though do you?


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