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Rhys' secret identity


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Rhys is, by day, a very weak, frail bishop.

By night, however, he's known as the White Pimp, teaming up with fellow badasses from around the universe, like Volug and Kamina and Captain Falcon and Kenshiro and everyone from Cromartie High School, and saving it from wussiness. Admittedly it doesn't take long from stopping wusses from taking over the universe (usually just one stare and they're already dead), but Rhys has to accomplish all this in a night and return to his facade during the day, without anyone from the GMs noticing.

He actually does a good job at making people think he's just a weak, frail bishop. However, there's one problem.

Mia found out. And she's hooked.

Now you may think, why does this matter? Why is Mia the clue? Well, there are only two women in the GMs (Titania doesn't count) and going after Mist is Boyd's job. This means that Rhys is actually manlier than people like Ike and Gatrie. If not, why would Mia go after Rhys and not Ike?

Now you may think that she likes Ike, as she likes fighting him. However, getting her ass kicked gives her a good reason to go into Rhys' tent. It would look strange for a healthy person to walk into a healer's tent, and people would get suspicious if Mia did it every day.

The truth is, Mia said that she'll agree to keep Rhys' identity a secret as long as he rejuvenates her with his staff. And I'm not talking about his heal staff.

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And Priscilla.

And Serra.

And Nils.

Unrelated, why do all of the awesome characters, save lolLucia, get Earth affinity?


Oh, and the only time any support was better than Anima/Earth is FE8 Dark.

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Mia found out. And she's hooked.

Now you may think, why does this matter? Why is Mia the clue? Well, there are only two women in the GMs (Titania doesn't count) and going after Mist is Boyd's job. This means that Rhys is actually manlier than people like Ike and Gatrie. If not, why would Mia go after Rhys and not Ike?

The truth is, Mia said that she'll agree to keep Rhys' identity a secret as long as he rejuvenates her with his staff. And I'm not talking about his heal staff.

Going by her supports, Mia also sees Rhys as her rival, so obviously she's onto something.

She's even seen his Valkyre Staff (he stole it from Claude/beat up Corple). In before 'so that's how priests bring people back to life!' :P

Also, Ike isn't an option anyway since the devs made him homosexual (Ranulf or Soren etc.) since he has no paired endings with girls in any case. (DAMN YOU I WANT MY ELINCIA ENDING!)

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