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Who would be interested in playing Dimplomacy?

General Spoon

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Who here is interested in playing Diplomacy, out of curiosity? If we can get six more people to sign on to play, I'll start a game for us. Be sure to call your country when you say that you want to play.

Oh, and I call England.

EDIT: Eh, some rules if you want. I don't believe they're the full rules, but it should be enough for now.


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If this is perchance refering to the famous Board Game, I would be most interested. Will we be laing the Paradox version perchance?

To tell the truth, though, I prefer Axis and Allies—less balanced, but I prefer the diversity. Plus TripleA is just nicer than the java clients used for a lot of these things. Of course, Hearts of Iron or Europe Univeralis would be best, but I highly doubt that’s going to happen.

Edited by Le Communard
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Fuck this shit. Let's play Axis & Allies instead.

HUZZAH! Just google TripleA and grab the program. Just google TripleA and grab the program. You shouldprobably get the New World Order scenario and the Great War one too, while you’re at it.

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That's everyone, then.

Are we playing on the site you linked, or what?

We'll be playing there, and I think you'll need to sign up. Let me know when you've signed up, and you username.

hopes to put this off until after I can write my college application essay about what a pedophile taught me :o

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