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Joe Wilson

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I wasn't going to bother, bot Howard's reply coarsed me into it.

Government spending can indeed be a fairly effective way at getting out of a recession. When it's not 98% pork spending. Seriously, take a nice look at most of the crap in that stimulus package and tell me it's not a bunch of pork packed together and passed in a panic. For example, $1.3 billion was spent on Amtrak, a government owned corporation that hasn't had a single profit in over FOURTY YEARS. That is NOT helping the economy, that's blowing a shitload of money clear down the drain. And no, it's really not working at all. Most of the bill hasn't even gone into effect yet, and the economy is starting to pic up. But we ARE still in a recession, because there are STILL more jobs being lost every week than there are jobs being created nation wide. There's lie # 1: We're out of the recession. But we're not.

Cool story bro. But the fact is, the spending STILL helped, so regardless of whether you think it was spent poorly or not (and I agree with you that it could have been spent better), it still was somewhat effective. Again, I don't think Obama is superman, hell, I don't even like him that much, but he's not some Socialist Devil.

Yes, in CANADA, Obama is VIEWED AS Right of Center. Canada is also rather infamously socialist. And this shit with Acorn actually shows that Obama is FAR more left than the media is portraying him as. Of course, when the conservative in an election is John McCain, any liberal will look more moderate because fiscally, McCain is pretty damn liberal.

Yeah, Canada has had "socialized medicine" for years. It's also rather well know that waiting to see a doctor in Canada, even at a Hospital, can take HOURS. In America, if you look serious enough, you see a doctor immediately, and those who don't typically don't wait more than 20 minutes. And that's just the normal clinics. And of course a country known to be heavily left leaning would love it's socialized medicine: Because that's what the folks on the left want!

Ah yes, us infamous socialists. Sadly, you rather missed my point. Go back and reread the post if you need to. Anyway, lolAcorn.

As for the second part, this is blown rather heavily out of proportion. People don't die waiting to get into a hospital in Canada. If you have a life threatening injury, you will get treatment. I have never had a problem with hospitals, and I live in a rural area with a very small hospital that is rather understaffed and under equipped. Yes, you might have to wait if you have a less serious injury. Yes, if you book an examination or something you may have to wait. But it's not as if you'll die in the waiting room.

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You realize that Revan is Canadian, right dumbass?

I actually figured as much. He actually thinks Obama is cooperating with republicans. :facepalm:

Seriously, do you have a mental disability?

Please tell me you do?

If he wasn't cooperating with Republicans, do you really think he would have spent this much time deliberating on his Health Care Plan? How you can not recognize that he is trying to please everyone is beyond me, since he's spent so much time jerking the right off trying to get them to like his plan.

Edited by Fia 
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You realize that Revan is Canadian, right dumbass?

I actually figured as much. He actually thinks Obama is cooperating with republicans. :facepalm:

If he wasn't cooperating with Republicans, do you really think he would have spent this much time deliberating on his Health Care Plan? How you can not recognize that he is trying to please everyone is beyond me, since he's spent so much time jerking the right off trying to get them to like his plan.

Ignoring the petty insults...

It's because of the Blue Dog Democrats in congres who are looking at this bill and basically saying "Lolno" to Obama. Thus, Obama is trying to get anyone he can to jump on board so he can ram the bill through, whether it's a Blue Dog or some of the more liberal Republicans.

The moment he gets all the people he needs, he's ramming that bill through, whether we want it or not. Also, do note that the bill is also dropping heavily in public support, which is absolutely KILLING Obama.

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You realize that Revan is Canadian, right dumbass?

I actually figured as much. He actually thinks Obama is cooperating with republicans. :facepalm:

If he wasn't cooperating with Republicans, do you really think he would have spent this much time deliberating on his Health Care Plan? How you can not recognize that he is trying to please everyone is beyond me, since he's spent so much time jerking the right off trying to get them to like his plan.

Ignoring the petty insults...

It's because of the Blue Dog Democrats in congres who are looking at this bill and basically saying "Lolno" to Obama. Thus, Obama is trying to get anyone he can to jump on board so he can ram the bill through, whether it's a Blue Dog or some of the more liberal Republicans.

The moment he gets all the people he needs, he's ramming that bill through, whether we want it or not. Also, do note that the bill is also dropping heavily in public support, which is absolutely KILLING Obama.

Why do I even bother?

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Because you know that one day he is going to find his sister asleep, then do disgusting things that will result in him having a deformed half retarded child to brainwash.

...I don't know what's more disgusting, this or a Guro H-Manga...

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You doing that because you read too much of whatever that is

OH GOD you just reminded me of that melonfucking manga. I need to post some of that.

You know, I may be a nightmare fetishist (Yeah, I openly admit it. Something Crash is too much of a pussy to do with his fascination of teh Evulz), but Guro is just to fucking disgusting EVEN FOR ME.

Mind you, I was posting Nightmare Fuel for several pages in some threads. Have I mentioned that I love Yandere girls?

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cat cat kittycat

I showed you that video right? The one that causes ED?

nishi i don't know what most of what you say is. i had sex with a real live girl once, and a real dead one 15 minutes later.

Edited by Death
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cat cat kittycat

I showed you that video right? The one that causes ED?

nishi i don't know what most of what you say is. i had sex with a real live girl once, and a real dead one 15 minutes later.

Necrophilia is a form of Guro. If she's still alive and has been recently violently mutilated in some fasion, and you have sex with her while she's dying/bleeding all over, that too is Guro.

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You doing that because you read too much of whatever that is

OH GOD you just reminded me of that melonfucking manga. I need to post some of that.

You know, I may be a nightmare fetishist (Yeah, I openly admit it. Something Crash is too much of a pussy to do with his fascination of teh Evulz), but Guro is just to fucking disgusting EVEN FOR ME.

Mind you, I was posting Nightmare Fuel for several pages in some threads. Have I mentioned that I love Yandere girls?


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You doing that because you read too much of whatever that is

OH GOD you just reminded me of that melonfucking manga. I need to post some of that.

You know, I may be a nightmare fetishist (Yeah, I openly admit it. Something Crash is too much of a pussy to do with his fascination of teh Evulz), but Guro is just to fucking disgusting EVEN FOR ME.

Mind you, I was posting Nightmare Fuel for several pages in some threads. Have I mentioned that I love Yandere girls?



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Vore is disgusting.


But if there is one thing I will never, ever compromise with, is furry porn.

That whole niche of self-aggrandizing "victims" who forget that number one rule of porn:


You don't see Futa fans running around with strap on dicks outside their pants because they are smart enough to realize WHAT THEY ARE INTO IS JUST A TYPE OF PORN.

You don't see Vore fans eating each other in a single gulp because they are smart enough to realize WHAT THEY ARE INTO IS JUST A TYPE OF PORN.

You don't see Guro fans cutting people open and masturbating into their entrails because they are smart enough to realize WHAT THEY ARE INTO IS JUST A TYPE OF PORN.



And that is why if furries stop complaining about being victims in their own mind, I will stop giving a shit whenever a furry takes a massive flea-ridden shit all over the internets.

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