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Nothing special about me......

It's my first time to use a forum....

Please guide me......

My English are bad, so I'm sorry if there are misspelling and wrong grammar....

Also I rarely to online......

Though, Please enjoy it!!!!!

Edited by xiaohou
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Well, well, well... look what do I have here...

Welcome to the forest, never fear to ask me if there are something you want to know. :3

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Hello xiaohou and welcome to the Fire Emblem fandom, also called "my elitism is better than yours".

Don't go too far from the forest and behave like you'd be in an important meeting and you'll have a good time here.

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Also Fia!!!! I will never fear to ask you anything.... You know that, don't you????

Yeah, I know, I know. I just want to say it to make me look nice or something. ;__;

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I think I'm going to be sick.......

Just looking at those words



You broke my heart into 27 pieces.I hate you, meanie. ;__;

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I think I'm going to be sick.......

Just looking at those words



You broke my heart into 27 pieces.I hate you, meanie. ;__;


Also, insert welcome here.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Tat's a great way to say hi to somebody, death. Truly fantastic. [/sarcastic]

Anyways, hallo! Me be Reinfleche. Have a nice stay here.

...I wonder why everyone calls it a stay... I'm pretty sure this isn't a hotel service...l

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