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An RPG by MrMarill: The Dark Medallions

mr. marill

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Rated kind of Mature. A 12 year old wouldn't have any problem playing it. Has swearing and pretty bad ways of dying towards the end.

NOTE: This is directly copied and pasted from another site. I could spend more time on it, but I got to go in like, 5 minutes.

I have to explain something first, though.

The forest is hated by the people of Sharleville (the main character's hometown) because there was a fight between the forest and the village. Not a war, just an argument. So the village banned everybody from the forest from going into the village - However, they were allowed into the market place around 100 metres from the forest.


Like I said, I wanted epic characters. So we have a lot of playable characters, bad guys, NPC's etc. A special feature about my game is some random NPCs you talk to turn up later in the game and give you stuff, so talk to everybody!



Class: Thief

Age: 21

Hometown: Sharleville

Max is the main character of the Dark Medallions. He has had a hard life in which his father died when he was 14. His mother had died shortly after the birth of his sister when he was 5.

A person called Ryan helped Max and gave them a home in the forest near Sharleville. When Max was 17, he started work for Ryan as a thief. He tried his hardest to look after his sister Inia. Max is a serious kind of person, but he can laugh and be happy at times as well.



Age: 14

Hometown: Sharleville

Inia doesn't remember many things about her past. She also doesn't understand why she went from a popular person in the village to being hated. When she was 13 she decided to start helping Max with his thieving. She once accidentally stole a piano and accidentally set it up in the house to play every other second. She's a happy girl who makes childish jokes sometimes.


Class: Archer

Age: 19

Hometown: Gileray Village

Thomas has been on the run for the last 7 years of his life. Burdened with a horrible task and a want for revenge, Thomas has been training with his bow every day since the day he left home. I can't say too much about him, you'll find out later. He's a really sarcastic person who always thinks what he does is right.


Class: Mage

Age: 15

Hometown: ???

I can't say anything about this character, other than it's a mage. You'll know why when you meet it.



Age: 43

Hometown: Sharleville

Ryan helped Max whenever his father died. He gave them money to help them, as well. He pays them whenever they do a good job, yet they've never seen his house. He lives inside the village of Sharleville. He's a surprised kind of man, always shocked by the sight of a tree, for example.


Age: ???

Hometown: ???

Velgro murdered Max's father for reasons unknown. He let Max and Inia live saying he needed them.


The day after Max and Inia return from a certain mission, they find Ryan at their house. He tells them to steal the Dark Medallions - Infamous jewels said to grant wishes. These were hidden away long ago.

It appears Ryan knows where they are and wants them for himself. In the old days, the Gods struck down anyone who used them to grant bad wishes... What will happen now? As more medallions are stolen and Velgro, Max's father's murderer appears before them, is everything going to take a turn for the worse?

To make matters even worse, Inia finds out a plan to destroy the world (must happen in every RPG) and that they're the only ones that can stop it (also must happen). And also Max keeps hearing voices inside his head warning him... What will happen to them?



This game takes place in the world of Yunaro, a fantasy world. They have schools (much to Inia's annoyance) and magic. Monsters a very feared creatures and heroes are usually hired to take them out. I'll try to post a World Map later.

The capital is called 'Rariak'. It has a famous castle made of gold.

Max lives in 'Sharleville', not far from Rariak.

There is a famed place called 'The Shadow', with just blackness and lightning. This is rumored to be where Death lives.


Replay Mode is really cool. After finishing the game, you're transported to the Replay Area! In here, all the main characters are standing around for you to talk to. By talking to Max you get a special 'Replay Orb', which I'll explain later.

Basically, each of the characters do different things. For example, Max explains the Replay Orb. Inia changes the actors in your party. Thomas changes your levels and so on.

But that's not all! You don't just get the Playable Characters to add to your party... You get some other characters too! I won't tell you who (two are rather obvious, but the others aren't) but there is one thing. There's a door leading to the Castle where the game starts. However, now there are four portals, only three of them are open at the start. Each of them takes you to a different sub-story with a special character. Finishing it unlocks that character. Finish all three and you unlock the final one... What's inside it? :o

Now, the Replay Orb is a different matter. Basically what it does is allow you to do everything in the Replay Area... with an item. However, it's an awful lot slower so if you're there, don't use the orb. If you go into one of the sub-stories, you get your Replay Orb taken away until you're finished or decide to go back to the Replay Area.

Another feature of the Area is to re-enter the Main Game! And, with your Replay Orb, you can play through the game with different characters, but the events giving you characters and changing your party still happen, so be prepared! Also, the face graphics will NOT change. But you can change the levels of your characters to make it harder if you want.

There's also a Boss Rush Mode where you get 0 money and start with normal equipment, then have to fight the bosses at 2 levels higher than you usually would be. After winning, you get money to spend on weapons, armour and items. YOU CANNOT HEAL. So, you get a big amount of money after each one - Fully healing is very expensive, though.


Whoo, we has screenshots now!

First Castle


Sharleville Market


Max's Home (Yes, this game has silly dramatic lines)


Weapons Shop


Sharleville Castle (out of date pic, the trees have tops at last!)


Max battling some generic enemies!


First and only boss of the demo


Demo out NOW! Features up to the end of the first boss for the first medallion. 20 mintues play time if you go as fast as possible, around 30 if you actually look at the cut scenes. You will NEED Potions for the first boss.

You'll go a while before the dungeon, but the dungeon is hard not because you get lost, but because the enemies begin to wear you down very quickly, especially if you run out of MP. And the Chimera has 5500 health. That's a hell of a lot of HP. It's crazy hard to beat without potions (read: impossible).


Download it, open it, export it and click on the weird chess thingy.

I have no title screen yet, if anyone wants to make it could they PM me, lol? :D

It's Final Fantasy Style. So Equipping, turn based etc. NOT Zelda :P

DOWNLOAD LINK (RTP version, meaning without RPG Maker you can play it!):


I want reviews if possible. I DO want people telling me if it's good or bad, but not people saying "Boy, where do I start. Everything was horrible, you're a failure to life" etc. So, if you had a problem, tell me. Just do NOT say everything was horrible and I suck- Tell me WHAT you absolutely hated. Thank you :)


(From Ross, asshole in my class):


"Your sister's gay."

"How the hell did you know that!?"

It was true as well.


From FridgeCrisis:

"I saw your post in the General Discussion board and decided to check this out... The game is pretty good. I love your intro, the sense of humor is great and I particularly like the way your characters make references to the internet.

The menu system was nothing short of awesome. Although I DID notice you could save from it and there were saving crystals... What's up with that?

I think your maps could be better and not so... square? I mean, it IS hard in a square based game, but everything is 2 squares or 4 squares wide.

When I read it was SBS I thought "Oh God, not again", but it actually works really well. The Force system didn't really come into play until the Ifrit boss and I was surprised how much I needed it. I'll get to him later.

The forest was easy if you knew what you were doing. You bought potions, two curved daggers and got 2 Dragon Potions... Yes, if you click the tile to the right you'll get another one. Mistakes happen ;). Anyway, I was flying through the forest annihilating everything in two hits when I realized it was far too easy. I got to the boss and healed up expecting a tough challenge... but it wasn't too hard. I read a few comments about Tornado murdering people, it hardly ever used it on me. I must have got lucky :D

After beating the forest, I got into the next dungeon, which was kinda generic. I mean, the cut scenes. I thought it could be great but you had done it badly... until the ifrit came along.

Oh God, I LOVE that ifrit. It was just so god damned funny. Then in the middle the Mii Channel music... PERFECT. I don't think many people will notice, but Max starts smashing his head off the wall during that... It was just so stupid during a dungeon of fiery horror I couldn't help but laugh.

You said it was 12+, that death wasn't so bad. I got it, I thought it was like explosions! Ceiling collapse! But it was merely a fire below me exploded and burnt me. It could be worse. Although you DO feel sorry for Inia.

Then I got to the ifrit battle and it brutally raped me. I was expecting a walk over and you made him so god damned hard. I thought he was FINALLY dead until he started unleashing Explosion after Explosion... Ugh. Also, without the Force system, it would be impossible. You're trying hard to fill the force AND keep yourself alive. Inia is usually weaker but she makes the force so much higher it helps LOADS. I ended up healing with Max and attacking with Inia.

After this looooooong battle, a freaky scene happened, I couldn't make heads or tails of what the hell was going on. Most of the cut scenes after that seemed like they were tacked on in a few minutes, not fully fleshed out (ESPECIALLY the argument, did it have any purpose?

After playing it fully, I am very satisfied with the end result. I really am, I think you could make this better still. If you maybe up the difficulty of the first dungeon, remove that STUPID warning (:P) and make the cut scenes better, it would be almost perfect. Looking forward to next release!


:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

(he says about the warning cuz there used to be a warning about the age rating. My friend tells me it's a legal requirement to have a warning 0.0)

Ninja Jonty/MrMarill

Edited by mr. marill
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