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My thoughts exactly. Thank you Iced.

no problem.

Good times. :)

Rather her than me

they were...

it was funny when it was you though, when crash is failing at... whatever he plans (I don't think the right word for crash) with Amelia it's just annoying because she doesn't get angry at him.

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Meanie! ;~;


*insert innocent smiley here*

it was funny when it was you though, when crash is failing at... whatever he plans (I don't think the right word for crash) with Amelia it's just annoying because she doesn't get angry at him.

It's not fun with Crash though 'cause he takes everything to heart. That's what's fun about teasing you, you know I'm kidding. XD

I feel like I should be saying something, but I'm coming up blank. In other news, the mushroom and ham pizza I had just now was pretty good.

Interesting. I prefer Hawaiian myself.

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it was funny when it was you though, when crash is failing at... whatever he plans (I don't think the right word for crash) with Amelia it's just annoying because she doesn't get angry at him.

I really want to kill him just so you know....


*insert innocent smiley here*

Fine then. ;~;

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Apparently, Rhythm has 3 posts. :huh:

... What?

I really want to kill him just so you know....

Fine then. ;~;

Doooooo eeeeeeeet


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Interesting. I prefer Hawaiian myself.

As do I, but it wasn't being served. Assuming by Hawaiian you mean pineapple and ham.

(I once ordered a Hawaiian here and got pineapple and tuna. It was... unexpected.)

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As do I, but it wasn't being served. Assuming by Hawaiian you mean pineapple and ham.

(I once ordered a Hawaiian here and got pineapple and tuna. It was... unexpected.)

Yes, that's what I meant. How did the pineapple/tuna taste? :mellow:

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Yes, that's what I meant. How did the pineapple/tuna taste? :mellow:

Well, it wasn't exactly what I'd call bad, but let's just say I'm not going to order it again in the future.

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Power failure and I seemed to have missed a lot.

Yes but he wouldn't have put it above Golden Sun without you.

Yes, I would have. Even though I'm a big fan of Golden Sun, I still think Okami is better.

I always felt Yggdra Union was far to confusing for a strategy game.

Eh, you'll get used to it. The difficulty spikes too much though, which could be very frustrating. BF16-17 were so tough.

YU is an awesome game. Although... I'm stuck in Battlefield 07 - Elise. Defeating all enemy in 21 turns? It is hard as hell!

You're only in BF7 and you find it awesome? Wait till you go deeper. And you don't HAVE to do it within 21 turns. You'll still get a MVP+1 bonus instead of +2.

And if I get through it. I can't get the Thunderbolt card. >: *headdesk*

Trust me, you will have loads of opportunities to get that card from him. He's gonna bother you way too many times before he dies. If you don't want some of his h4x items later on, then just ignore him now if you don't want to face him.

Question about archers;

1) Are there any?

2) Are they just inferior magi?

Archers and Assassins use bows. The playable Archer easily wins the award of being the worst unit in the game (who would ever want an archer with amazing defensive stats???). The Assassin is one of the best units and is extremely deadly at night.

Studying for Bio. Enjoying it, strangely.

I wish I had your brain whenever I go to study Bio. I wonder if you're still here, Rhythm~

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Yes, I would have. Even though I'm a big fan of Golden Sun, I still think Okami is better.

I wish I had your brain whenever I go to study Bio. I wonder if you're still here, Rhythm~

That's because Okami is awesome.

It helps that my teacher makes it really fun and interesting. Glad to see you back.

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It's funny how me, ALS and Balc are the only males that aren't after Rhythm's heart.

Damn good thing too. :awesome:

Hey JB!

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Don't read my mind. It's creepy.

B) never! I'll stay in your mind thank you, just forget I'm there.

also why does Google ads always give me this:


I'm not black!

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