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B) never! I'll stay in your mind thank you, just forget I'm there.

also why does Google ads always give me this:


I'm not black!

Shit! Get outta my brain!!

Lol, I get that too.

Yup. It gives you less choices.

Hi Rhythm, and whoever else in online now.

Already chosen. ;)

What's up?

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Internet disconnected for me a little bit, sorry.

That's because Okami is awesome.

Indeed it is.

It helps that my teacher makes it really fun and interesting. Glad to see you back.

Lucky you. My teacher makes it so boring that I can't even understand most of what he says.

How the hell did you do that?

Search functions are underrated.

why aren't I on that list?

Because you aren't supposed to be.

I just noticed that they finally fixed the skins. Well, Serenes Forest is okay now at least. IP Board was renamed to Blue Skies. I still don't like the Magical Purple but the banner suggests that they DID change it. Meh, I'll probably go with Serenes Forest.

EDIT: nvm, sticking to IP Board (Blue Skies)

Hi Joshybear

Edited by Proto
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You're a wannabe lover.

What makes you think that?

Shit! Get outta my brain!!

Lol, I get that too.

Mwahhahahah you'll never get rid of me!

but why! google ads is meant to give you ads you would be interested in, I am defiantly not interested in that!

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Internet disconnected for me a little bit, sorry.

Indeed it is.

Lucky you. My teacher makes it so boring that I can't even understand most of what he says.

Search functions are underrated.

Because you aren't supposed to be.

I just noticed that they finally fixed the skins. Well, Serenes Forest is okay now at least. IP Board was renamed to Blue Skies. I still don't like the Magical Purple but the banner suggests that they DID change it. Meh, I'll probably go with Serenes Forest.

EDIT: nvm, sticking to IP Board (Blue Skies)

Hi Joshybear

That's 'K.

Our teacher keeps telling us funny stories. Like the time his parents found some mushrooms in the backyard, cooked them up, ate them and got high. XD


I'm using the SF one. I like it.

What makes you think that?

Mwahhahahah you'll never get rid of me!

but why! google ads is meant to give you ads you would be interested in, I am defiantly not interested in that!



Lol. Sucks to be you. :rolleyes:

Going in 10 minutes.

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That's 'K.

Our teacher keeps telling us funny stories. Like the time his parents found some mushrooms in the backyard, cooked them up, ate them and got high. XD

LOL! You have a cool Bio teacher.


I'm using the SF one. I like it.




Rhythm~ is now part of the long list of people who have killed I Like My Cake Iced!!!!!

Lol. Sucks to be you. :rolleyes:

Eh? At least his timezone is closer to yours and he doesn't get a power failure like, EVERY SINGLE TIME YOU GET ONLINE!!!

Going in 10 minutes.

10 PM? Alright then.

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LOL! You have a cool Bio teacher.


Rhythm~ is now part of the long list of people who have killed I Like My Cake Iced!!!!!

Eh? At least his timezone is closer to yours and he doesn't get a power failure like, EVERY SINGLE TIME YOU GET ONLINE!!!

10 PM? Alright then.

Yes. Once he pretended he had mad cow disease and scared the shit out of a guy in my year level.


Haha, poor Proto~.


I'm gonna go guys, I just wrote this:

"Water - Made of hydrogen and water"

I need sleep. G'night!

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Yes. Once he pretended he had mad cow disease and scared the shit out of a guy in my year level.

lol, Bio classes seem pretty fun over there.

Haha, poor Proto~.


*hugs Rhythm~*

I'm gonna go guys, I just wrote this:

"Water - Made of hydrogen and water"

lol, you must be really tired then.

I need sleep. G'night!

Night, Rhythm~ and good luck with your Bio exam tomorrow!

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