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When have I ever shown a lust for power?I have done nothing but attempt to improve the lives of the people here.You yourself took a senate position in Rokkenjima,jumped ship for a time,being quite absent here with split attention,leaving your duties unattended,and for what? Power and land,that's what.

As i said,you should state your case fully,it is best for all of us.

Heh. Your idol has just said something along the lines of, you can have some degree of independence. Whose argument has fallen? Jumped ship for a time? Not really. Quite absent? What? I am confused. I have posted in here daily, and not averted my attention. Power and land? Why would I take the skies if I want the lands. I look over and see, not lust for control.

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Is a peaceful solution really so difficult for you people? What have you lost in this? Your defunct leader who never actually showed up? Pah. He's still allowed around. He's just not as powerful.

Edited by Utsuho Reiuji
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Is a peaceful solution really so difficult for you people? What have you lost in this? Your defunct leader who never actually showed up? Pah. He's still allowed around. He's just not as powerful.

Says the person who blasts all opposition.

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You betrayed this place for Rokkenjima,and atleast once you said you would fight us on their side.

Posting activity is one thing,but atleast I never betrayed this place for another empire.

Land is a common term,and it seems it does not quite apply in this situation,I apologize.

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You betrayed this place for Rokkenjima,and atleast once you said you would fight us on their side.

Posting activity is one thing,but atleast I never betrayed this place for another empire.

Land is a common term,and it seems it does not quite apply in this situation,I apologize.

I still prioritized this over Rokkenjima.

I didn't.


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Why is peace always so difficult to obtain...why oh why?

Haru-Sama...I will need to re-evaluate the situation,as I cannot move without the consent of the people.I believe they are mislead of your intention,but as it stands,my loyalty lies with the people of Oujay's Empire.

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Why is peace always so difficult to obtain...why oh why?

Haru-Sama...I will need to re-evaluate the situation,as I cannot move without the consent of the people.I believe they are mislead of your intention,but as it stands,my loyalty lies with the people of Oujay's Empire.

Hey, I don't mind. Haru pays well and on time.

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I'm fine. You? XD

Tôi khoẻ, Amelia!

That little breeze? Is that really the best you can do?

Now, I know that you never played FE4/5 but to be unaware of Holsety's power after hanging around this forum for so long is just too much.

fighting is not the answer


Traitor. However, we who are still loyal will occupy the remains of Iced's empire.

BK joining I Like My Cake Iced!!!!!, wat?

You Frenchman. Yes, I'd shun the coward who would hide in the shade. To fight and die in the sun is better to submit in the shade.

They're not cowards if they have nothing to fear. They are satisfied with the shade. Fighting in the sun won't improve the situation no matter what the outcome.

Um, well, I could use an assistant, and since you're plenty competent for the job, cronyism isn't an issue. So, I'll hire you if you want.


Who is it that speaks with something contrary to reason? I assure you, my actions are not out of anger. Perhaps it is your ambition and greed for power that causes you to be willing to give a nation.

What's so special about being a nation anyway? It's just a piece of land that people live on. Nobody cares about who owns it just as long as they can live the way they want to.

Says the person who blasts all opposition.

A just ruler has the right to eliminate anyone that would rebel against them solely to gain control without caring at all about the civilians.

And if you double my pay, I'll switch sides.

My loyalty is, after all, to my paycheck.

Note to self: Never trust Fayt. He's gonna betray you for a few bucks if he gets the chance.

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BK joining I Like My Cake Iced!!!!!, wat?

They're not cowards if they have nothing to fear. They are satisfied with the shade. Fighting in the sun won't improve the situation no matter what the outcome.

What's so special about being a nation anyway? It's just a piece of land that people live on. Nobody cares about who owns it just as long as they can live the way they want to.

A just ruler has the right to eliminate anyone that would rebel against them solely to gain control without caring at all about the civilians.

Note to self: Never trust Fayt. He's gonna betray you for a few bucks if he gets the chance.

What? Who said that?

They fear to leave.

Lets try that with the country you actually live in.

Lol. Try that later.


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