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Well it was a little harsh in my opinion. If someone annoys me I just shrug it off and cool down although if they enrage me... well it depends on the situation.

Exactly, Soul used to deliberately be mean to me. And I don't lose grudges quickly

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That's exactly what happens all the time to me. I get told something, interpret it negatively, fail to ask for clarification and then I overreact if another negatively interpreted comment about me is made

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That's okay. That happens to everyone at some point. All though most won't admit there was (probably) once or will be a moment where someone says something that they interpret incorrectly and get furious about it. People, I guess have a tendency to compulsive behavior and must attempt to seize control over it. Some people are unable to do that. Everyone has a different amount of control over this and it is not there fault as not everyone has perfect control over their brain at all times. One can look at those with mental disorders who sometimes/always have lack of brain control and are unable to function without support. You just interpreted one thing the wrong way so it isn't like you saw every word as an insult. Soul started his attack after a misinterpretation so it was partially Soul's fault. I'm not playing the blame game here but I'm just saying what I see at pages 7-9 of ILMCI's forum. You seem like a nice person anyways and Soul hasn't given me much room to complain so I would say it was a simple misunderstanding that was stretched then blown way out of proportion. Nobody is really at fault as it was just miscommunication that wasn't clarified.

The Probably there is because I have a classmate that is near perfect and I have never seen him get mad.

I need a Delphi shield or Fili or Iote.

Edited by BlackKnight666
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It doesn't just happen at some point of me LIFE though, it happens on a weekly if not almost-daily basis. And it usually boils down to me failing to communicate. And then all the blame is on me so I get even more miserable. My parents always tell me to just learn to communicate but I never can because I'm scared of other peoples reactions to questions. Especially if they think the answer is obvious. :sob:

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So you suffer from low self esteem? Just cool down and try to communicate. Don't to be to uptight and nervous as it is harder to make friends that way. Take it as personal experience. By being all knotty and shy you can lose opportunities to become friends with people. Be yourself in conversations rather than someone afflicted with a temporary inability to talk. You seem articulate on these forums so the next step to be online. Forums are easy to talk to people because you don't seem them face to face so you can't tell their emotions. Hence, internet sarcasm is lost with the astrick next to the word sarcasm. By transfering your online nature to life (as long as it is effective) then you won't have trouble making friends. Although video games aren't the best way to start a conversation as is common on these forums. You just suffer from low self esteem which if you dropped you could make numerous friends and not suffer from the miscommunication problems.

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That's my problem. Since I'm obsessed with FE, it's the only thing I want to talk about. but absolutely no-one in my school has played it, they all get bored and walk away. And yes I am a manic depressive

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Get other intrests like sports. Limiting yourself to a singular group of intrests in this case FE/VGs you have isolated yourself. Try out sports go outside more, right now you sound like a chronic VGer. Biking is pretty fun if you have a moderate sized neighborhood.

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Bleh, that is kinda bad. I personally enjoy soccer, going outside, biking, etc. Outside club intrests? I am in an after school club and know the people fairly well and consider some to be my friends. Although these two kids did give me a headache once....

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Hmm.... Being socially awkward will *probably* suck for college. Personally I wouldn't know as I'm not in college yet. Expand your list of intrests which from what you say is a page long. Ever try going outside to do a sport by yourself? You sound like you dislike crowds or even a small cluster. Claustraphobia? Anyways basically don't be too withdrawn at the same time not too outgoing. Balance is the key. Friends aren't measured in tons but in heart. So a really good friend is better than 1000 bad ones. I have an optimistic philosphy that isn't always applied to life. People who know me assume I'm pessimistic often but I do see some things in good light. For me it's just hard to nod and say everything in the world is perfect. So when critism is applied in certain cases I can take it back. Just learn to take critism. Critism is essential to removing bad traits and replacing it. Self-critism is the toughest but should be given a try. Don't be one of the people who don't notice the flaws of things but don't go like "your art project sucked! The lines aren't very well aligned. etc" instead say "It is an excellent art project though the lines are a little crooked looking" or if it is minor let it go. Minimize the words that describe errors and maximize on those that describe the better qualities. From "Good art project but has severly crooked lines" to "Excellent project though the lines could be a tiny bit straighter" Or if it already just needs a little straightening let it pass.

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Yeah, I am kinda scared of people that I don't already know are trustworthy. I do try to get some lance training in every day, but that's hard considering the summer heat I'm putting up with right now. And I have learned to take criticism... but I take it far too seriously. The problem with my mental state is that you can say millions of good things about me, but if you say something bad about me I will instantly forget about the good things and only be able to think about the bad. It's also really hard to actually change my way of thinking because my miserable attitude is genetically wired into my brain. It kinda sucks when your entire family is relying on anti-depressants to keep themselves from not killing themselves.

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Break the genetic trait. You on the most part control your brain until emotions dominate you.

I am kinda scared of people that I don't already know are trustworthy.
Just a side note. How do you know I am trustworthy? What if I am an escaped murderer? Not that I am but just curious.
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It's not that easy to break the genetic trait because my problem is that my brain can't create enough of the chemical required to make you happy.

On the trustworthiness note, you haven't tried to piss on my mental state yet and the fact that I can't see you helps because that lessens the reality that I'm actually talking to a person.

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:D Glad to hear that. On the side note about depression, I don't know how it feel and it must be terrible but try and adapt. That must be a lot harder than I make it sound because I have 0 personal experience in this venture. Minor or major depression?

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>.< I don't really know how to help in this area except and try to reason with the brain which I can't do well. I'm not really sure about what depression does or how it changes your brain as I can't imagine that chemicals are what keep me happy. I think that chemical is called Dopamine but I'm not sure.

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I'm not clear on the details, but Dopamine definitely plays a part in it. I think Seratonin does as well... anyway I just remembered that even my medication doesn't like me. It tried to kill me once

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My second meds did really try to kill me. When I was on them, I had a resting heart rate of 150 BPM which meant that if I tried walking, my bloodflow would not be sufficient to keep my oxygen flow up, and I would faint. I was told that if I tried running or something slightly active, I would be in danger of a heart attack. So yes, I did have a reaction to the meds

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