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... On second thought, maybe Sothe. But only if I seriously need him.

And fuck it, I'm allowing Nolan for 1-1. I NEED HELP DAMMIT.

You should allow Sothe through at least 1-6. Once Jill, Meg, and Laura promote, you won't need him anymore.

But anyway, Nolan/Mickey 1-1 is not hard at all. Nolan needs to equip the hand axe in the church as soon as possible to get his AS up. Micaiah takes potshots, and Eddie/Leo go follow behind.

Edited by Cocytus
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What I did was STEEL AXE NOLAN the whole way through while Micaiah killed things. Edward blocked arrows with his face. 8 turn clear; without Nolan, on turn 8 I'd still be before the church.

And Micaiah's 8 speed is slower than almost everything *grumble grumble*

Oh hey Thani next chapter.

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Video here.

My VBA doesn't like recording crap (they didn't put it on the mac version) so I had to download something else for it. I'll figure out how to Youtube it later. :> Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Fayt, just curious, didn't you say at a time you were leaving Oujay's?

That was before Luminescent Blade joined.

Seth Solo complete.



Apparently, Seth crits at a 4%, and dodged a 60%. Tethys was unnecessary. GO SETH. <3

Oh snap, you finished it THAT fast???

Congratulations anyway! Video upload?

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Hi JB~

Oh snap, you finished it THAT fast???

Congratulations anyway! Video upload?

I turned off animation and fast forwarded through the Enemy Phases.

If I didn't it would've taken 10 hours.

Turncounts, of course, went out the window. Just C18 alone I had basically Seth run back and forth between enemies and Eirika. Friggin 20+ mag things and me being cheap on Audhulma uses=Eirika being a very good Elixir convoy.

Seth CAN solo C19, though. 4 turns with Swiftsole. Basically he had to get to Riev before the reinforcements piled in, and I'd actually have three-turned it if I remembered to equip Audhulma before ending phase.

Hopefully video works. If not, I still have the savestate, so I'll see if I can get hold of another program tomorrow.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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