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I was wondering if that was against the rules. Extra units are great for free stuff. (Like how I recruited all those extra SD units, nicked their stuff, then sent them off to die to get the gaidens).

Especially if they have statboosters... Not sure if any of them do in SD though...

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How about skipping the "main lord" bit and make her the ONLY person that can recruit him?

Single-digit displayed Hit or single-digit true Hit? If it's the former, then you have the most evil RNG ever.

Well, I was thinking of something along the lines of him asking around for person with Lumi's description, and the main lord tells him that she's in the army with them, which makes sense for him to join, then. Lumi will probably have the better convo, though.

Displayed. Evil RNG is evil. At least those axedudes do straight-up 0 displayed hit to Eirika.

But I'm glad for the reset. Joshie gained only HP on the level when he got hit by axe. Now he's more durable than he should be. And I got another Angelic robe.

C10 YES OMG. Joshie's getting promoted, With Gerik's manliness he'll probably go from level 10 to level 20 in a matter of four chapters, just in time for the second Hero Crest, Marisa can help finish crap off, and Tethys. OMG. And Joshie gets supports now! Gerik is dah man. Not sure if I want TethysAGerikBJoshAMarisa or TethysBGerikAJoshBMarisa, though.

Either way, a break from trying to save every single village ever. But no more Seth meatshielding now that I'm getting GERIK. ;___;/<3

That A support will still happen. No FE8 run is complete (for me) without the SethEi paired ending. :>

@ERL: I'm pretty sure not. People recruit themselves on you all the time anyway (Artur in C4 for example) and you're free to their stuff...

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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FE5 RNG is the most evil.

FE8 RNG is a lot nicer, I just got screwed.

I swear that there's a hidden +15 to enemy hit and avoid that is factored in somewhere but not shown to the player. As in, 37 displayed means the enemy has a 52% chance to hit you.

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FE5 RNG is the most evil.

Indeed. Even the designers knew this very well and wanted to show the player by putting that fixed RNG action sequence in Ch 15 where Marietta misses TEN TIMES IN A ROW WITH A 99 HIT RATE!!!

And with real RNG, I saw her miss 7 times in a row with what I'm pretty sure was a 99 Hit rate (Ch 21 Wyverns don't have such high Evade or Prayer activation, do they?)

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I swear that there's a hidden +15 to enemy hit and avoid that is factored in somewhere but not shown to the player. As in, 37 displayed means the enemy has a 52% chance to hit you.

In FE5, always assume enemies have 100% Hit. Even if, no, ESPECIALLY if their hit percent is under 15.

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Indeed. >___<

Also. C9 Angelic Robe. Who should it go to? Eirika ate both shields already and the C8 one, but another 7 HP puts her HP at 44 and makes her durability skyrocket, so I'm thinking her. Ewan is going to be mostly sniping kills and Saleh has decent durability by himself, and Tethys better not get hit. Gerik's HP is WTFhigh. So it's really between her or Joshua.

Actually, Joshie might be better because he's getting promoted soon, which means +5HP/+2DEF, and 7 on top of that he could become Seth 2.0 only with lower move and a hell higher HP. Joshua for MVP~

On the other hand Eirika wants it so she can keep alive better in the later chapters since Joshie can gain more DEF anyway.


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Anyway, after C9, I realized... I LOVE STEEL SWORDS.

Not so much on Eirika because it shaves off 5 AS from her, but it only takes two from Joshie so his dodge remains impeccable and he can oneround crap. YEAH JOSHUA.

OMG when I recruit Gerik it will be EPIC. Buying a ton of Iron Blades for him because his con says so.

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You just realized the awesomeness of Steel Swords. They are pretty much all I use for the majority of FE games (saving Silver for the last two or so chapters and Iron only in the beginning)

Gerik is a beast with Blades and the only GBA character I ever give them to. I usally ignore Iron/Steel/Silver blades except in FE9/10. Especially 10. Blades, Greatlances, and Poleaxes rule the day there.

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Well, since I mostly do SethEi runs, Seth mains Javelins/Irons (he onerounds crap with a stick, anyway, until latelate game) and Eirika goes Iron/Silver since her AS dies with Steel until after C16 when I grab body ring for her.

So generally I don't use Steels. Until Joshua shows up and declared his manliness on them.

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Well yeah, I usually have to wait until there AS can handle steel weapons but once they do that's what they use for most of the game. Some characters need steel weapons like Lyn and Guy, otherwise they won't kill anything. :\

ERL is cheating on Amelia and Kai. lol.

Nobody supports that but you.

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