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Here it is, Lumi. It still needs more editing and the A support is ridiculously long. Also, I may have added some things to Lumi's backstory which you may or may not like. But here goes.


Lumi: There. That takes care of that one. Now...who is next?

???: Princess Luminis!!!!

Lumi: What in the...?

Reyes: *enters screen* We meet again.

Lumi: Oh...it's you. I have to say Rey, I never thought I'd see you here of all places-

Reyes: Draw your sword!

Lumi: Excuse me?!

Reyes: We've got unfinished business, Lumi. The fact that we would both end up here far from home is fate! Fate befitting true rivals, eh?

Lumi: First of all, my sword's already drawn, and second of all, we're on a battlefield you idiot. You really want to do this now?

Reyes: No time like the present!

Lumi: Ugh. Look, go kill some enemies and afterward, if we're both still alive, we can have another duel. *closes eyes* Even though I always beat you...

Reyes: Pardon?

Lumi: NOTHING! Now go back and fight! Our little "get-together" here is leaving us vulnerable to enemy units!

Reyes: Hmm, point taken. Okay, after I amaze our army by unleashing the sweet new moves I learned, we will rendezvous outside the encampment, under the twilight sun, and have our duel of destiny, just like in the stories of old!!

Lumi: Yeah. It's a date. Whatever.

Reyes: Survive, Luminis! For I am the only one who's allowed to defeat you! Remember it! *leaves*

Lumi:...I'm not a bad person if I hope he doesn't survive...right?


Lumi: Hey, Rey. How you holding up?

Reyes: I'm fine.

Lumi: Is that all you have to say?

Reyes: Lumi, part of the battle strategy laid out by the tactician was that we meet up here and engage the enemy. Talking will leave us distracted.

Lumi: Since when did you become Mr. Responsible?

Reyes: Well, you know...it's war...and...stuff...

Lumi: Are you...are you still upset that I beat you that night? Ha, I'd say I can't believe you but that is exactly something you'd do. You always were a sore loser.

Reyes: Shut up.

Lumi: Case. In. Point. *smirks*

Reyes: You know, it was getting dark...I couldn't see very well...having a twilight duel was a stupid idea. Real duels take place at dawn. It didn't count.

Lumi: You're such a baby.

Reyes: AM NOT! Er, I mean, no, I'm not. I'm the same age as you.

Lumi: Our ages may be equal, but our maturity levels certainly aren't.

Reyes: Hmph, I don't need this.

Lumi: Then you shouldn't have started in the first place, you idiot!

Reyes: I'm going to beat you one day, Lumi. I swear it.

Lumi: Delusional.

Reyes: *growls*

Lumi: ...did you just grow-

Reyes: Tomorrow morning! When dawn cracks first light! In the meadow, half a mark from the camp. You and me alone. This will be it. The true battle who determines the best swordmaster in our country, nay, in the world! It will be our Duel-

Lumi: -Of Destiny. Yeah. I got it. Prepare to lose, you idiot.

Reyes: I WILL!...T-The preparing part that is. N-not the losing part...that won't happen...'cause I'll win.

Lumi: Just 'cause you keep saying it, doesn't mean it'll come true.

Reyes: The gods shall decide on the 'morrow!

Lumi: I suppose they will.


Reyes: Hey, Lumi!

Lumi: (What is he, stalking me?) Hey, Rey, what's up?

Reyes: I just can't stop thinking that amazing fight we had! Can you?

Lumi: Um, I do have other things on my mind you know...

Reyes: I think it was our best duel yet! I keep going over every single move we did, step by step in my hand. I parried your downward cut, you averted my thrust, you lunged, then I faded, and then there was that point where we locked blades and must have stared into each other's eyes for an hour...

Lumi: Now that you mention, I've never seen such fierce determination in your eyes before. You were really serious.

Reyes: So were you. Your fought like mad and I saw it your eyes...they were almost angry. Intense. Man, was it exciting...and the best part? We fought to a draw!

Lumi: You're happy with a draw?

Reyes: I didn't lose.

Lumi: You didn't win.

Reyes: Details. Ever since we were little, you always handed my butt to me. But finally I'm as skilled as you! Today was a very important day in our history of rivalry. One day, I might actually beat you!

Lumi: Heh heh...

Reyes: What's so funny? You don't believe me? Perhaps we should duel ag-

Lumi: No, it's not that. It's just...do you remember when we first met?

Reyes: Yeah...all the noble families had to gather at Castle [Country] for [insert reason here]. All the younger kids were sent to the courtyard to play while the adults discussed their politics.

Lumi: And as princess, Father felt it was important I greet with all the other children, tell them how I hope our families will continue to be allies for generations to come. Or some crap like that. But you were separated from the rest, practicing sword strokes with your wooden sword. I went over to say hi. Do you remember what you said back to me?

Reyes: ...something stupid?

Lumi: *laughs* You said "Unless you have a sword drawn and ready to duel, I care not what you say. I've no time to exchange pleansant trees!"

Reyes: "Pleasant...trees?"

Lumi: Heh, yeah, and you know what I did?

Reyes: I remember..you said "Fine!", got your practice sword and...

Lumi: ...promptly kicked your arse so far you kissed the moon.

Reyes: Well you didn't have to put it that way. But after that I declared you to be my sworn rival that I'll one day overcome.

Lumi: Yup. You saw me as a rival and not your princess.

Reyes: Oh. *blushes* My lord parents didn't take too kindly to that. Boy was I in trouble that night...

Lumi: But that isn't my fondest memory of you.

Reyes: Wha?

Lumi: It was the ball my lord father threw in honor of Duke Vidar's victory over the barbarians of the western mountains. I was wearing my finest dress. The royal seamstress had spent nights sewing it. I saw you coming over to me. I thought you were going to ask me to dance.

Reyes: Um...*blushes*

Lumi: Before I could decide which excuse I was going to use to rebuff you...

Reyes....ah. *rolls eyes*

Lumi: ...you took me by the arm and whispered in my ear "grab your sword and meet me by the balcony." I should have known you wanted to duel. And I won. Wearing a dress, no less!

Reyes: I obviously still had much to learn then. Don't rub it in.

Lumi: The point is, that was when I realized something. You never saw me as a girl or your princess.

Reyes: .....

Lumi: Everyone...my parents, my brother, even my bodyguard...no matter how good I was with a sword, they all saw me as a maiden that needed to be protected. But not you. You saw me as a warrior. You were the only one who did.

Reyes: I guess you're right. I never thought of it that way. You've always just been Lumi to me.

Lumi: And I'm glad for that. Too many people put on airs when talking to me. I don't have to worry about that with you. You're...simple.

Reyes: I have no idea if that's a compliment or an insult.

Lumi: Take it as you will. I do have a very important question to ask.

Reyes: Shoot.

Lumi: Why'd you leave?

Reyes: Uh...I have my reasons.

Lumi: Then as your princess I order to you to tell me now. Why'd you abandon your country

Reyes: You're pulling rank on me?!

Lumi: *seriousface*

Reyes: Well, Y-Your Highness, I wasn't abandoning anyone.

Lumi: Why'd you abandon me? Why, Reyes?

Reyes: S-Sorry, my princess. I just thought it was better this way. I didn't know anyone, let alone you, would actually miss me. I was always in everyone's way. And I was pretty sure you thought I was annyoing,

Lumi: You are annoying...but amusing. With you I'm never bored. Plus, with you gone, I was once again just a helpless girl to everybody. The one person I knew who saw me for who I really am was gone.

Reyes: Luminis...

Lumi: I'm going to say this once. Come back. If you refuse, we can duel right now except it will be to the death. The gods will decide which path is right.

Reyes: You're serious...

Lumi: *closes eyes and sheds a tear*

Reyes: I'm sorry, Lumi. I didn't think anyone really cared about me. I'm sorry. *closes eyes* I'm...so..sorry.

Lumi: Come back and don't ever leave my side again. I don't know what I would do without...my one true rival.

Reyes: Of course! How stupid of me! I can't leave our home without defeating my one true rival. When this war's over, we'll return together. And one day, we'll have our true Duel of Destiny!

Lumi: Thank you. I look forward to it. *smiles*

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It's so long... but it's awesome!

Stuff you added was good. fitting. I like.

ALS might have a seizure, though.

@Proto: I'd be honored if he did.


Edited by Luminescent Blade
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It's so long... but it's awesome!

Stuff you added was good. fitting. I like.

ALS might have a seizure, though.

Thank you!

Fur might raeg at the C & B supports for not being srs though.

Still gotta hack up the A support though. It's too long.

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Their Lakche is definitely more accurate than mine, and fits better with their general sprite style. Plus it's custom.

On the other hand, still no Skasaher. :< And no Shanan the older either. ;~;

@ERL: Hey, FE had some unsrs supports themselves. I don't think that's an issue.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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