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That One Thread


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I'm sorry, but I have to ask you to leave this girl alone.

And Amelia, this is war between them. You should stay out.

Fine, I'll let her go this time... But if she attacks again, I'm razing her Manor.

Wind Sages! Give those Goatmen some cover!

Ballistae! Take out those Archers before they can get within range of our soldiers!

Goatmen! Take down every last one of those Master Knights! Don't let a single one through!

Marshals! Run through those scrawny Swordmasters with extreme prejudice!

Briggands! Head for the villages and loot every last one of them!

Ballistae fire towards the wind sages!

Long range magic users destroy the Ballistae!

Master knights, Block their Blows with your sheilds and use those Silver weapons we bought you!


Lance soldiers Pull up the villages gates!


Fire Sages! Hit their Ballistae with your Meteors!

Sword Masters! Get in there and cut down their long range magic users!

Berserkers! Hit those Master Knights with your Hammers and Poleaxes!

Marksmen! Give those Marshals cover fire!

Paladins! Smash those gates down!

*Assassins come out of nowhere, assasinating the fire sages in quick blows*

Long range magic users get into the castle and countinue to pelt those ballistae!

SM's Cover the Master Knights!

Master Knights, Charge towards the Marksmen to kill them!

Oh it seems our Axemen have arrived....

Axemen polax those Paladins!

*Whispers come out of nowhere, killing off the Assassins in quick blows*

Wind Sages, hit those enemy magic users with your Blizzards!

Sentinels take out those SMs!

Paladins, intercept those Master Knights

*Snaps fingers, and more Goatmen arrive to deal with the oncoming Axemen*

They have Bane. :mellow: 1 HP left.

*Assassins Gulp down elixers, and procede to kill*

Meteor the Wind Sages!

Fire the Ballistae upon them as well!

Gold Knights, protect the SM's!

Master Knights, use your Hero weapons, and Magic against the Paladins!!!

*Paladins get Fryed, Burned, Blown away, and get Sliced by the various weaponary*

*TB's come to counter the Goatmen with Slayer weapons*

Criticals will still kill, mate. You've still lost a number of assassins.

*Whispers counterattack against the Assassins*

Marshals! Move in and take the castle!

Ballistae! Pick off those Meteor Wielders!

Wind Sages! Tear apart their ballistae with Elwind!

Marksmen! Move around to the back of the castle to give the Marshals cover fire!

Silver Knights, intercept those GK's!

Wait a second... Master Knights don't have magic usage. That'd be an impossible move. :facepalm:

*Sentinels intercept the TBs, and Goatmen don Beorc Guards*

*Assassins Dodge and counter them*

Heh.....* Sages, kill the incoming Marshals*

*Ballistae use Thunderbolts to kill the enemy Ballistae*

Your sages aren't close enough. :mellow:

Rain fire upon the Marksmen to kill them.


:facepalm: FE4, Master Knights, they can use everything except for Dark magic, and Light magic which is at C level.

Your Pallys are dead.

*TB's are covered by the Master Knights that just finished the Pallys*

*TB's focus on the Goatmen by using their Killing edges to Critkill them*

*Whispers dodge and counter*

*Marshals move in on the Sages and start impaling them with extreme prejudice*

*Pegasus Knights swoop in and wreck havok upon the Ballistae since they no longer have the advantage against flying units*

They've been close enough for a while. Pay attention!

*The Marksmen reveal themselves while dodging the fire and open fire upon the units in the castle*

*Horseslayer'd too. Both sides are wiped out*

They didn't in FE8, thus the confusion.

*Trueblades attack the MKs with FE4 Rapiers*

*Goatmen retaliate while Vanguards come to reinforce them, all carrying Silver Blades*

*Assassins dodge and counter, while being backed up by Silver Knights*

*Sages Unleash Tornado, Tron, and Volcanon at the entrance thus ending in an explosion killing all Most to all Marshals*

Also Marshals are slow therefore cannot move fast enough to prevent being killed by magic users. =/

Heh... *DragonLords chop the pegasi into Oblivion*

*Dumps Boiling oil over the side of the castle*



*Master knights join the fight helping the TB's and SM's annihilate the Vanguards and Goatmen*

*SM/TB's equip Killing edges, while Master knights wield A level Magic and Hero weapons*

* Mounted units don Knight Guards*

Why are you attacking us?

Why are we fighting?

Heya, ALS, something I should let you know...

I have a spy in Oujay's Empire. He's sappin' your Wind Mages.

Thank you.

Dammit....You SON OF A BITCH!

*Whispers dodge and counter, while being backed up by Gold Knights wielding Poleaxes*

*The Marshals' resistance is high enough that enough survive, and are immediately reinforced by Mage Knights.*

*Thunder Sages Bolting the Dracoknights from the sky*

Nice job razing your own castle, idiot.

*Vanguards and Goatmen nearly wipe out all the Master Knights and Swordmasters and Trueblades before being routed*

*Stormtroopers arrive as reinforcements and open fire on the remaining MKs, SMs, and TBs*

*All units don Hoplon Guards*

Polax's useless. *Countinue's to attack, this time All Whisperers are ambushed by a sandstorm*

*Mage Knights Rapier'd from behind from retreating TB's*

*Remaining Marshals killed by magic*

*Thunder sages ambushed by gold knights ORKO'ing them with Master Axes*

I said we dumped them over the side, not on the castle. >_>

Anyways Marksmen are dead.

Oh Star Wars?

*Jedi enter with Lightsabers deflecting the shots long enough for the MK's SM's and TB's to escape*

1 general Holding down the castle while the other lounge about. >_>

Ether is going to have a Field day. >_>

So..er, what's going on, exactly? *laughs nervously*

A battle, get in it or stay out of it.

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If you want some help ALS, you could ask nicely, not so darn scary like that, you know. :mellow:

He's the guy in charge. So he has to be menacing.

Dammit Dammit Dammit....


What do you want....Sir?

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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Are any of you guys gonna help me?


I, secoond-in-command NinjaMonkey, will help you to defeat the evil Gio and his evil empire. Just give me your orders and I will follow them to the best of my ability (as long as it's not a suicide run).

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